RailPro User Group

Welcome to RPUG => New Users Start Here => Topic started by: William Brillinger on November 24, 2017, 07:22:06 PM

Title: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on November 24, 2017, 07:22:06 PM
Welcome to the RailPro User Group,

This forum is a home for users of Ring Engineering's RailPro Control System to discuss RailPro related features and support their fellow users. Feel free to post your Questions, Answers, and Ideas!

We're glad you're here!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the group. We don't need to know your life history, but please tell us little about yourself, your modelling, and what brought you here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on December 22, 2017, 05:36:59 PM
 My name is Cecil Collum, retired U.S. Army officer, and I am currently modelling in N Scale. I plan to begin a new HO layout within a year and am very interested in power on board. Not real enthused over dcc, too many wiring rules.
  Railpro seems to be the system I need after spending the last month researching the available systems. I also like Ring’s use of 2.4 ghz. I also use 2.4 ghz on my rc aircraft and lipo batteries are no stranger, so dead rail should work fine for my new layout.
  I have not purchased a system yet, don’t want to haul it on my 900 mile relocstion.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on December 22, 2017, 09:09:47 PM

Welcome Cecil, and thank you for your service.

Most of us share your lack of enthusiasm for DCC. As you know, RailPro is not yet available for N scale, but I'm sure you will enjoy it when you get our HO layout going. Good luck with your move.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: oldline1 on December 24, 2017, 10:38:11 AM
My name is Roger Huber. I have been modeling since about 1955. I've used and enjoyed Dynatrol and changed over to Digitraxx with opposing feelings. I want to learn more about using RP.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on December 24, 2017, 11:09:39 PM
Welcome Roger,

Dive right on in and read, plenty of good information here to browse through. When your ready ask any questions.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: crzytrnbuf on December 28, 2017, 04:14:25 PM
Hello I have been HO Modeler since 1976 I model several Railroads My favs are CN,CP I am Retired from General Motors in Lockport N.Y.USA my name is Dennis M.Patrick McLaughlin my user name is crzytrnbuf  I have a Facebook page in my name above and I have 5 groups I admin on HO Model Railroading friend me on Facebook if you are interested and you will see pics and Videos of our CNRS Home layout.
Thank you Bill Brillinger for the invite looking fwd to using our Rail Pro we got for Christmas.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on December 29, 2017, 07:30:07 PM
Welcome to the group Dennis.

RailPro for Christmas. What a nice gift  :)

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: DavidD_OKC on January 02, 2018, 11:29:37 AM
Thank you for adding me to the group. My name is David Dickerson and I'm another retired Army officer. I'm currently in grad school at the University of Oklahoma pursuing a couple of degrees...glutton for punishment I guess.

I've dabbled with HO modeling off and on over the years and bought the RailPro system nearly three years ago. I never even put batteries into the controller and subsequently sold nearly all the model RR collection I had accumulated because of..... life and things.

However, I recently decided to try it again. There is a club near my home that will give me a place to actually run trains while I wait for the day I finally build some sort of layout at home. I model the former Delaware & Hudson line in the New York Capitol region with CP, NS, Pan Am, Amtrak, and Saratoga & North Creek all being modeled.

I chose RailPro mainly for the GUI and simplicity of operation. I'm amazed it hasn't caught on within the model RR community because it seems far advanced over the older DCC systems. I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do and learning how to take advantage of its capabilities.

- David
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on January 02, 2018, 11:43:09 AM
Welcome David. This is the place for RailPro information.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 02, 2018, 11:45:57 AM

Welcome to the RPUG and to RailPro! I was a 67U in a previous life with the 149th AVN REGT down south of you in Lexington.

It's good that you found a club to run on in OKC. I know there are some Free-mo guys in the area as we routinely set up with them and some Kansas and Missouri guys as well. And it is baffling as why more aren't ditching DCC in favor of RP but it is gradually catching on.

Thanks for your service and welcome again.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BNZ on January 02, 2018, 11:47:05 AM
Hello Guys! (and Gals?)

Joined the group here, because I'm just starting out fulfilling long-time dream of building a G-scale railroad (both indoor and outdoor).  I played around with HO as a kid, but got interested in other things.  Now that I'm much older and have spent more than a few hours around the real thing, I'm acquiring rolling stock and track to start "playing" again.  I opted for G-scale for the detail and realism, certainly not because it's affordable.  ;)

It seems to me like the Railpro system is far more simplistic (in operation) than others, and much more flexible.  Though I'm rather concerned about the cost for G-scale...  I've already acquired three LGB F7A (and two B) units.  But, as they say, "if you wanna play, you gotta pay".

Please humor me as I stumble through this!  I'm fairly tech-savvy (CNC machinist, with my own state-of-the-art equipment and very proficient with PC's), and love to tinker.

Thanks for allowing me aboard!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on January 02, 2018, 11:55:06 AM
Welcome Brian. We will be interested to see how RailPro works in G scale.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on January 02, 2018, 11:55:19 AM
Welcome Brian!  You came at just the right time, now that Ring just barely released the new O and G scale locomotive module, the LM-3S-G.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Ken Z on January 02, 2018, 02:57:10 PM
While I have been around about a month, I never did an introduction.  I am also retired Army, Field Artillery and I model in S Scale.  I have a large layout that is evolving to reflect my interest in operations in an urban and industrial area.  I have a number of DCC locomotives, my first priority is to change out the engines that will work my industrial areas to RailPro.  I have two switchers "working" on the layout now and one more install to do.  I live in Plymouth, Minnesota, active with the NMRA Division and chair the local RPM meet we hold every year.  I would really enjoy having a RailPro "expert" attend the RPM event April 6-7..... We have a second S Scale layout in town coming on line with RailPro soon.  I would like to have Railroad logos available as pictures I can use on the handheld.

Ken Z.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on January 02, 2018, 04:50:21 PM
Hi Ken,

I would like to have Railroad logos available as pictures I can use on the handheld.

I use railroad logos for the images on my HC's. I can help you make them, feel free to contact me to help you set them up.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 02, 2018, 08:11:01 PM
While I have been around about a month, I never did an introduction.  I am also retired Army, Field Artillery and I model in S Scale.  I have a large layout that is evolving to reflect my interest in operations in an urban and industrial area.  I have a number of DCC locomotives, my first priority is to change out the engines that will work my industrial areas to RailPro.  I have two switchers "working" on the layout now and one more install to do.  I live in Plymouth, Minnesota, active with the NMRA Division and chair the local RPM meet we hold every year.  I would really enjoy having a RailPro "expert" attend the RPM event April 6-7..... We have a second S Scale layout in town coming on line with RailPro soon.  I would like to have Railroad logos available as pictures I can use on the handheld.

Ken Z.

Welcome Ken. Ft Sill is within MLRS range of my hometown.

S scale? Feel free to post some pics.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: sptrainnut on January 03, 2018, 09:09:31 AM
Good Morning everyone, my name is J. Motts and I'm easing back into HO, I've been basically out of the two rail part of the hobby for about 5 years now.  I've been collecting 3 rail Scale equipment with the hope of someday building a layout using scale equipment but with 3 rail track.  I've been buying HO rolling stock for quite some time now as I want to build a switching layout (more about that some other time).  I had purchased a locomotive from a guy on the HO sellers list and in the course of conversations back and forth, he told me about RailPro and gave me the link and I saw a link on their site and jumped over here to investigate.  Dan was telling me how simple RP is to operate and basically install and after watching the video, I fully agree.  I really liked the fact that it will work with DCC installed locomotives.  I'm going to purchase the starter set in the very near future and I'm in the process of clearing off the benchwork to get started.
My background is as follows, I've been in love with trains for as long as I can remember, my dad when I was little worked for the SP as a signal maintainer and rode Put-cars back and forth to get his work done.  When I was in my 20's, I worked for the SP as a switchman, I've always been in model railroading since I was a little boy.  I've been in N, HO, Sn3, S Standard, O Scale, On30, O 3 rail and now back to HO.
I'm looking forward to contributing to this group and I hope to learn a lot from it.
I'm 69 and live in the Arm-pit of Texas, which is El Paso.

