Author Topic: Introduce Yourself...  (Read 230337 times)

Brian W.

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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #135 on: April 15, 2020, 09:19:38 AM »
Hi everyone, I'm a new RailPro user as well. My wife and I have been collecting G scale running stock and engines for about 20 + years. She used to ride the NP between Billings and the Twin Cities while attending college here. So our power is mostly NP. At our old house we had an oval running on our deck in back. Since we've moved we now have a figure 8 in the back yard around a small pond with expansion planned for this spring.
After looking at DCC for a couple years I stumbled across KPac's videos and connected with Don Sweet for more info. I was sold on RailPro for the ease of installation & control. I just installed on a Burlington F3A&B and am very impressed with the results.
Great forum with lots of good support!

Brian W.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #136 on: April 15, 2020, 10:30:25 AM »
Welcome to the fold Brian. Kevins videos snags another user  ;)

Having a wife that shares the hobby with you sounds like an awesome blessing.

- Tim


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #137 on: April 15, 2020, 11:33:01 AM »
Welcome Brian!  Glad you could make it.  When you get a chance post some pictures and videos of your G-scale installs.  We'd all be very interested in seeing them.



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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #138 on: April 15, 2020, 11:58:55 AM »
Welcome, Brian. Don’t hesitate to ask questions on the forum if you run to a roadblock. There are several amazing fellows on the forum who can help you on any Railpro or model railroading question you have. Unfortunately, I am not one of them, having returned to the hobby after a 30 year hiatus.
I hope you enjoy your Railpro system.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #139 on: April 21, 2020, 06:26:57 PM »
Hello everyone! I've been on various forums over the years, but am getting back into the hobby after working with real trains for awhile.

I have done allot of reading on RailPro and will most likely be purchasing a system when I build my switching layout in the coming years. I've used DCC in the past at club layouts, but never cared for all the CV's and knowing all the tricks of how to make it all work well. RailPro seems like the way to go, but I am also interested in the Proto Throttle, so that does count as a negative currently.

A question I do have on RailPro, if you are running on DCC with the RailPro modules does the RP load sharing still work, or does DCC take over the "speed table"?

« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 06:29:27 PM by Smoke »


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #140 on: April 21, 2020, 06:40:41 PM »
Hey Andrew,

Good to see you again.  I'm glad to see you back and hope to see some progress on that switching layout.  In answer to your question, Railpro doesn't care where it gets its power from.  DC, DCC, Railpro (filtered DC) power, battery,'s all the same to Railpro.  Railpro uses the power from DCC without regard to the DCC signal.  All Railpro functions will work as normal.

On a side note, Railpro does have backwards compatibility with DCC, should you want it.  It practice you will likely never use the function, but it's there.  If desired you can turn on DCC mode on the locomotive modules, then control the Railpro-locomotives with a DCC controller and run them with your other DCC-equipped locomotives.  It goes without saying that you lose all Railpro functionality when running in DCC mode.  No load-sharing, no two-way communication, etc.  But it works.  I'll post a video on it soon.



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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #141 on: April 25, 2020, 12:48:20 AM »
Discussion on RailPro with ProtoThrottle has been split off into it's own topic:,1006.msg7762.html

- Tim


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #142 on: May 09, 2020, 10:48:51 AM »
I wanted to post again to say that I am officially a RailPro user after receiving the basics to get started for my Birthday (CI-1, LM-3S, and a PBM-2)! Now I have to decide which locomotive will be the first to get RailPro!



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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #143 on: May 09, 2020, 11:51:46 AM »
I wanted to post again to say that I am officially a RailPro user after receiving the basics to get started for my Birthday (CI-1, LM-3S, and a PBM-2)! Now I have to decide which locomotive will be the first to get RailPro!

Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

Texas Railway Modeling and Historical Society


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #144 on: May 15, 2020, 10:35:35 AM »
Hi, My name is Greg and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I've been using HO since the late 1960's and I'm looking to convert my four DC locomotives and other accessories to DCC / Rail Pro. I'm impressed with Rail Pro's ease of use. I'm hoping to find some users and a stockist in Australia. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss with your members.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #145 on: May 15, 2020, 11:24:51 AM »
Welcome Greg. I used to live there. I'm out in the country now. Besides me I don't think there are any other (active) RailPro users in Aus, certainly if there is they don't make it known here anyway.

There are no stockists of RailPro in Australia, it's not a licensed device in the radio spectrum here so it can not legally be sold here by a distributor/retailer but in a general sense it can be imported privately, with the same caveat I made on another thread here:

The radio spectrum licensing authority (ACMA) could confiscate it if it was found to be causing bad interference, which I can honestly say that I'd never expect to happen in a million years as RP is designed to be compliant here (Rings words)

Most here get their RailPro stuff through our forum host at; Bill is awesome in this regard for RailPro stuff. There is also an ex RP user up in Queensland that has his RailPro gear available second hand. I don't recall what he has available but you can use the forum to send him a personal message or just email him to see what he's got and how much:,997.msg7729.html#msg7729.

Read up on forum, lots of good information here. Just be aware (addressing your DCC / RailPro comment) that RailPro is not DCC. While you can control RailPro locomotive modules from the version 2 modules with a DCC controller (to different levels of success depending on the DCC system) you can not control a DCC locomotive with a RailPro controller.

- Tim
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 11:30:40 AM by G8B4Life »


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #146 on: May 15, 2020, 11:31:17 AM »
Welcome, Greg. This is the place to get answers for all your Railpro “difficulties” such, in my case, electronics. I, too, was out of the hobby for years and didn’t keep up with that part of the hobby. Fortunately, we have electronic whizs on the site, Alan and Tim. These guys can solve about any problem you can work into! Tim is from Australia, also, and is called called “the other Tim” by the guys and gals due to the inventor of the Railpro system also being named Tim. I can’t remember his usef name at the moment. Just post problems on the site and someone will help solve it.
 We prefer the Railpro system due to its ease to learn and use. I am a rank beginner so I have few answers for anyone.


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #147 on: May 19, 2020, 09:51:54 AM »
Morning all,

My name is Ron and I live in Redding, Ca.  I’m a 4 decade G scaler with an outdoor layout.  My past engine control has been DC, DCC, and Revo Battery.  My first RailPro units have arrived and I’m in the middle of my first install. The battery, receiver module, and motors for a USAT GP-38 are placed, wired, and tested, all working very well. . I’m not an electrical tech guy so I’m just working my way thru the install. The things that drew my attention to RailPro are the screen brightness, all in one receiver, MU control, and the great feel of the throttle knob.  I have some questions but I will save them for another thread.  I’m looking forward to RailPro operation.  Thanx for the add.



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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #148 on: May 19, 2020, 12:22:10 PM »
Welcome Ron,

Looks like you'll be in good company with a couple of other large scalers doing the same thing. Hopefully you can help each other out if one of you gets stuck working out how to do a part of an install.

- Tim


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Re: Introduce Yourself...
« Reply #149 on: May 19, 2020, 02:05:35 PM »

Thanx for the hello.  I realize that the large scale guys on this forum are few, but some of the info crosses over.  Anyway, glad to be aboard.
