RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion
Low voltage
If I'm getting a low voltage message does that mean I need to add more leads to get better power around the track? I'm only running two locks
If you don't get the warning when the loco is at the spot where you have the leads now and you do get the warning when the loco is furthest away from the leads then yes, adding more feeders will solve the problem. You could also solder the rail joiners or bump up the power supply by a volt or so if you have that option.
You'll also get the low-voltage warning if you have spotty power connection. If your loco wheels or track are dirty then that message will pop up. Cleaning both will typically solve the problem.
Ok thank you both for the reply back I will do both add a couple more leads and clean the track and wheels
William Brillinger:
Also if you are using the Full Bridge Rectifier with a Keep Alive you will see the occasional under voltage warning. As stated, more feeders will generally help.
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