While you are talking to Tim about the knob ask him to change from rotary encoder to start-point / stop-point i.e. 0% - 100% with a mechanical stop on each end. I do not like being forced to look at the screen to make sure loco speed is 0%. My habit is to spin the knob a lot more than needed when stopping. It feels odd to spin spin spin. In addition, it prevents me from placing markers for presets like yard speed on the switchers. Honestly, I never have cared for the tactile qualities of rotary encoders in any device. Ring doesn't need to make the knob change for everyone, just a few for me.
One of the things I like about the HC-2 Knob is that it does NOT have a 0-100 scale. The problem that I see with your suggestion is that when I am running multiple trains. For example, I can get Train 1 going at, say 40%. Then I switch to Train 2 and start it up slowly from 0% to, say 20%. With your suggestion, when I switch from train 1 to Train 2, Train 2 will suddenly jump from 0% to 40%. The only way to bypass this problem would be to add a "no train" setting to the locomotive screen in order to turn the dial down from 40% to 0% after leaving Train 1 and before going to Train 2.
This adds more delay time between controlling locos, and would be way to much fiddling around for me. I would be likely to forget to reset between locos and get frustrated. RailPro is the "easy to use" system. Let's keep it that way.