Author Topic: Sound volumnes  (Read 19672 times)


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Sound volumnes
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:26:15 PM »
Is there any way to adjust individual sound volumes, like just the horn or just the engine, or is it all or nothing?

William Brillinger

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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 10:46:16 PM »
Yes, you can adjust the volume of each sound separately on the same screen where you choose the sound file for each button.

I can't fire mine up right now, but if you need more help, I'll take some photos and create the steps for you tomorrow.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2016, 11:55:36 PM »
Tap the settings button on the locomotive control page (left of the locomotive picture).  This will open up all the locomotive settings.  Scroll through the pages (lower left or lower right) until you reach the page for button setup.  Here you will see a page containing all the function buttons found on the locomotive control screen.  Up near the top of the page you can scroll through the individual buttons and change them.  Any button can be can be made a sound button, light button, action button, or nothing.  From there you can specify which sound you want the button to play, which picture you want the button to display, what the button will be named, etc.  If you have set the button up to play sounds you can adjust the sound by tapping on the volume slider near the bottom of the page.  Use the knob to adjust the volume and tap exit.  Save the new settings before exiting the locomotive settings page....remember sounds need to be off and locomotive needs to be stopped in order to save.

You can have the sound on and change the volume in real time to see how it sounds.  Some sounds will need to be activated again in order to hear it at the new volume (ie the prime mover will need to be notched up or down in order to hear it at the new setting).  Turn the sounds off to save.  The new settings will stay if it is unsaved until the locomotive loses power.



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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2016, 10:54:17 AM »
Thanks a lot guys, that helps me out.

Another question I have, is there any particular use for the extra light outputs from the decoder? In other words is output x for mars lights, output y for ditch lights, output z for classification lights, etc.? Or can you assign the exact function you want to the button of your choice?

Thanks again,


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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2016, 11:23:11 AM »
You can assign anything you want to each of the individual light outputs.  The process is the same for setting up lights as it is for setting up sound buttons.  You specify what function wire the button will activate, then you set what light effect will be played.  You can have it do anything.  New light effects can be downloaded from Ring Engineering via the Railpro Assistant. 

The "extra" light function wires on the LM-2S are there to give you a total of 6 possible light outputs.  Meaning you can have up to 6 different lights controlled by six different buttons.  I usually only use four myself.

I will try and make a video tonight walking you through everything.



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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2016, 11:34:12 AM »
Out of curiosity, is it possible to group multiple lights onto a single button.  For example, many Canadian units had three individual colored classification lights. Is it possible to control all three with a single button that cycles through each color?  (I would expect that each color would require connection to an unique function output)
Chris Bellows
Somerset Junction, 1980


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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2016, 12:11:28 PM »
Chris, that would be a tough one.  Thinking it out in my head it seems like you would indeed need a separate function for each light color.  If the class lights were all shown out of one lens, as on some E and F units, then I think one output would be fine and use a tri-color LED.  But with three separate lenses for class lights you would need three separate LEDs. 

Right now I don't think there is a button that cycles through the colors, but that would be an easy thing for Ring to add.  The bigger issue is how are you going to wire up the LEDs and are you okay with taking up 3 function outputs doing so.  That would leave you with for headlight, one for ditchlights, and one for rear.  Should work out fine that way, unless you were planning on doing anything else (strobe, beacon, groundlights, etc).



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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2016, 04:54:01 PM »
Thanks Kevin. A video would be great, if it's not too much trouble. Being old and set in your ways sometimes impedes the cohesiveness of the brain cells which leads to giving up and taking a nap.  ;)


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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2016, 12:00:34 AM »
And here it is.  Hopefully it's helpful!



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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2016, 05:28:21 AM »
Chris, that would be a tough one.  Thinking it out in my head it seems like you would indeed need a separate function for each light color.  If the class lights were all shown out of one lens, as on some E and F units, then I think one output would be fine and use a tri-color LED.  But with three separate lenses for class lights you would need three separate LEDs. 

Right now I don't think there is a button that cycles through the colors, but that would be an easy thing for Ring to add.  The bigger issue is how are you going to wire up the LEDs and are you okay with taking up 3 function outputs doing so.  That would leave you with for headlight, one for ditchlights, and one for rear.  Should work out fine that way, unless you were planning on doing anything else (strobe, beacon, groundlights, etc).


Thanks Kevin.  I fully expected to used individual LEDs, as I don't see another way either (ok, maybe using fiberoptics, but let's keep it simple).  At this point I am anticipating on my first Railpro units being a pair of Bowser SD40-2s I have coming.  These units will need two headlight functions (front/rear) and one for ditchlights, leaving me with three unused functions anyways.

Once I figure out the installation then I can figure out how to set up the controls best.
Chris Bellows
Somerset Junction, 1980


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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2016, 05:13:51 PM »
Thanks for the video Kevin, I really appreciate it.



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Re: Sound volumnes
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2018, 12:13:25 PM »

Thanks Kevin.  I fully expected to used individual LEDs, as I don't see another way either (ok, maybe using fiberoptics, but let's keep it simple).  At this point I am anticipating on my first Railpro units being a pair of Bowser SD40-2s I have coming.  These units will need two headlight functions (front/rear) and one for ditchlights, leaving me with three unused functions anyways.

Once I figure out the installation then I can figure out how to set up the controls best.

How did the installation go in the Bowser SD40-2's? I have four of them I'd like to get converted to RP with sound soon (once I start with something easier like a couple of P42's)

40 year novice modeler

Primary Interest: CP, NS, & Amtrak on the former D&H north of Albany, NY