Author Topic: Introduce Yourself...  (Read 230330 times)


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #120 on: March 06, 2020, 01:00:05 PM »
Welcome Glenn, and thank you for your service.

If you are used to running DCC then you will love RailPro. It is much easier to use. Read through the threads on here when you have time. There is a lot of good information that will answer most of your questions including pictures, diagrams and installation tips.

Run your train, not your brain. Get RailPro. It's a no-brainer.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #121 on: March 06, 2020, 01:11:41 PM »
Welcome and thank you for your service.

LK&O Railroad website

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #122 on: March 06, 2020, 08:27:46 PM »
Welcome... what is your MOS ? We have a few Cannon cockers here...

In my defense, I was left unsupervised....


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #123 on: March 07, 2020, 01:34:18 AM »
Welcome Glenn, and thank you for your service.

If you are used to running DCC then you will love RailPro. It is much easier to use. Read through the threads on here when you have time. There is a lot of good information that will answer most of your questions including pictures, diagrams and installation tips.
Thank you for your support, I have been lurking around and reading up on a bunch of this stuff, still trying to figure out what section different questions i have would be in, or best suited to ask the in. Loving the forum though!

Welcome and thank you for your service.
Thank you and i appreciate your support!

Welcome... what is your MOS ? We have a few Cannon cockers here...

6153 Airframe Structural Mechanic on the CH-53E.  8)
POG and proud. Lmao  ;D
Glenn M.

Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps.

William Brillinger

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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #124 on: March 07, 2020, 06:23:57 AM »
I have been lurking around and reading up on a bunch of this stuff, still trying to figure out what section different questions i have would be in, or best suited to ask the in. Loving the forum though!

Most questions should be asked in a new post under the RailPro Discussion & Help section.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #125 on: March 07, 2020, 07:42:18 AM »
Welcome to the group, you will find there are very helpful members here.
I am one of the cannon-cockers referred to by Kevin, 8” SP howitzers. Retired from the Army in 1990.
Once you digest the basics, Railpro becomes pretty simple and is so capable one wonders why anyone stays with DCC.
Read through the posts, they contain much valuable information.
Please sign your name so we get acquainted with you.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #126 on: March 07, 2020, 09:15:01 AM »
Those guys are always shooting off something ! They just like to make LOUD noise.  I was in weather research for most of my 21 years in the military but was in charge of a Metro Section in Korea & the Nam. All long ago.  TOF in Yuma..


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #127 on: March 07, 2020, 09:29:59 AM »
To all of you vets, a sincere thank you. Know that your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.

LK&O Railroad website

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro


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  • Glenn M.
Re: Glenn’s Intro
« Reply #128 on: March 07, 2020, 12:55:38 PM »
Most questions should be asked in a new post under the RailPro Discussion & Help section.
Thank you, I will be sure to make my way over there when i figure out my questions!

Welcome to the group, you will find there are very helpful members here.
I am one of the cannon-cockers referred to by Kevin, 8” SP howitzers. Retired from the Army in 1990.
Once you digest the basics, Railpro becomes pretty simple and is so capable one wonders why anyone stays with DCC.
Read through the posts, they contain much valuable information.
Please sign your name so we get acquainted with you.
Pleasure to make your aquantiance, even if you were in the Army:P
I’m just kidding, although i am pleased to meet you. I am not an infantry man, i have a lot of respect for those that do things like you have.
I think i have begun to grasp the general concepts and ideas. I definitely like the way you don’t have to adjust CV’s at all. Although i have been starting to get really good at speed matching the club’s engines via CV changes. I still am unsure as to how the adjustments, or lack there of on the RailPro equipped engines translate to DCC controlled engines. The RailPro speed knob is in percents, from 0% to 100% (i think) but the DCC is in either 28 or 128 speed steps... how does it determine what speeds will be each speed step? (If that question needs to go else where I can ask it again there)

Those guys are always shooting off something ! They just like to make LOUD noise.  I was in weather research for most of my 21 years in the military but was in charge of a Metro Section in Korea & the Nam. All long ago.  TOF in Yuma..
Thank your for your service. I’m not a fan of loud noises. Harriers are the worst. They are so loud and annoying, I’m glad i do not work on them. What does TOF stand for?

To all of you vets, a sincere thank you. Know that your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support!

(Like that Cecil?  :) )
Glenn M.

Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps.


