RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion
Keep-Alive for G Scale
Cal Trask:
What keep-alives are compatible with LM-3S-G modules? Any brands recommended over others?
This is a question that I don't have the answer to. I'm very unfamiliar with G-scale or what sort of keep-alives are even available for large scale. Whatever you use should be capable of handling the power that a LM-3SG can deliver. The specs for the LM-3SG are available on the LM-3SG instruction sheet, available from Ring Engineering's website.
So you don't have to go find them, here they are (though I do recommend looking through it anyways)
Maximum Power Input Voltage: 24 Volts
Maximum Motor Stall Current: 8 Amps
Maximum Output Current on a Single Output: 1.2 Amps.
Maximum Output Current on all Outputs Combined: 1.2 Amps.
Audio Output Power: 13 Watts into a 4 ohm load. 7.4 Watts into an 8 ohm load
Cal Trask:
I sent an email to RailPro Support asking if the item attached to the LM-3S-G was a keep-alive and got this response:
"It is a capacitor not necessarily a keep alive. It does provide a small amount hold up time (in case of wheels not contacting track properly) but has other purposes too."
So I guess I will give it a shot without adding a separate keep-alive for now.
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