RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

New HC-2 install.

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How would you add a new HC-2 to an existing system?

Just charge it up and press the Find Product button for each locomotive you want to run.

William Brillinger:

--- Quote ---Just charge it up and press the Find Product button for each locomotive you want to run.
--- End quote ---

And add any PWR power supplies, and accessory modules to the product list on the HC as well. It's a good idea to configure the PWR's as repeaters too.


--- Quote from: William Brillinger on August 31, 2019, 06:30:09 AM ---And add any PWR power supplies, and accessory modules to the product list on the HC as well...

--- End quote ---

Plus, if your going to use both HC's at the same time you might want to have each HC detect the other one (they will show up under accessories). This is useful if you want to use the "Set all speeds to zero" emergency stop feature. It's covered in the manual if you want to read up on it and why the HC's need to know about other HC's for this to work.

- Tim

Thanks for all the help  :D
Another HC question. There are times I don't run my layout for months. The HC batteries go dead, then it takes 12 - 14 hours to charge them up. I was thinking of plugging the battery charger into a timer and have the timer turn the battery charger on once a day for an hour to keep the batteries charged. Good idea or not? I was also thinking of having two timers. Timer #1 would run timer #2 for an hour every day. Timer #2 would be set to run the charger an hour every 12 days. Good, bad, better than the first idea?


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