Thanks for letting me join,

J. Motts
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on January 04, 2018, 06:42:56 AM
Welcome J,

Get yourself started by reading up what's been posted here. Ask questions when your ready.

I moved your intro post to the correct board.

- Tim (Mod)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on January 05, 2018, 08:04:05 PM
Welcome, Ken Z and David D.
 I am also a retired FA officer, so I spent many tours at dear ol’ Fort Sill. The main thing I remember about it is that the wind blew constantly and was either blistering hot or bone-chilling cold, otherwise, it is a very good Post.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: jdezra on January 09, 2018, 12:04:56 PM
Hi all,
My name is John and I have joined RPUG since I plan to re-enter HO model railroad service. I was a model railroader as a kid (yikes, 50+ years ago) and re-entering because I have a grandson who is reaching the golden model railroad age, at least that's what I told my wife!!

I think my grandson will be at the proper age to begin his journey next year, probably Christmas, which gives me time to research, design and build a starter system. Also, my initial research indicates "this stuff ain't cheap" so I can spread out the expense and take advantage of sales throughout the year.
While far from a model railroad expert, I do have a technical background (electrical engineer). To this end, I'm still learning and hope the group will help me through this process plus I might be able to help the group.

Yes, I have select RailPro as the control element (don't have one just yet) in my new system for several reasons, which is not for this intro post.

Glad to be here and look forward to the interaction!!


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nortoneye on January 18, 2018, 07:15:13 AM
Good morning,

My name is Jim and I have been a train lover since I got my first American Flyer in 1961.  I have modeled in HO for several years off and on.  Recently retired, I am able to devote more time to model and learn.  Have 5 locos with RailPro and I love the touch screen control.  Looking forward to learning from you all.  FYI if you're into British motorcyles-you can understand my handle.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on January 18, 2018, 07:59:26 AM
...  FYI if you're into British motorcyles-you can understand my handle.

Welcome. Your post just brought back a flood of memories for me. In the very early 80's I had a small motorcycle painting business. Got hooked up with the USNOA (forerunner to the INOA) through a friendship with a chapter president. I had Commando tanks and side covers pouring in from all over the country. Must have painted hundreds of them. Good times.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nortoneye on January 18, 2018, 08:08:30 AM

I am a member of the INOA.  I have a 73 850 roadster, started life as a high rider.  Can't beat trains and motorcycles!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: DRLOCO on February 07, 2018, 07:20:00 PM
Kris Krengel (Like Santa) here.
I'm a recent convert from the confusing and frustrating world of DCC into the world of RailPro--Mr. Brillinger just sent me a package today with my new system in it.  I'm eager to get started!  With this form to help guide the way, I'm sure it'll be much easier than me trying to add numbers for CV's...

I have also took a siding and switched (heh) into S scale after being an HO scale guy since I was 8.  I've found that there was just TOO MUCH good stuff in HO scale for the budget, and S scale takes me back to my roots of model railroading (no offense to the Flyer/Tinplate guys, but i'm SCALE S).  There's enough to get started, and plenty of kit bash fodder, plus the larger size means I can fit the LM3S and iPhone speaker in a locomotive with plenty of room to spare.  I'll have a lot of newbie type questions I'm sure along the way, as I'm familiar with how to wire and can almost solder without melting the plastic!;)

Professionally, I'm a Locomotive Engineer (so I play with trains at work and at home--my wife is very patient) for CSX in the Midwest US.  If you have questions regarding "how the real guys do it" feel free to ask--The only thing I know for sure is that those crusty model railroaders that said "they never did that on the xyz railroad..." are wrong.  Prime example, last week my local run's motive power was BCOL4104 and CSXT 1107.  Yeah, that's a BC Rail Dash-8 Cowl unit and an SW1500 together.  SO, put whatever consist of engines together you want...just have fun!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on February 07, 2018, 09:05:15 PM
Welcome to the forum Kris. Bet you had fun when you were a kid with that name.  ;)

It is great to have professional railroaders in the discussions. I am fascinated by some of the stories told like your power last week. Must have made for an odd looking combination. But I suppose horsepower is horsepower.

Welcome to RailPro. You made a wise choice.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Raconn on February 21, 2018, 10:46:01 AM
From Ralph Conner:
Hi. Building a HO layout is one of the 10 million interests I have. Benchwork has been framed and I am at the pre-wiring phase. I am wiring and equipping the layout for a double loop main with the ability to isolate tracks and selectively run on DC or Railpro.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on February 21, 2018, 10:48:39 AM
Welcome to the group Ralph!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: PerezBill on February 25, 2018, 09:55:47 PM
Hi everyone, my name is Bill Perez. I am relatively new to the use of RailPro. I have tried it in the past but found it a little difficult to use. I am currently changing era's from 1 gen to modern so I expect to have less issues than I had. What got me back was the introduction of the LM3s and the new video. Consisting is always something I have loved with this system. I think joining this group will be a big help to me with the product and I hope I can, in turn, help others. I have used DCC and have a really good working knowledge of it as well as some of the tools to take advantage of it and make it easier to use; still not as easy to use as RailPro however.  8) Anyway I am looking forwards to reading and learning more about the system. I believe RailPro has a bright future.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on February 26, 2018, 11:31:12 AM
Bill P,

Welcome! You said that your previous experience with RP was a little difficult. Can you explain more? I'm curious what difficulty you had.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: PerezBill on February 27, 2018, 11:51:04 AM
Bill P,

Welcome! You said that your previous experience with RP was a little difficult. Can you explain more? I'm curious what difficulty you had.

My main issue was getting the steam sounds to work correctly. Tim was a big help with that. Then I had issues with syncing the sounds. There was also the size of the decoders. Tried to fit one into a proto 2000 gp7 and it barely didn't fit. I know more now that I did and doing that again I would have ground the weight down. Some of the sounds were not correct for 1 gen diesel units either but I know that takes time to get them. However, since I am now switching to modern power, NS as it is today, there is usually plenty of room in those units to put a decoder, all the lights you need, a speaker, and still crawl in there and take a nap to boot. Changing to modern power eliminates most, if not all of the issues I was having. I hope this answers your question. I'm glad to be part of this group as I have learned a few things from reading already.

-Best Regards,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on February 27, 2018, 12:00:35 PM

Thanks for the info. I don't have any experience with steam power but I do recall some synching and chuff issues from other users.

The P2K GP-7/9's are tight as you know. I have a fleet of six that will get RP'd as soon as I finish my E units that I've been working on for what seems like forever now. But a preliminary assessment shows that milling the frames down will be required for the LM, a speaker, and a KeepAlive. And I'm also in desperate need for a good 567 sound file as my entire fleet is E, F, and GP-7/9/18's.

Welcome back!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: PerezBill on February 27, 2018, 12:40:43 PM
Since changing to modern (NS) pretty much all of my issues have gone away. I wish you luck with your installations. E units I can see having room but GP units... I question if you can get all of that in there an still keep some pulling power. May I suggest you look up some tungsten weights. They can be bought in places like Michaels, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby...etc. Their usually in the same area as the pine wood derby weights. You could add some weight back using less space as tungsten is a denser metal than the normal weight is. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on February 27, 2018, 01:37:05 PM

... There was also the size of the decoders. Tried to fit one into a proto 2000 gp7 and it barely didn't fit. I know more now that I did and doing that again I would have ground the weight down...

