RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion
CI-1 Not Installed
Tim, the HC-2 was set up in windows, but cannot download files through RPA (cannot connect error).
Here is a screenshot of USBDView and Device Manager:
--- Quote from: nodcc4me on November 05, 2017, 08:18:48 AM ---
Tim, the HC-2 was set up in windows, but cannot download files through RPA (cannot connect error).
Here is a screenshot of USBDView and Device Manager:
--- End quote ---
From your screen capture of usbdview it appears that the CI-1 is not installed correctly, it's not showing up by device name which it should. There is also an unknown USB device present. I need to to do this. Run usbdview again. For each HID device double click it. We are looking for the device that has a product ID of f321 and a vendor ID of 04d8. Once you find it take a screen capture of the screen and post me that please.
For the HC, do you have a HC-2 or HC-2b? and does RPA say the HC is connected when it is plugged in? the HC does not show up in usbdview either.
Also, when taking a screen capture, do it this way, press and hold the "alt" key and then press the "print screen" key. This will copy just the active window to the clipboard which you can then paste into paint or another graphics program.
- Tim
I plugged in the Hc2 once more and it was able to download files. It took 4 tries. This has been a constant problem for years.
I was unable to get a screenshot with Alt/Print screen so here is a snip of the CI-1, which I was able to locate in USBDView.
Generally it looks ok but I'm concerned that it doesn't show a hub/port assigned in the column on the right hand side (9th entry down). Did you download the 64 bit (x64) version of usbdview (Win10 is 64 bit)? If you did download the 64 bit version check if the other active HID devices have a hub/port assigned. If you didn't download the 64 bit version please do so and try again. I've never seen that not assigned behavior before.
Ok, so the HC connects and can download but is flaky. It works so that's good; the flakyness affects everyone.
- Tim
I downloaded the x64 version. None of the other HID's have hub/port assignments either. Are you running out of ideas Tim? :o
The HC2 "Cannot connect" issue has been a headache for everyone. Seems like it shouldn't be that difficult to correct.
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