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HC-2b charger
I just received my HC-2b. I have read several places that the Ring-supplied charger is higher-power than the "normal" wall wart charger, and that the USB to mini-USB cable has larger-gauge wires to reflect the higher current flow of the charger.
however, when I read the label on the charger it is 5v (of course), 1.0 amp. this is a plain-old charger, not even the 10watt charger that one would need to charge an iPad.
not complaining, just wondering why Ring takes care to note about the higher-power charger and beefed-up cable.
William Brillinger:
People have reported issues with charging when using a "non-ring" cable. The charger however, seems to be fairly standard.
wonder if they swap the pinout on their cable?
--- Quote from: faithie999 on December 08, 2018, 03:43:38 PM ---wonder if they swap the pinout on their cable?
--- End quote ---
Nope. If they did you wouldn't be able to connect the HC to your PC, and I wouldn't be able to charge my HC.
I don't use the PA-3 to charge my HC (no US type mains sockets around here), I use my PC using one of the cables shown in this thread. https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,616.0.html. Works great.
There is merit behind what TR is telling us about the cable, he's not lying in that regard, USB cables designed for charging devices have larger conductors on the power pair, your everyday USB cable does not. This does not mean that an everyday USB cable won't work it's just a lot less likely. USB chargers made by a manufacturer for their own product are excluded from the above comment, they've usually been engineered by the manufacturer specifically to match their products and not as a generic supply like the PA-3 is.
- Tim
got it. thanks.
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