RailPro User Group

RailPro => RailPro Specific Help & Discussion => Topic started by: Jim Agnew on May 16, 2024, 01:01:17 PM

Title: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 16, 2024, 01:01:17 PM
Has anyone developed an accessory project for the AM-1S, that can control an air solenoid? If so, I would appreciate knowing what logic was used. Thanks.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 17, 2024, 08:36:09 AM
No one's posted anything like that here but it does sound like a cool project, and something I had though about before; though not specifically with RailPro as the control system.

If I may ask, what's the use case? If your thinking of throwing points (switches for most of you) you might be better off using the plain AM-1 and not the 1S as the plain version is designed for turnout control and the 1S is not. What the actual internal difference is I don't know but it's how Ring sells them.

If you post the the air solenoids you plan to use we might be able to make some suggestions for making a program.

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 17, 2024, 02:01:49 PM
The “S” is my mistake. I currently am using the AirWire Linker and Activator to throw 5 air powered turnouts on my garden layout. Since I’ve converted some of my engines to Railpro, I’d like to eliminate the need for the AirWire controller.
I’ll see if I can get the specs on the solenoid.
When I asked Ring, they replied that someone had informed them that they had in fact accomplished what I wanted to do.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 17, 2024, 02:06:15 PM
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 18, 2024, 01:47:14 AM
Ok, so normally if your using the plain Accessory module you shouldn't need to write a program, it'll come set for you use for turnouts and you just need to define the type of point machine (switch machine) you are controlling. However, this sounds like a non normal case so how does it work for you currently? Does energising the solenoid throw the points and de-energising the solenoid restore the points, or does it work some other way (a diagram would be really good if you can do that)?

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 18, 2024, 06:36:03 AM
Energizing the solenoid opens the valve to allow air pressure to throw the points, unenergizing the solenoid closes the valve and allows the air pressure to escape the solenoid through the 3rd port.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 18, 2024, 07:16:39 AM
Ok, so energising the solenoid throws the points one way, how do the points return to the other position when you de-energise the solenoid? Return spring? Energising another solenoid to throw the points back?  Whether you have to keep the solenoid energised to keep the points thrown and how the points return the non thrown position will determine whether you can use the standard turnout program or have to write another program.

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 18, 2024, 12:07:53 PM
Points return by spring pressure in the air cylinder. My project is now on hold due to the fact that I somehow managed to screw up the AM-1, can’t connect with it (red target). I had a lose connection due to the spring terminal and this must have been enough to damage it. Will be ordering the AM -2 when available.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 18, 2024, 01:21:05 PM
Wow, I didn’t screwup after all. I have 3 AM-1’s on the HC and I was trying to access the wrong one. The HC assigns duplicate turnout numbers???
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 18, 2024, 10:18:30 PM
Wow, I didn’t screwup after all. I have 3 AM-1’s on the HC and I was trying to access the wrong one. The HC assigns duplicate turnout numbers???

In the manual it shows you to name them so I'm not sure why they are numbered.

Anyway, This is the scenario. I do not believe that the AM-1 program that controls turnouts allows for the turnout buttons to be maintained instead of momentary and does not allow a forever activation time. At least that's what I get from reading the manual. If that's the case your options are:

Lobby Ring to allow a forever activation time for solenoids that can handle being energised all the time, which I suggest you do, and

Create a program for use in the meantime, which is probably going to be a very long time, possibly forever.

Because one can't simply share accessory programs and only you know your layout and where the turnouts are you'll have to make your own in RailPro Assistant. The below example should get you started on what you want. I'd suggest grouping the turnouts into area's for naming the project, and naming the AM-1's the same. Remember, this way you will not find the AM-1 under Turnouts on the HC anymore but they'll appear under Accessories.



- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 19, 2024, 06:48:11 AM
Thank you, that’s what I needed. I’m I correct in assuming output equals the terminal number on the AM-1?
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 19, 2024, 08:32:56 AM
Yes, with additional information.

Output 1 and Output 2 are Motor 1
Output 3 and Output 4 are Motor 2
Output 5 through Output 8 are Output 5 through Output 8.