-Best Regards,

I can relate. My roster is all 1st gen diesels. Fitting decoders is a challenge. Much cutting, filling, machining, and similar space creating actions are required.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TrainManic on February 27, 2018, 10:01:29 PM
Hello!My name is John Hawkins and I love all things trains/Tech related.
I have a small n scale layout that I hope to finish soon. I'm waiting on the N scale RP decoder.
I have a small fleet of USA Trains equipment and I'm getting ready to start the outdoor G scale layout.
The actual reason I'm here is because of RP new G scale RX decoder.
I also have lego trains with the kids and I hope to convert those over to RP.
I think it will be pretty amazing to have my N/G/Lego trains all on one system.

I think I'm going to do some videos on my G scale installs of RP decoders. Coming soon I hope, lol.

So anyhow, glad to be aboard.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on February 28, 2018, 06:41:26 AM
Welcome aboard, John. Looking forward to your videos.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: PerezBill on February 28, 2018, 08:37:19 AM
John, welcome aboard. I haven't been a part of this for too long but I do know there is a lot of information to be found here that I was previously unaware of. Enjoy :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: cws on March 15, 2018, 09:47:12 PM
Hi Bill and all current and future Railpro fans!

My name is Carl Smedberg and I'm slowly getting into HO railroading and have a small shelf layout at the moment.  Long term plan is to model the early 50's era of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy.  Presently I'm gathering locos like Genesys F3s, P2K E8/9s, an SW1200 and an Alco.  I'm not sure which loco to start on with my LM3S install so if you have any suggestions fire away!  I grew up in the western suburbs of Illinois but now live in Florida and I miss my basement! 

Bill thanks for everything you do, supporting the forums, sharing your knowledge and being an advocate for such a great product. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on March 15, 2018, 09:50:28 PM
Welcome Carl:

I'd recommend starting with the E8/9 as that will give you the most room and it's a good platform for learning. Feel free to post pics. I'm a Rock Island modeler but I can appreciate Zephyr Silver just as well.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on March 16, 2018, 07:15:36 AM
Welcome Carl! For starters, on those E units, remove the wire clips on the pickups and solder those connections. You will most likely have to hard wire the modules. You will enjoy using RailPro.  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BrianGS on March 16, 2018, 09:29:55 AM
Hello, my name is Brian and i just recently purchaced Rail Pro for G-Scale. Ive been into trains my whole life, starting with HO and N when i was young. As i got older i always loved to see the large scale trains at the various train shows in my area. I am the proud owner of an outdoor railroad and a nice variety of diesel locomotives and modern freight.  It had gotten to the point where i wanted more out of my trains and didnt know which setup would be the best for me.  I found out about Rail Pro this past january at the Amhurst railroad hobby show in Springfield, Mass. and decided to go for it. So far im am very impressed with how well it performs. I hope to contribute to the G-Scale portion of this Forum and provide any help i can. Thanks for the add!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Josephunh on April 05, 2018, 02:01:22 PM
Greetings all I am one of the new RailPro G scale users.  I am friends with a vendor who pushed for Tim to develop RailPro for G scale.  Currently I have it installed on the following:
1 x USAT Hudson
2 x USAT SD70's
2 x Aristocraft Dash9's
1 x USAT GP9
1 x AML Pennsy K4
1 x Aristocraft Pacific
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on April 05, 2018, 03:08:58 PM
Welcome Brian and Joseph.  Great to have some more G-scale users on here.  Large-scale is somewhere that Railpro is such a good fit.  I look forward to hearing your experiences.  Videos of Railpro controlling G-scale would be very welcome, as I don't think there are any out there now.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Josephunh on April 05, 2018, 04:13:08 PM
Thank you we are happy to have Railpro for G scale as that market has really needed a system like this.  The only thing that is really lacking in the G department is the sounds.  Currently because we can fit much larger speakers with greater sound range we are looking for enhanced horn, whistle and steam chuffing files.  Tim I know hopes to release some but not sure when that will occur.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on April 05, 2018, 04:16:52 PM
Thank you we are happy to have Railpro for G scale as that market has really needed a system like this.  The only thing that is really lacking in the G department is the sounds.  Currently because we can fit much larger speakers with greater sound range we are looking for enhanced horn, whistle and steam chuffing files.  Tim I know hopes to release some but not sure when that will occur.

We are all patiently waiting for new sound files.  The newest ULT prime mover files are great, but we definitely are anxious for more.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KWilhelm on April 23, 2018, 05:30:57 PM
My name is Keith. I am starting back into the hobby after a long break.  Worked for BNSF as a conductor for about a year before getting another job. Decided to building my layout that models after the powder river subdivision that I worked. Love the job but had to leave, to greener pastures.

 When I left at the hobby the only thing that was available was DC. Did a lot of research on DCC and was getting ready to take the plunge when I discovered railpro. This is the way I want to go. The only question I have is I started my layout with DC. Do I have to buy a power pack from railpro? Or can I run the real pro on my existing DC system?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on April 23, 2018, 05:38:14 PM
The only question I have is I started my layout with DC. Do I have to buy a power pack from railpro? Or can I run the real pro on my existing DC system?

What make and model power pack do you have?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on April 23, 2018, 05:40:18 PM
Welcome Keith.   :)

Yes, you can run RailPro on straight DC. Your track will have to be cleaned more often than it would with RP. For about $90, the PWR56 is probably worth it just to save you the time of cleaning your wheels and track.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KWilhelm on April 23, 2018, 05:58:45 PM
MRC Maximum Railroad Control HO Train Transformer model 500 Is the controller I am using.

The only reason I ask is I want my 12 year old son to be able to run trains on DC while I run Railpro. I can slowly introduce him to rail pro as we go.

Thanks for your help
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on April 23, 2018, 06:35:02 PM
That unit is near and dear to my heart. I had two of them on a layout when I was a kid. That was a long time ago.

I would recommend you do not use it with RailPro or with any model railroad equipment that contains solid state electronics. The old 500 and 501 power packs were basic transformers and rheostat with no filtering whatsoever. While RP modules may work on it don't be surprised if strange gremlins occur from time to time or even module failure happens. The RP modules are meant to work on filtered DC. Your MRC power pack is anything but filtered. If you have an oscilloscope and look at the output waveform you would see that is a very wavy DC.

Best you get a RP power supply or if you are on a budget use an old laptop power brick. You need something between 13-15 volt output. Bricks can readily be had for less than $10. https://www.ebay.com/itm/15V-DC-Power-Supply-4-3A-60W-with-1-AC-Power-Cord-UL-Listed-Efficiency-Level-IV/282774353078?hash=item41d6aa34b6:g:tAgAAOSwTQtaNEuf (https://www.ebay.com/itm/15V-DC-Power-Supply-4-3A-60W-with-1-AC-Power-Cord-UL-Listed-Efficiency-Level-IV/282774353078?hash=item41d6aa34b6:g:tAgAAOSwTQtaNEuf)

