Author Topic: New to RailPro? Start Here  (Read 23271 times)


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New to RailPro? Start Here
« on: November 24, 2017, 07:46:29 PM »
Are you new to RailPro or an old hand that's looking for some information? Here are a few resources to help you on your way.

External resources:

Ring Engineering's official documentation.

Ring Engineering has documentation for all their products. All of the documents can be found on the respective product pages on Ring Engineering's website as well as most in a single place on their website at . They also have a YouTube channel at

A few more can be found only on the DCC page on the Ring Engineering website thus.

RailPro DCC User Manual
Update RailPro with Ultimate Series Sounds and True Motion Technology

Videos by RPUG member Kevin P.

Kevin has posted several instructional videos on RailPro to his YouTube channel. While some the videos are now dated in that the hardware has been updated since the videos were made the content is still relevant.

RailPro review

A sample DCC ready locomotive install and setup

RailPro Bitmap Bulder.

An easy to use online tool for Cropping, Resizing, and Converting locomotive photos for RailPro users, Created by PDC.CA

On this forum:

RPUG member user guides,10.0.html

Some members have written some great user guides aimed at the new RailPro user that go through things like installing and setting up RailPro software, how to download files, and how to update RailPro products in an easy to understand illustrated format. These are a very good resource for any RailPro user.

The bug list (joining RPUG required)

We try to maintain a list of bugs and any workarounds in RailPro for the benefit of the RPUG community. A problem you may be having could be a known bug so don't forget to check the bug list as well if you are having a problem.

The files section (joining RPUG required)

Members can contribute files to the community, generally for creating custom sounds and pictures.

The rest of the RPUG forum

There is a lot of information posted on the RailPro User group. Something you are thinking of may have already been asked and answered by somebody else, so dive right in and explore what's already been written on RPUG.

- Tim
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 05:18:12 AM by William Brillinger »