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New install issues

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William Brillinger:
I'm Charging an HC-2B right now that was all the way drained (no power on). It's at about 50% now and sitting at 84.2 deg F.

It is a little comforting that this is the first post on this thread in over 7 years so my hope is that this is just a fluke, but while installing a LM3s into a locomotive it began to melt right in front of me. Actually the same thing happened on another one I was trying to install on another locomotive last week. I was almost ready to install the shell back on the body after getting everything installed and set properly then I felt something very hot and the corner of the 6 pin end began to melt. I have installed about 30 of these for my fleet and this is the first time I have had this happen, but two? I am wondering if I might have purchased a bad batch or something. I knew when I got into Rail Pro it would be expensive but when you just trash $180 worth of modules it gets real sobering. It seems that from what I have read here the best bet may be to send them to Ring for inspection as there could be an internal reason. I had planned to spend the run-up to the holidays to finally sit down and get the next batch of locomotives converted to Rail Pro but this is a show stopper and I may just walk away from it and do something else for a while. Very frustrating and you just feel like you dropped a brand new locomotive on the concrete floor. Would trying to reach out to Ring be the best option? I do have other new modules in my inventory I could replace just to finish up this install but am afraid it might me something more than just the module. It is a Proto 2000 GP9. Seems that Life-Like only isolates one rail side for power pick-up through wires and the entire frame is powered by the other track. Seems like a risky design. I don't know if this would have shorted out the module since it is encased in plastic.

Definitely contact Ring.  It could be an internal issue to the LM.  Not likely, but it has happened before.  The LM-3's are well made.  The only issue I had like this was with a LM-2S.  My one issue was with the amplifier....with power applied it quickly became very hot near the 6-pin (where the amp is located) and let the smoke out.  I sent it back to Ring for diagnosis and they replaced it.  Never had a problem like that with any other module before or after.

What wire was beginning to melt on the 6-pin?

It definitely could be something with the locomotive though.  Carefully check all the wires to make sure there are no shorts.  With the power going through the frame there is a much higher potential for problems.  I still have two locomotives like that but I was very careful with the install and made sure there was no possibility of wires grounding out.


Why having an LM test stand is a must pre-install.


--- Quote ---ON28 said, "Why having an LM test stand is a must pre-install."
--- End quote ---

I'm curious, what would one of those look like and how would it work?



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