You cannot run DC trains and RailPro trains on the same track at the same time. The varying voltage used to control the DC train will cause the RailPro train to quit working or at best work erratically. It has to be one or the other.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KWilhelm on April 23, 2018, 06:44:42 PM
Thanks.. this is why this forum is so great. Maybe I can set up a switch to let my boy run and then I can run railpro at a different time and teach him. This was a great help.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KWilhelm on April 23, 2018, 06:49:02 PM
I planded on purchasing the starter kit from Bill this week but now I know not to run the trains together.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on April 23, 2018, 07:00:40 PM
Go ahead and buy the starter kit. And let your boy have at it. He isn't going to do any more harm with RP than he could do with DC. Turning the RP knob is the same as turning the DC power pack knob. If need be Dad can acquire the loco and then hand son the throttle.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: johnsteamer2008 on May 10, 2018, 03:48:27 PM
Hello everyone. My name is John DeJong, living in a western suburb of Chicago. Started in HO about 50 yrs ago, but due to family, job and other excuses, dropped out, and upon retiring, returned about a dozen years ago.  My primary interest is in modeling and building an HO 1940's  layout. Have a Digitrax system with dcc ready and dcc on board steam locos that I will convert to battery power and RailPro. I'm looking forward to tapping into the knowledge and experience of this group to get me through this conversion
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on May 10, 2018, 05:42:49 PM
Welcome to the group, John. Good to see another steam fan on here. Most of the guys are into diesels.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ratajack2004 on May 30, 2018, 01:32:18 AM
Hi my name is Stephen Cotner, I am mechanical engineer in Irvine CA modeling HO returning to the hobby. Since I have many DC locomotives, I am exploring wiring to DCC standards so that I can set up my layout to operate on DC, DCC or Railpro while I transition my locomotives to Railpro. Considering using ME and atlas turnouts for code 100 mainline and 83 for branchlines. Looking forward to learning from experience of this group.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: John Matthews on June 04, 2018, 03:47:06 PM
I am Johnny Matthews and will go by PJ (for Papa Johnny) which is what my grands call me.
I live in West Texas not far from the oilfields.  My railroad is a protofreelance of what I see in my area.  San Angelo is in west central Texas.  We have mesas and brush land and farming.  UP runs east/west through my home town 75 miles north at Colorado City, Texas.  BNSF runs down from the plains of New Mexico through Lubbock and south to Houston through San Angelo Junction east of where I live.  MOPAC ran east/west through my home town before being acquired by UP in the late seventies.  Santa Fe and ATSF ran on a branch RR through San Angelo in the 1920's through 1960's.  The South Orient (originally the Kansas City Mexico Pacific RR) operated through here  in the past.   Today, the branch from Ft. Worth to San Angelo is called the Texas Pacifico Transportation System.  So, I model MOPAC, ATSF, UP, BNSF, Ft. Worth and Western, Texas and Pacific, and South Orient  RR's.   I call the rail road the Petro Texas and Western because of the oilfields in our area of West Texas. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on June 04, 2018, 03:59:57 PM
Papa Johnny, good to see another modeler using a fictitious name for an amalgamation of real railroads. Mine is the same. My LK&O railroad is actually little pieces of the AC&Y, GT, and WM all rolled into one. Prototype railroading under a freelance name. Unlike yours however, my three railroads did not interchange with each other in the real world. In fact they were hundreds of miles from each other. On my layout they are linked together sequentially to form a single railroad.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: jjwdadof4 on June 06, 2018, 08:28:02 PM
Hi my name is Joshua White I just ordered my railpro system I model HO not after any particular theme or era I'm still green behind the ears just got some track up after being packed away for 20+ years so any help or hints are more than welcome I will probably get on here quite a bit to get some help, I'm in the Kansas City area so if there are any other railpro users around the area I would like to get together and form a new friendship

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on June 07, 2018, 07:55:30 PM
Welcome to the group, Josh. Have fun with RailPro.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TJMac on June 22, 2018, 09:49:43 AM
Hello Everyone,

This is Tom McMahon. I've been in and out of model railroading for 35 years. Started in HO and N, then to modern G. Had to sell all the large scale to make room for two beautiful little girls who are now 12 and 9.  Have been following RailPro and it's progress for three or four years. Was super excited when I saw the large scale modules and decided to get back into 'it'......2 rail O scale this time. Large enough for my less-than-perfect vision, and small enough to still build something awesome indoors.

Professionally speaking, I've been in various roles of product development for 20+ years - design, 3D modeling, engineering and prototyping (I was working with 3D printers before it was cool). This translates extremely well to my hobbies and I'm constantly creating 'stuff'.

I'm here for information, and hopefully to add to conversations....share what knowledge I do have  :o.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Gp10trainman on June 26, 2018, 09:09:14 PM
Good evening, my name is Ron Long from Blue Ridge, GA. I retired from 40 years in Residential Construction and 15 years as a Conductor and General Manager of The Blue Ridge Scenic Railroad. I am moving my wood shop to make way for my HO Scale logging railroad. Should be ready to start construction of my  RR in about 3 months. Today I successfully down loaded software from RailPro and ran my first locomotive up and down my 4 ' test track. Eureka! Still have a ways to got with sound, lights, etc. I appreciate all of the help I have gotten from this site which was one of the reasons I went with RailPro.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on June 27, 2018, 08:07:06 AM
 Welcome to the group! There is a great deal of information of a general model railroading nature available and more Railpro information than one can absorb in one day. Don’t be shy in asking for advice, everyone started at the same level.
  Again, welcome.

Cecil Collum
North central Ohio
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: IDRick on July 01, 2018, 09:12:58 PM

I live in Idaho and go by the tag IDRick.  I built a dc layout back in the 90's when my son was young but have put the RR aside for many years (okay, decades).  Looking to getting back into the hobby as I'm within a few years of retirement.  I've been reading MR for decades and find DCC intriguing but a bit too complicated for me.  I was thrilled when I read about the Railpro system and watched the videos.  Much closer to my interest and much easier to setup!

I do have a couple questions.  Our old locomotives were purchased in the mid 90's (5 Athearn blue box and 2 Proto2000 by LL).  I have watched videos that showed how to add a nine pin plug to an Athearn by using a Digitrax harness (forget the part number of top of my head).  Sadly, this harness is no longer available.

1) Is there a replacement solderless, easy to install harness for the athearn?
2) Is the current draw too high with blue box athearn?
3) Any easy way to decrease current draw on athearn (if it is a concern)?
4) Any thoughts on how to convert the Proto2000?


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on July 01, 2018, 10:32:11 PM
Welcome Rick!  I responded to your questions here: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php?topic=409.new#new (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php?topic=409.new#new)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: B.Lloyd on September 07, 2018, 02:52:00 PM
Hi my name is Barry Lloyd. I live in rural central Alberta. I started with a Railroad That Grows by Lynn Westcott in the late 50s. I have been in and out of the hobby ever since. I retired last year and my goal is to model C.P. Rail Nelson Sub in the transition era. Spent lots of summers on Kootenay Lake watching the tug Melinda Jane push barges up and down the lake. Main interest would be Nelson to Creston. Currently have NCE. Power Cab but most of my loco’s do not have DCC. Looking for something easy to use and be affordable. Looks like Rail Pro is an option. Just a side note to Bill Brillinger. Was just in Niverville to visit my oldest son. Love the area, the history and people. Can’t wait to go back. Thanks for letting me join.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on September 07, 2018, 08:20:31 PM
Hello Everyone,

This is Tom McMahon. I've been in and out of model railroading for 35 years. Started in HO and N, then to modern G. Had to sell all the large scale to make room for two beautiful little girls who are now 12 and 9.  Have been following RailPro and it's progress for three or four years. Was super excited when I saw the large scale modules and decided to get back into 'it'......2 rail O scale this time. Large enough for my less-than-perfect vision, and small enough to still build something awesome indoors.

Professionally speaking, I've been in various roles of product development for 20+ years - design, 3D modeling, engineering and prototyping (I was working with 3D printers before it was cool). This translates extremely well to my hobbies and I'm constantly creating 'stuff'.

I'm here for information, and hopefully to add to conversations....share what knowledge I do have  :o.

Thank you,



Welcome and I'm glad that O scale is working out for you. I was introduced to 3D printing a few years ago and have gone nuts with it. As you know the potential for modeling fidelity is amazing. My first project (which took me a little over 3 years as I had to teach myself SketchUp as well) was an HO scale Triple Underpass from Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX. The results are impressive.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on September 08, 2018, 11:19:14 PM
Hi my name is Barry Lloyd. I live in rural central Alberta.

