RailPro > Finished RailPro Installation Examples

Rapido SW1200RS

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Looking at you image I have to say no way. The plastic wrapper around a LM is thin plastic with the innards tight against it for the most part. Minus wrapper you save maybe 0.060" total width/height. Looks like you need much more than a few thousandths.

Nuts. I really was hoping to avoid tossing the board. More poking and pondering to come!

Stay tuned.

I've done as much pondering as possible, and Alan is right. The board has got to go.

Assuming I can figure out which leads on the board go to the headlights (the cab headlight has solder pads, so it's easy), what do I need to do to ensure that RailPro doesn't blow up those nice SMDs that Rapido uses?

I presume some kind of resistor or something?

If I switch to micro-bulbs, I suspect I need something as well, but what?


--- Quote from: CPRail on March 11, 2019, 04:25:59 PM ---I presume some kind of resistor or something?

--- End quote ---

Yes. 1,000 ohm (1k) is a good starting value to try. Higher resistor values (1.5K - 10k) will make the LED dimmer. Lower resistor values (680 - 910) will make the LED brighter.

--- Quote from: CPRail on March 11, 2019, 04:25:59 PM ---If I switch to micro-bulbs, I suspect I need something as well, but what?

--- End quote ---

Stick with LEDs. Bulbs eventually burn out.

Before junking the factory board, is there any wasted space between the board and the motor?  I've seen in some cases where there is as much as 1/4" between the top of the motor and the board.  Might be able to cut down the spacer to gain your space.


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