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--- Quote from: atsfguy on November 12, 2018, 11:50:27 AM ---Thanks again, Alan. While reviewing the list while logged in, I saw the cartoon you drew to illustrate the relaionship between volts, amps and watts moving through a wire (pipe) and had a great laugh. Thanks again.

--- End quote ---

Not mine. From the web. But it does do a good job of getting the idea across.

Re abbreviations.. There I go Re instead of  With reference to ? thank you to the list of abbreviations, yes the common list of abbreviations  as referred to
applies to most subjects of times past , but  unfortunately in today's  world  commonplace items or places are replaced with ??? As has been said "probably does not know or understand what they ? are talking about"  Once again thank you for the printed list.  Cheers and compliments of the season to all.... Keving.


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