Welcome to the group Barry. There's plenty to learn here so jump right in.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Tom on September 13, 2018, 09:42:58 AM
Hello all.  As a kid living near the main lines of the New York Central and Nickle Plate a stones throw from each other, I enjoyed the parade on many summer days, especially the steam.  I dabbled with some HO during those years, but dropped it for 50+ years.  Even after having been retired for a number of years, it took a lost Rivarossi berkshire during a downsizing household move used once a year on a 4 x 5 board with a Christmas tree in the middle to rekindle the interest.  While researching my options for DCC, it took a while before stumbling across RailPro.  Not being a wizard at any of this, it just seemed that RailPro was technologically way ahead of the DCC stuff.  So here I am with my very modest RailPro 4 x 8 layout in my 12 x 12 office.

Tom Hanson
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on September 13, 2018, 10:09:22 AM
Welcome Tom. You will find some good information in these threads. Feel free to ask questions if you get stuck.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: billb67 on November 15, 2018, 03:27:08 PM

My name is Bill and I'm getting back into the hobby, HO scale, after a long absense.  Railpro for me was an easy decision, however, I'm having a difficult time finding "DCC Ready" locos.  Any help would be appreciated.  Many are advertised with sound and Dcc......is this the same as dcc ready?  I ask this because none specify which decoder is installed.  Not knowing anything about DCC, will the installed dcc decoder work with any dcc system.....digitrax...NCE etc? 

thanks in advance
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on November 15, 2018, 04:42:51 PM

My name is Bill and I'm getting back into the hobby, HO scale, after a long absense.  Railpro for me was an easy decision, however, I'm having a difficult time finding "DCC Ready" locos.  Any help would be appreciated.  Many are advertised with sound and Dcc......is this the same as dcc ready?  I ask this because none specify which decoder is installed.  Not knowing anything about DCC, will the installed dcc decoder work with any dcc system.....digitrax...NCE etc? 

thanks in advance

Hi Bill and welcome.

A DCC sound equipped locomotive is NOT DCC ready. It already has a DCC decoder and speaker installed. This will be the most expensive loco to convert to RailRro as you'll need to remove most of this to install a RailPro Locomotive Module

A DCC ready locomotive does not have a DCC decoder installed. It typically has an NMRA 8/9 pin harness that you can plug in a DCC decoder. Note that a RailPro Locomotive module will plug directly into the NMRA 9 pin. There is an adapter available between the 8 and 9 pin.

Most everything made in the last 10-15 years (my guess) can easily have an NMRA 9 pin harness installed if it isn't already equipped (Bill sells them) and a RailPro LM installed. I think you have to get into some really old Athearn/Atlas/Roco locos that aren't frame isolated. Someone else will have to elaborate on that.

Most manufacturers offer either DCC ready or DCC sound equipped locos. Broadway Limited only offers DC/DCC Sound locos and they're expensive. I've ripped the guts out of two and really wish they'd offer a DC version. Of course I wish they'd fix about two dozen other things on their E units as well but that's a different topic.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on November 15, 2018, 04:50:24 PM

My name is Bill and I'm getting back into the hobby, HO scale, after a long absense.  Railpro for me was an easy decision, however, I'm having a difficult time finding "DCC Ready" locos.  Any help would be appreciated.  Many are advertised with sound and Dcc......is this the same as dcc ready?  I ask this because none specify which decoder is installed.  Not knowing anything about DCC, will the installed dcc decoder work with any dcc system.....digitrax...NCE etc? 

thanks in advance

DCC Ready means the locomotive is equipped with a decoder plug and wiring but no decoder. It also has the power pickups are isolated from the frame.
DCC and Sound means the locomotive comes supplied with a decoder installed. Sometimes this is a decoder plugged into a socket, sometimes the supplied decoder is on a circuit board pre-wired inside the locomotive. Sound means a speaker and speaker wiring is pre-installed.
Brand of pre-installed decoder varies with brand of locomotive.
Yes, any DCC decoder will work with any DCC system.

RailPro has a DCC emulation mode but you lose some critical functionality that makes RailPro superior to DCC. If you have a RailPro system it is best to fit your locomotives with RailPro LM modules and forget about DCC completely. DCC ready locos are an easy plug in installation. Even without being DCC ready (no plug) it is a simple task to hard wire in an LM module.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: alarcher on November 18, 2018, 08:15:47 PM
hello im alan archer and i am a new Ring user.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on November 18, 2018, 09:53:07 PM
hello im alan archer and i am a new Ring user.

Welcome Alan! Where are you located?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: krleddy on December 29, 2018, 08:30:17 AM

My name is Kevin Leddy and I've just joined.  My primary modeling interest is the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway.  Currently under construction are two Free-mo modules that hopefully will be operational soon.  Also just recently acquired my first RailPro throttle.  I have much to learn but am looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on December 29, 2018, 12:35:30 PM

My name is Kevin Leddy and I've just joined.  My primary modeling interest is the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway.  Currently under construction are two Free-mo modules that hopefully will be operational soon.  Also just recently acquired my first RailPro throttle.  I have much to learn but am looking forward to it.

Welcome Kevin! I've added you to the user map:

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: HBW1412 on January 03, 2019, 06:46:18 PM
Hello Everyone,
My name is Heath and I live close to Roanoke, VA.  I have been playing with trains since I was a child – I have a picture somewhere that shows me opening an HO Bachmann set on Christmas when I was 5yo.  Now that I’m older I model Norfolk Southern in HO scale.  My layout is in the top floor of my barn.  All my current engines are made by Kato.  When I was younger I dabbled in N scale, but my eyesight simply would not allow me to continue doing so due to cornea damage when I was 13yo.
In real life I’m a full-time, in-home caregiver and farmer.  I still live on the farm I grew up on and currently raise sheep, ducks and chickens listed by The Livestock Conservancy as endangered.  I also grow Orchardgrass/Clover hay.  I stay very busy most of the time, but when the weather gets cold I really enjoy working on my trains.

All these years I’ve been a staunch supporter of DC operation.  I’ve never had even the slightest inkling to give DCC a chance.  Several years ago I saw KPack’s YouTube videos and I thought RailPro was the neatest thing I’d seen come along in model railroading in many years.  I knew RailPro or something similar was the future of model railroading.

I thought I’d give it a few years and see how Ring Engineering’s Railpro system faired.  So, here I am very much ready to install RailPro in all my engines this winter.  Unfortunately, I and everyone I know has Hughesnet as an internet service provider and they use NAT444.  Thanks to the fantastic UDP Test program provided on these forums for helping me figure that out.  Thus far, I have been unable to download any software from Ring Engineering.

Until I joined this forum and used the UDP Test Program I had become so frustrated that I was going to give up on RailPro and stick to DC.  Seriously, I had gotten so frustrated that if I had hair it would be on the floor around my computer chair.  :o

Anyway, I’m glad I found these forums.  I’ll have to figure out some other way to get the software from Ring, but now that I know that I have the NAT444 issue I feel much better about being able to use RailPro in the future.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 03, 2019, 06:57:37 PM
Welcome Heath! Your life sounds interesting on the farm. I grew up in a rural community and know the hard work a farm requires.

I don't for the life of me understand why Tim Ring doesn't leverage this website and the members here. We have some of the smartest guys here and their willingness to help and assist is beyond comparison. Each RailPro product should come with a link to RPUG.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on January 03, 2019, 09:00:51 PM
I’m glad I found these forums.  I’ll have to figure out some other way to get the software from Ring, but now that I know that I have the NAT444 issue I feel much better about being able to use RailPro in the future.

Welcome to the group Heath, I'm glad you have found some assistance here!

