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Trailing Unit not stopping
MRL Trains:
--- Quote from: William Brillinger on December 05, 2017, 08:36:28 AM ---That's a good pint Alan.
--- End quote ---
I love a good pint! 8) ;D
William Brillinger:
Alan, what's your point? :P ;) :D lol.
I haven't used my CI-1 in a while, so it may have changed. It likely did because I remember noticing that it took forever to load a prime mover file when the CI-1 hadn't been released, and I was working with the first beta software. I've tested with it since, but my laptop was having issues recognizing the CI-1 so I set it aside (laptop and software problem, nothing with Ring Engineering). I have another laptop now where there is no interfering software so I'll do some additional testing. That's another topic though, not related to the original post.
MRL Trains:
I did some testing tonight. There seems to be about a 10' distance limit from the CI-1 to the locos. After that things can start to get flaky. I was moving it closer and farther, higher and lower. Intermittent signal loss would pop up occasionally at any location beyond that.
For "trailing unit not stopping" issue, I was not able to make that happen tonight. The only real change I've made since I had the problem was to lower the top speed when I speedmatched to my DCC locos. I think I'm going close this issue until I get an HC-2. If it happens again I'll document all settings and see if I can get it on video. Until then I'll be running in DCC mode anyway.
Thanks for all the great comments and advice!
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