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Re: Glenn’s Intro
« Reply #129 on: March 07, 2020, 07:13:15 PM »
The RailPro speed knob is in percents, from 0% to 100% (i think) but the DCC is in either 28 or 128 speed steps... how does it determine what speeds will be each speed step? (If that question needs to go else where I can ask it again there)
(Like that Cecil?  :) )

RP is 0.1% increments = 1000 speed steps. It is a percentage of the respective loco's top speed as set in the Advanced Loco Setup.

DCC uses 128 speed steps because 128 is a magic number that works well with digital registers ie. hardware is the reason for 128. RP modules are microprocessors in and of themselves and are software driven so command format is not constrained to the physical digital architecture. This fact is what really sets RP apart from DCC. RP is true microprocessor communicating with microprocessor - configurable software on both ends.

LK&O Railroad website

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #130 on: March 08, 2020, 09:42:53 PM »
Welcome Glenn and Semper Fi from a former Army 67U!
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

Texas Railway Modeling and Historical Society


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #131 on: March 08, 2020, 11:07:51 PM »
In the essence of short cuts, TOF = the old fardt.  In the military I was either a 93E or 93F depending on the job and location.  Let's see, NCOIC, team commander and just plain fill in as needed. What a military life !!  And the ride was something else.   Now in Arid-Zona... Oh yes !! Very retired...   Not Arid-Zona right now.  SHOWERS.  !!!!!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 10:23:42 PM by darryl.trains »


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  • Glenn M.
Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #132 on: March 10, 2020, 02:18:57 PM »
RP is 0.1% increments = 1000 speed steps. It is a percentage of the respective loco's top speed as set in the Advanced Loco Setup.

DCC uses 128 speed steps because 128 is a magic number that works well with digital registers ie. hardware is the reason for 128. RP modules are microprocessors in and of themselves and are software driven so command format is not constrained to the physical digital architecture. This fact is what really sets RP apart from DCC. RP is true microprocessor communicating with microprocessor - configurable software on both ends.
So the “top speed” is the load test when you first connect the Loco Module? That being said, I think i will as my question in another thread as to not derail this forum topic.

Welcome Glenn and Semper Fi from a former Army 67U!
Thank you and thank you for your service as well.

In the essence of short cuts, TOF = the old fardt.  In the military I was either a 93E or 93F depending on the job and location.  Let's see, NCOIC, team commander and just plain fill in as needed. What a military life !!  And the ride was something else.   Now in Arid-Zona... Oh yes !! Very retired...
Oh! Alright then!  ;D The more you know! Nice to meet you lol
Glenn M.

Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps.

Stephen K

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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #133 on: March 14, 2020, 09:43:29 PM »
Hello everyone.
A genuine Rail Pro newbie here.  Had my first HO layout as a kid in the 60's.  Grew away from it as I grew up but never forgot it.  About 10 years ago I built a layout with hopes of getting my son interested.  That didn't happen but I kept at it anyway.  Two years ago I packed it all up as my wife of almost 39 years and I moved to a new home.  All the train stuff is still in boxes in the basement.  Been working since the move to get a train room ready.  Finally almost ready to start bench work.  Made the decision some time ago that this would be a step up to DCC, not another DC layout.  But what system?  Did quite a lot of searching the net and stumbled into Ring Engineering's Rail Pro.  Fell in love with it immediately.  Did more reading to vet it out best I could and remained convinced this would be my next system.  Having never done DCC I really had very little idea what it would take to convert my old DC locos but feared it would be a significant challenge.  So a few weeks ago I bought a couple modern locos.  One "DCC Ready" and one with "DCC and Sound" already on board thinking this would be a better place to start.  I tore into my new locos to see what the insides were all about and decided this wouldn't be such a big deal after all.  Last week I ordered my new Rail Pro system.  Hope it arrives soon.  My only question right now is about wiring speakers.  I'll post that question in a different forum category.  Looking forward to getting this system going but it'll be a wile before I have track laid.  Maybe I can piece together a small test track on my workbench just to see it work.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #134 on: March 15, 2020, 09:17:54 AM »
Welcome, Stephen. I also had boxes of locomotives and cars I started collecting in the 70's. About eight years ago I decided to build a small HO layout in the basement. After much research I decided to go with RailPro. It was fun unpacking everything, and RP was definitely a good choice.

You should definitely set up a test track and pick up a CI-1 USB interface while you are waiting. I have a small test track right in front of my computer where I can test everything I work on while sitting down, without even needing a controller.

Run your train, not your brain. Get RailPro. It's a no-brainer.