I think the single most important thing anyone having connection issues can do is to call Ring Engineering, and tell them about the problem, and then report back here as to what if anything Ring was able to do about it. Ultimately Tim Ring will be the one to put in place a proper solution to these kinds of issues.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on January 04, 2019, 02:34:46 AM
Welcome Heath.

I'm glad you found use in the Test tool. Hughesnet is as far as I know a CGNat/NAT444 ISP. I'd love to see the results of the tests you ran to determine that you are behind NAT444.

and then report back here as to what if anything Ring was able to do about it. Ultimately Tim Ring will be the one to put in place a proper solution to these kinds of issues.

At this stage if Health is truly on a NAT444 connection with Hughesnet there is nothing he can do to get the software until Tim Ring fixes his software and server (I believe Hughesnet will not ever give public IP addresses to subscribers connections). The only thing Tim Ring can do is fix his software and server. Plain and simple.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: HBW1412 on January 04, 2019, 08:53:34 AM
Thanks for the Welcome.  I have Emailed Ring Engineering about my NAT444 issues with Hughesnet and my inability to use Ring’s server.  I will post his response on the forum.

I also asked him if he has any plans to direct customers to this forum.  I’ll post his response to that as well.

I don’t know who all was involved with the programming for the UDP Test for RailPro, but I must tip my hat to you.  It is a fantastic resource and saved me a tremendous amount of frustration.  I first realized my NAT444 issue when reading the traceroute results.  It shows the second hop ISP address to be 100.65.???

Also, on the Third and Fourth Test the local port and Client port did not match, but a response was received by the Test tool.  If I’m reading the response matrix correctly, that means that NAT444 is in effect.

G8B4Life – I contacted Hughesnet and confirmed with Level 2 Tech support that Hughesnet is in fact a NAT444 ISP.  Basic customer service did not know the answer to this question.  I did not ask them about a public IP address for my connection.  I suspect you are correct in thinking they will not give me a public IP address for my connection so I can use RailPro.

As far as living on a rural farm like mine goes - it would probably be seen by most as unacceptable.  I have no cell phone coverage.  My only internet access is thru satellite and my power and landline phone go out all the time.  With all that said, I love living here and wouldn’t change a thing.

Glad to be part of the forum.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on January 04, 2019, 09:16:03 AM

As far as living on a rural farm like mine goes - it would probably be seen by most as unacceptable.  I have no cell phone coverage.  My only internet access is thru satellite and my power and landline phone go out all the time.  With all that said, I love living here and wouldn’t change a thing.

Glad to be part of the forum.

NOT living on a farm, or in our case a small ranch, would be unacceptable to my wife and I. Yeah, cell service is one bar on a good day, we often rely on a generator when bad weather comes, and sometimes we are trapped until I plow a mile and a half of snow from the house to the highway but like you, we wouldn't trade it for any place else. We lived in both city and suburbia for the first 40 years. Never again.

Welcome to the forum.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: LSRR on January 13, 2019, 07:32:02 PM
New to this fourm and new to getting started with a HO layout. I will be building shortly from scratch with mostly hand me down stuff from my dad and my wide's dad. Going to be using RP and would like to further investigate dead rail use.

My back ground is 36 years with CPR , all in mechanical from being an apprentice mechanic to locomotive shop manager. Currently working for Cando Rail out of Winnipeg Manitoba.

Looking forward to interactions with the group

LSRR stands for the Lockport Selirk Rail Road the name that I will use on my freelance layout.

Thanks Rick P.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Shirwin on January 15, 2019, 07:16:10 AM
Thanks for the add.
I'm Shawn and my younger son is Jase, he's five and really getting into trains now! I've had several different scale layouts. We are mainly focused on G scale at this time. We just purchased our railpro system and installing it as we type.
I'm a master chiller tech who started York International in 2000. I currently work for a local contractor performing chiller maintenance and repairs.
Thanks again for all the great info so far! Hope I can contribute some knowledge as well.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: DTSe42 on January 16, 2019, 12:44:00 PM
Hi everyone, my name is Brian DeBord and I live in southeast Texas and retired a few years ago.   I’ve been fascinated with model railroading for many years, but now am now finally starting to design and build a HO layout.  The house I live in has an open floor plan that has the living room, kitchen, dining room as one big room (40x25) and my plan is to build a double track shelf train that runs around the entire area including over the kitchen cabinets and into the dining room etc.  I still can’t believe my wife is letting me do this!
I picked up the Railpro system last year and built a small oval test track on a 4x8 sheet of plywood to get a complete understanding of how the system operates.  I’ve converted 2 Athearn engines so far and ran them for hours around the test track playing with all the settings and now it’s time to graduate to building the permanent layout. 

Brian D.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 16, 2019, 12:59:40 PM
Welcome Brian. How far SE Texas? I used to live in Lumberton and worked out of BPT Airport.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: DTSe42 on January 16, 2019, 05:06:28 PM
Hi Jacob.  I live about 50 miles north of Houston.  I also worked at BPT airport from 2000-2003.  Small world!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 16, 2019, 05:58:36 PM
Hi Jacob.  I live about 50 miles north of Houston.  I also worked at BPT airport from 2000-2003.  Small world!

I was in BPT and BMT from 2002-2007. We may have crossed paths. I was in Navajo N27467, King Air N350TJ, Bonanza N6340Y, and assorted Piper and Cessna's. I'm in North Ft. Worth/Keller now. Let me know if you make it up this way.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: DTSe42 on January 16, 2019, 06:41:52 PM
Jacob..we probably talked to each other at some point.  I worked at BPT in the air traffic control tower.  Spent my last 12 years in the FAA at Houston approach.  It would be fun to get together some time and compare notes.  I do drive through the DFW area occasionally will look you up next time.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 16, 2019, 09:00:22 PM
That's awesome and I'm sure we did. I really wanted to land a 172 on the Oriskany before they towed her to Florida and sunk her but I didn't figure it would be a good start to my career. Fortunately Facebook and Snapchat didn't exist with the other stuff we did pull off.

We've got a handful of RailPro users around DFW with several Free-mo modules under construction. I don't know if trains will be running but there's always plenty of BS to tell.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KiloWhiskey on January 27, 2019, 07:32:46 PM
Thank you for the add to this forum. My name is Kevin W. and am living west of Phoenix, AZ. I am a former Army 13C TACFIRE operations specialist  as part of the 1st ID in Germany back in the '80s. Did my 4, then became a Firefighter Paramedic up until 2008 then worked at a prison.
The last model railroad i had was 30 years ago. Now I am looking to get back in. This will be a new build from scratch. I have nothing from the old layout. My layout will be based upon the Black River Junction in HO. Im thinking more modern but I am going to have fun and do what I want. I knew for a while about DCC but saw KPAC's video on RailPro and fell in love. So once funding is available I plan to start ...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on January 28, 2019, 07:19:29 PM
 Welcome, fellow Soldier. My last unit was the 212th FA Brigade at Fort Sill in the early nineties, just before my retirement from the Army.
 If you have any questions, this is the place to get truthful answers.
 Our website administrator, Bill Brillinger, is very able as well as knowledgeable and also carries Railpro in his hobbyshop. Check out his website at www.pdc.ca or select his Precision Design Co link on this site.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 28, 2019, 08:01:24 PM
Welcome Kevin!

Former 67U Det 1 G Co 149 AVN RGT.

