RailPro > RailPro Software Updates

HC-2b revision 2.08 released


HC-2b revision 2.08 is up.

Don't know what's fixed or new in this release - still charging my HC to do the update.

- Tim


did this load ok?  when I ask for a software update with this-I get a "no files loaded" prompt


It downloaded and installed, but I'm still getting the weird behavior I described in this thread (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,771.0.html), though I've managed to capture the behavior on video today so I'll be emailing Tim Ring soon to see what he says about it.

- Tim

I've loaded 2.08 into all 3 of my HC-2bs a week or so back.  Found no issues at this time. At least none that I've noticed like you had Bill. I'll try to spend some more time running trains with just the HC-2bs to see if anything occurs.


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