Look at the AM-1S or AM-2S manual under Wire LED's or Wire Light Bulbs to see how you should wire the solenoids. I don't think there's any reason you probably couldn't use the motor outputs as well as long as the solenoids aren't polarity sensitive.

Also, the max current the AM-1 is rated for isn't specified but the max current the AM-1S is rated for is only 400mA continuous combined across all outputs; just something to be aware of.

Another thought, if it doesn't quite work out because there's not enough grunt to power the solenoids directly:
It's more money etc but it could be a last resort to provide enough grunt.

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 19, 2024, 12:57:44 PM
Couple more questions, if you don’t mind.
Once the project is downloaded, is it no longer available for editing and must be recreated from scratch?
I’m getting a message that my project name can’t be associated with a picture?
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 20, 2024, 03:43:12 AM
...Once the project is downloaded, is it no longer available for editing and must be recreated from scratch?

No, it should be available in RailPro Assistant so you can download it again and again, until you delete it. I'd suggest giving the RailPro Assistant manual a look though.  The part dealing with custom accessory projects starts on page 39 but you should find your accessory project by clicking the Accessory Project button in the section of the RPA screen titled "Select here to load file from this computer to hand held controller".  You can then use the "Select Option..." buttons to edit, copy , delete etc.

I’m getting a message that my project name can’t be associated with a picture?

When your designing the project in RPA, the picture you type in must exist in RPA as well for it to show, so following my example a picture named Little Gulch Nth End would have to exist in RPA for it to show on the designing screen. This has no bearing on when the project is loaded into the accessory module, you'll have to upload the picture you want to the AM-1 and set the picture the same as you do for a LM.

I'm presuming that you've downloaded the Accessory product program to the AM-1?

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 20, 2024, 01:54:11 PM
When I try to edit the project, I’m getting a message “file not on this computer”. I’ve recreated the project and still get the same message.
Very frustrating, but I’m going to keep trying until I get it correct.
I did manage to load the picture, but I’m having the same problem loading the picture to the project.
FWIW, I’m on a windows 10 HP laptop.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: G8B4Life on May 21, 2024, 08:39:11 AM
Hmm, something doesn't sound right then.

What version of RPA are you running. I imagine it's 4.01 but just to be sure. Also, how full is your RPA storage?

I don't have an AM-1 so I can't try to fully replicate what you are doing so are these the steps that you followed in order?
Don't forget you'll need to download a picture to the HC for loading to the accessory module as well.

- Tim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 21, 2024, 01:59:57 PM
Version 4.01, 97% storage available
One step forward and two back. Can’t get the picture to insert and the display of the buttons is now just the small activation light.
Sent message to Ring, thanks again for your help. Jim
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: gregeusa on May 22, 2024, 10:55:05 AM
A little late here, but be careful with air solenoids.

If the decoder handles 400 MA TOTAL, then you may have a problem right there... you should measure the steady state current of the air solenoid when activated... (I use 24v air solenoids)

Next they have a very big inductive kick, which can blast solid state switch controllers, you will want to put in a "snubbing" diode across the solenoid to not feed that back into the electronics.

I'm making the assumption that the turnout controller output is solid state, or possibly a reed relay, both of which can be easily destroyed by the BEMF of the solenoid unless protected.

Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on May 28, 2024, 05:06:39 PM
Project on hold pending return of AM-1 from Ring. Ring requested I send it in when I couldn’t get a picture loaded.
Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: JRad on May 29, 2024, 08:08:54 AM
Hi Jim,

I'm kinda late to this party.  While not exactly what you are doing, I've done similar with an AM-1S. I used the S because I wanted some sound effects. The AM-1 would work too.

I am controlling two turnouts on my indoor section with the AM-1S. My turnouts are moved by servos. There is separate electronics to drive the servos. The AM-1 provides and on/off function on an output that drives a relay, The relay controls the servo driver.

I had to write my own accessory program. I'm an old basic programmer, so the logic wasn't too hard but it did take a lot of tries to get it to do what I wanted. Quirks of RPA's programming function are part of the challenge!

I think there is a thread on here of the project. Here is the link: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1286.msg9704.html#msg9704

Title: Re: Accessory Project for powering air solenoids
Post by: Jim Agnew on June 22, 2024, 10:28:06 AM
Success! got everything resolved thanks to Ring.