And I second Bill’s shop. I have product enroute now.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KiloWhiskey on January 29, 2019, 11:48:49 AM
Its also interesting that there are several fellow Artillerymen here, as well as pilots. I hold a FAA mechanic cert as well, played communications tech ar the fire dept too. I look forward to interacting on this forum.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: FSUDadof3 on March 19, 2019, 04:09:58 PM
Hi I'm David. Systems Engineer in Ohio. Recently move here from Florida. I know, moved the wrong direction at my age. Ran out of medication, so here I am. I got a Marklin HO train in my kid years for Christmas one year.  Also helps my Father and 2 Uncles worked for the Seaboard Airline Railroad in Wildwood Florida now part of CSX.. My wife said since our house has a basement finished with several rooms, I could turn one into a Train Room.  What a GAL!!! Getting ideas about the layout and control of such. Would like to do a layout incorporating the switch yard and shops at Wildwood. The shops are gone, but not the memories. Well maybe some. Here for info on the Rail Pro System.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on March 19, 2019, 04:19:11 PM
Welcome David!  Hope you find the information you are looking for.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on March 19, 2019, 04:35:05 PM
Welcome, David. I also live in Ohio, about 60 miles north of Columbus on I-71. I am also from the SunnySouth but came here to be close to family. You can glean much information from this site, so don’t be shy about asking questions. I am still in the learning process myself.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on March 19, 2019, 04:59:50 PM
The shops are gone, but not the memories. Well maybe some.

Welcome to the group. I too am building my layout as a preservation of memories of a railroad as it was and my experiences there at a much younger age.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: FSUDadof3 on March 21, 2019, 04:49:52 PM
I live just east of Columbus ATSFGuy. The train scene sure has changed in the time I last had a small layout of a figure 8 thru an oval with a Spirit of 76 train from Kelloggs Cereal to what I see now. I do have a question though. I have read that Tim Ring is not over happy with this site. My question is this, is he the only employee of Ring Pro? You call up and he answers the phone. The product looks light years of anything else I have seen surfing other websites.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on March 21, 2019, 05:45:26 PM
My question is this, is he the only employee of Ring Pro? You call up and he answers the phone.

22 employees per Zoominfo https://www.zoominfo.com/c/ring-engineering-inc/347184353 (https://www.zoominfo.com/c/ring-engineering-inc/347184353)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: darryl.trains on March 22, 2019, 01:22:36 PM
Howdy Doodie fellows.   Nifty that there are a few others that had served in the military especially with artillery groups as I did in 1971-2. Although I was in weather research for the most part, I was assigned to 7/15th Arty in the Nam and not by choice but by my rank. Some might have heard of the Metro section? We provided weather for many military units.

Now back to having phun #####. The old fardt in Yuma 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: les dougherty on March 26, 2019, 07:39:32 PM

Beginner Model Rail Road hobbyist.
Modelling HO scale, modern era, no particular line.
Interested in Dead Rail Rail Pro so I don't have to do all the wiring and learning of DCC.
My view of Model Trains is focused mainly on the automation and robotic aspects of the hobby.
I'm a retired Software Support Tech. with a beginners knowledge of electronics.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ssimtx on July 10, 2019, 03:21:03 PM
Nice to be part of RPUG. My name is Steve Simoneau and I have been running RailPro on my G-scale railroad since October of 2018. I have just had my second locomotive converted to the RailPro system (July 2019) and am loving its ease of use. Battery power and RC is definitely the way to go on an outdoor railway if you can afford the upgrades. I look forward to learning from those of you more experienced than me since my location in west Texas if far away from any of the GRR clubs in the state.

Thanks for inviting me in!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Trainman79 on August 23, 2019, 12:18:27 PM
Hello Everybody,

My name is Allen and I recently discovered that my childhood love for trains never went away. I am currently planning a HO layout which I will be building in sections. I have the opportunity to fill a 24x36 basement, but want to begin smaller as to not overwhelm myself. After doing many months of research, I decided that Railpro is the system I would like to use to run my layout.

I look forward to learning from and getting to know everyone on here.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on August 23, 2019, 01:06:05 PM
Hello Everybody,

My name is Allen and I recently discovered that my childhood love for trains never went away. I am currently planning a HO layout which I will be building in sections. I have the opportunity to fill a 24x36 basement, but want to begin smaller as to not overwhelm myself. After doing many months of research, I decided that Railpro is the system I would like to use to run my layout.

I look forward to learning from and getting to know everyone on here.


Welcome to the forum Allen. You and I have a lot in common - first name, reason for trains, scale, basement size, RailPro. You may want to scroll through the posts on my blog for ideas. http://www.lkorailroad.com/ (http://www.lkorailroad.com/)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Trainman79 on August 24, 2019, 11:46:01 AM
Hello Everybody,

My name is Allen and I recently discovered that my childhood love for trains never went away. I am currently planning a HO layout which I will be building in sections. I have the opportunity to fill a 24x36 basement, but want to begin smaller as to not overwhelm myself. After doing many months of research, I decided that Railpro is the system I would like to use to run my layout.

I look forward to learning from and getting to know everyone on here.


Welcome to the forum Allen. You and I have a lot in common - first name, reason for trains, scale, basement size, RailPro. You may want to scroll through the posts on my blog for ideas. http://www.lkorailroad.com/ (http://www.lkorailroad.com/)

Thank you for the welcome! I am reading your blog now and from what I have read so far, you have had some great ideas. Thank you for posting a link.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BN3022 on September 27, 2019, 06:25:31 PM
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to Rail Pro and this Group.  I'm currently working on my 2nd LM3s install in an Stewart/Kato F3. I'm having fun getting it up and running and testing out the RP features such as the prime mover sounds, and light effects.  It boggles my mind how easy the RP system is to work with.  I previously ran Dynatrol and Rail Lynx so going to Rail Pro was a no brainer for me.

Modeling the BN Peoria Subdivision in HO circa 1980.

Looking forward to sharing experiences with others in this Group and learning more about Rail Pro. 

Ken Thompson

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on September 27, 2019, 06:41:13 PM
Welcome tonthe group, Ken. There is a wealth of information in these pages plus we have nembers who are extremely knowledgeable in all things model railroad.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on September 27, 2019, 10:08:16 PM
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to Rail Pro and this Group.  I'm currently working on my 2nd LM3s install in an Stewart/Kato F3. I'm having fun getting it up and running and testing out the RP features such as the prime mover sounds, and light effects.  It boggles my mind how easy the RP system is to work with.  I previously ran Dynatrol and Rail Lynx so going to Rail Pro was a no brainer for me.

Modeling the BN Peoria Subdivision in HO circa 1980.

Looking forward to sharing experiences with others in this Group and learning more about Rail Pro. 

Ken Thompson

Welcome Ken! Where do you live?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BN3022 on September 28, 2019, 09:40:29 AM
I'm in South Eastern Wisconsin, and yourself?

Ken T.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on September 28, 2019, 09:50:54 AM
I'm in South Eastern Wisconsin, and yourself?

Ken T.

Ft Worth, Texas. Your area is gorgeous. I was in Milwaukee in 2003 for Harley’s 100th anniversary and we loved the area. Isn’t there a train fest up that way each November?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BN3022 on September 28, 2019, 02:08:13 PM
Hi Jacob,

Yes, Train Fest is usually around the 1st weekend in Nov.  It's fun to go to and see all the modular layouts and what's new with some of the manufacturers.

Glad you enjoyed the area around here. My wife and I like being next to Lake Michigan too.  We have a sailboat and my summer job is running the local yacht club launch and supervising the marina.  My interests have always been boats and trains I guess.

Ken T.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: swoyekr on December 09, 2019, 06:40:10 PM
New user here, interested in rail pro but trying to see what I can do with my broadway limited reading t1
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Orlando on December 31, 2019, 10:25:07 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Orlando. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier when I first made a profile with the group. I've been model railroading since 2008, but since I found out about railpro it has been a joy to model railroad. I have a layout in my basement that is 24x27 and my boys and I enjoy going down and running trains and working the locals.
Thanks and hope everyone has and amazing new year!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on January 01, 2020, 07:11:37 AM
I guess I'll get the first post of the new year  :D

Welcome Orlando. Yep, wish you had introduced yourself back then, from what I saw of your C44-9W install in another thread it looks like you might have had some good stuff to contribute in that time. I hope you'll not go back to the depths of just lurking; I'm sure you've got more great stuff to contribute to the group with.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Orlando on January 01, 2020, 10:56:28 AM
I guess I'll get the first post of the new year  :D

Welcome Orlando. Yep, wish you had introduced yourself back then, from what I saw of your C44-9W install in another thread it looks like you might have had some good stuff to contribute in that time. I hope you'll not go back to the depths of just lurking; I'm sure you've got more great stuff to contribute to the group with.

