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Railpro Assisstant Initiation

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As a newbee, I am trying to get Railpro Assistant and Simulator to work in Win10.
The first question I have is R.A. Asks for my email address and password.  My usuall email is on hotmail.com, but my ISP has given me an email address which I'm not sure what it is anymore because I never have used it in ten years.

The second question is, which password do they want,  my usual email password, my isp password, my user group password, my RailPro unit password, or do I have a password at Ring Engineering that I don't know about?

If I can get these answers, I can go on to the next Puzzle.   Thanks, GaryIII

William Brillinger:

The email address will be used as your logon ID to identify your Ring Engineering account.
You can use whichever address you prefer.

The password is used to log into your Ring Engineering account with the RPA.
You can just make one up.

Keep it on file as you will need it if you ever have to re-install your software on another pc or if the settings are accidentally lost.

Thanks, that makes sense.  I could not imagine giving out the actual passwords to my accounts, but stranger things have happened.  Thanks again. G III

Bill, when I first signed up for a RE account, I supplied an email address and they assigned a password. Has that changed now?

William Brillinger:
Password selection is automatic now. I think when you signed up you still had to use the web based tools for loading software instead of the RPA. Now you just fill out the form in the RPA and your account is created automatically.


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