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Error Msg: "Rm Dev. Busy Too Long

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JD of Georgia:
I received an error message "Rm Dev Busy Too Long"  while trying to copy sound files to my locos.  I was using two controllers trying to copy to two separate engines at the same time.   Is this a "No-No"? 


I believe the full error message is "Rmt. dev. busy too long write file error".  I've never encountered that one but I've never tried to update two LM's at once. My guess is that trying to update two LM's at once from two controllers is the issue. The only advice I can give is to try updating each LM at a separate time to each other and see if it happens again is.

- Tim

I just encountered the same error message while attempting to update an LM-2s from version 2.04 to v. 2.09. This only happens with this particular module. I have updated others without issue. If I exit and try again I receive a “Cannot connect” error. The module itself works fine otherwise.

I believe I've had this message once before (after my May reply of course).

If I remember correctly the HC or CI-1  (whichever I was using, probably the CI-1) was not altogether close to the module. Moving it real close, as in only a couple of inches away let the update or copy, whichever I was doing complete.

All I can suggest is to keep trying, perhaps in a different part of the house if you have other wireless devices in the same area.

- Tim

I'm using the HC2, and have tried moving the loco around to different areas and placing the controller right next to it. I haven't had any radio interference problems. Strange that it only happens with this module. I have sent an email off to TR to see what he has to say.


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