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Talked to Tim Ring about HC-1 upgrade and LM1 memory...

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--- Quote from: TwinStar on February 10, 2018, 08:32:07 PM ---Thanks Kevin. That seems a bit steep for a new charging port. So far my sans B version is working just fine.

--- End quote ---

If you have a HC-2 there is no reason to change to HC-2b.  The HC-2b is all that is in production now due to the upgrades that Bill mentioned.  Both are equally capable.


I think I misread that as the intent was to upgrade an HC-1 to either a -2 or -2B and not a -2 to a -2B.

Yes, Jacob I'm old school Railpro using a HC-1! LOL! There isn't much upgrade from HC-2 to a HC-2b. I actually haven't sent it in yet, but probably will upgrade to a -2b anyway.


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