RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion
HC not seeing LM-3S
Late to the party as usual, I was just thinking about this and another thing that may be faulty (if it's not corruption) is the RF unit in the LM. If that's not working then definitely the HC will not be able to see the LM.
Just curious and to cover all the bases, your reset method was as per the manual?
--- Quote ---To reset a password on a product, touch the “Tools” button on the “Main Page,” then touch the “Reset Password” button. Turn the power off and then on again on the product that you want to reset the password. Within 10 seconds of turning the power on, touch the “Reset Password” button on the HC screen. The HC will display the product that it detected. If the detected product is the product that you want to reset its password, then turn the products power off and back on again. Within 10 seconds of turning the power on, press the second “Reset Password” button. The password in your product should now be cleared.
--- End quote ---
If your password reset was as per above then I can only think of some sort of corruption as Kevin mentioned or the RF unit is faulty. Both require TR's intervention.
- Tim
I was unable to do anything password reset related as my HC kept telling me it couldn't find anything when I tried to follow the instructions.
How do you reset a password when it can't find the module? What am I missing on the instruction front?
Password reset works when the HC cannot find the module due to a password issue. Remember, when a module has a password assigned to it, it essentially is invisible to the HC unless you input the correct password. The reset protocol shown above will clear any passwords and allow the HC to find and connect to the module.
1. Have module connected to power
2. Press the reset password button.
3. Remove power from module (if installed in a loco, tip loco so wheels do not touch one rail)
4. Reapply power to module
5. Within 10 seconds press the reset password button
At this point the HC will find the module if it was a password problem. If it doesn't find it then it is likely a corrupted file or potentially a bad RF module. I've had one or two modules get corrupted before (beta testing introduces a lot of errors) that had to get factory reset. I haven't heard of a RF module going bad, so that would be a first.
Thanks Kevin. Those are easier to understand.
I'll give it a whirl tonight.
Hey Gang,
I tried the PW reset to no avail. Still can't find the module.
Any other ideas, or shall I instruct the user to return the modules and HC to Ring advising of all the problems and attempted fixes?
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