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Forum Suggestions

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--- Quote from: TwinStar on November 28, 2015, 03:53:04 PM ---If there was a sub forum you wouldn't have to sort, just ignore.

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--- Quote from: KPack on November 27, 2015, 01:40:21 PM ---Nothing wrong with an off topic section in my opinion.  The focus of the forum is Railpro, but I think it would be appropriate to discuss other mostly railroad issues as well, though in a separate sub forum.  Other forums are better for general train topics, but something that could be used in conjunction with Railpro would be useful to post here. 


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+1 and 1. After all, if I had not seen RailPro mentioned on another forum, I would not know about it and be considering buying into the system.

This is one of those things that has points for both arguments, for instance, the same as Robert had said, if Jacob (from memory) hadn't bought RailPro up on the Free-mo (which uses DCC, not RailPro) Yahoo! group then I doubt I'd know about it and I'd still be sitting around thinking what better things I could be doing with my life than trying to co-exist with DCC

I think if one can prove to themselves that what they want to post is not a competing system and they want to tell everyone so they can convert too but is an enhancement to RailPro use and enjoyment that's not from Ring Engineering then that should be ok given it's own section and rules. In reality it is probably not as simple as that but it is worth considering. I don't know if control panels would fit the rules but there are topics already and most likely in the future that do fit.

- Tim

Thanks, now I have another forum to follow in my limited spare time.

The one thing we don't want is to have so many forums and subforums that it becomes nearly impossible to navigate and browse.  Take The Diesel Detailer forum for example:  That forum has 7 main areas with 68 (!!!) subforums.  It's overload!  So we ought to be cautious on what subforums, if any, we decide to add.  We don't want to go overboard!

Additional thoughts?


I guess I used the quote option incorrectly. Only the first sentence is actually mine.

William Brillinger:
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