- Tim

Thanks for the welcome sir! I promise I will not fall back into the abyss...

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on January 17, 2020, 10:36:48 PM
Welcome Orlando!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KB02 on February 16, 2020, 07:23:31 AM
Hello all,
   Figured I would drop in and introduce myself. My name is Bob and I've been in love with trains since I was a little kid. When my wife and I bought our house about 7 years ago, I finally had a space where I could set up a layout. It started as a simple little 4x8, then one day I drilled a hole in the wall. My wife asked me why I did that, I replied, "The railroad needed to expand." Her response: "I was afraid of that..."  ;D
   Anyway, my layout started as DC, then DC block wiring so I could run multiple trains, that I took the jump into DCC. Now I am thinking about going to Railpro. As everything I have done on my layout to date has been bit by bit with a slow expansion, this would be a HUGE purchase for me. Just trying to gather as much information as I can before making the plunge (IF I make the plunge).
   I've got a lot of questions, so I'm sure that I'll be posting and reading and searching. Thanks for any help!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on February 19, 2020, 08:28:02 PM
Welcome Bob!
Title: Hello Everyone
Post by: GMM6809 on March 06, 2020, 12:21:39 PM
Hello all, I hope this finds you well.
My name is Glenn, I’m 28 (29 later this month) and am a Sergeant in the Marine Corps. I’m married to my rockstar wife Heidi and we have a daughter named Harper who will be 2 late this year. I’m currently deployed, and have been since November of last year. I’m from Maryland originally, but live in Southern California.

I have been interested in trains and basically any type of large machinery or equipment, for as long as i can remember. I always loved to help my Grandmom set up the model train set around the Christmas tree every year. My dad has a fair amount of older DC HO scale things, though he never had a layout or really used them in any way, many may not even be assembled kits.

Anyways, I started to really get into the model railroading hobby myself on Father’s Day of 2019. I joined a local club to help them with basically what ever they wanted me to do. So far I’ve been doing electrical work, some scenery work, starting to learn how to fix bad order rolling stock and engines. I think I’ve gotten a great handle on using the JMRI software to adjust CV’s and such so that the engines conform to the clubs policy on scale speeds at certain speed steps. (25SMPH @ step 14 and 50SMPH @ step 28) that way nearly every engine there will behave with one another.

Since then I have been acquiring my own models and rolling stock. I have all Athearn engines and a mix of manufacturers rolling stock. Maybe a total of 15-20 cars?

I have 2 DDA40X’s, 3 SD40-2 “Fast Forties”, 1 SD70ACE, all Union Pacific road names, and mostly well cars for intermodal services. I would eventually like a passenger car set, but they’re very expensive.

I currently do not own RailPro equipment, but do plan on purchasing it within the year. I currently have an NCE PowerCab at home, but no layout or space for one. I run all my stuff at the local club, which also runs NCE.

I want to switch to RailPro because i love the idea of simple consisting and the touch screen with pictures, as well as the ‘seemingly’ simpler installation, when it comes time for my own layout. I am also excited to still be able to run my RP equipped engines at the clubs layout, with either their NCE controllers, using the DCC option, or bringing my own controller and running my engines that way.

I already have some questions about using a RP equipped engine with a DCC controller, and with normal DCC engines, and other things, but I’ll have to figure out where to ask them, or make a new thread.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but I am appreciative if you’ve read it all.

Looking forward to becoming part of the family.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on March 06, 2020, 01:00:05 PM
Welcome Glenn, and thank you for your service.

If you are used to running DCC then you will love RailPro. It is much easier to use. Read through the threads on here when you have time. There is a lot of good information that will answer most of your questions including pictures, diagrams and installation tips.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on March 06, 2020, 01:11:41 PM
Welcome and thank you for your service.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KiloWhiskey on March 06, 2020, 08:27:46 PM
Welcome... what is your MOS ? We have a few Cannon cockers here...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: GMM6809 on March 07, 2020, 01:34:18 AM
Welcome Glenn, and thank you for your service.

If you are used to running DCC then you will love RailPro. It is much easier to use. Read through the threads on here when you have time. There is a lot of good information that will answer most of your questions including pictures, diagrams and installation tips.
Thank you for your support, I have been lurking around and reading up on a bunch of this stuff, still trying to figure out what section different questions i have would be in, or best suited to ask the in. Loving the forum though!

Welcome and thank you for your service.
Thank you and i appreciate your support!

Welcome... what is your MOS ? We have a few Cannon cockers here...

6153 Airframe Structural Mechanic on the CH-53E.  8)
POG and proud. Lmao  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on March 07, 2020, 06:23:57 AM
I have been lurking around and reading up on a bunch of this stuff, still trying to figure out what section different questions i have would be in, or best suited to ask the in. Loving the forum though!

Most questions should be asked in a new post under the RailPro Discussion & Help section.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on March 07, 2020, 07:42:18 AM
Welcome to the group, you will find there are very helpful members here.
I am one of the cannon-cockers referred to by Kevin, 8” SP howitzers. Retired from the Army in 1990.
Once you digest the basics, Railpro becomes pretty simple and is so capable one wonders why anyone stays with DCC.
Read through the posts, they contain much valuable information.
Please sign your name so we get acquainted with you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: darryl.trains on March 07, 2020, 09:15:01 AM
Those guys are always shooting off something ! They just like to make LOUD noise.  I was in weather research for most of my 21 years in the military but was in charge of a Metro Section in Korea & the Nam. All long ago.  TOF in Yuma..
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on March 07, 2020, 09:29:59 AM
To all of you vets, a sincere thank you. Know that your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Glenn’s Intro
Post by: GMM6809 on March 07, 2020, 12:55:38 PM
Most questions should be asked in a new post under the RailPro Discussion & Help section.
Thank you, I will be sure to make my way over there when i figure out my questions!

Welcome to the group, you will find there are very helpful members here.
I am one of the cannon-cockers referred to by Kevin, 8” SP howitzers. Retired from the Army in 1990.
Once you digest the basics, Railpro becomes pretty simple and is so capable one wonders why anyone stays with DCC.
Read through the posts, they contain much valuable information.
Please sign your name so we get acquainted with you.
Pleasure to make your aquantiance, even if you were in the Army.  :P
I’m just kidding, although i am pleased to meet you. I am not an infantry man, i have a lot of respect for those that do things like you have.
I think i have begun to grasp the general concepts and ideas. I definitely like the way you don’t have to adjust CV’s at all. Although i have been starting to get really good at speed matching the club’s engines via CV changes. I still am unsure as to how the adjustments, or lack there of on the RailPro equipped engines translate to DCC controlled engines. The RailPro speed knob is in percents, from 0% to 100% (i think) but the DCC is in either 28 or 128 speed steps... how does it determine what speeds will be each speed step? (If that question needs to go else where I can ask it again there)

Those guys are always shooting off something ! They just like to make LOUD noise.  I was in weather research for most of my 21 years in the military but was in charge of a Metro Section in Korea & the Nam. All long ago.  TOF in Yuma..
Thank your for your service. I’m not a fan of loud noises. Harriers are the worst. They are so loud and annoying, I’m glad i do not work on them. What does TOF stand for?

To all of you vets, a sincere thank you. Know that your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support!

(Like that Cecil?  :) )
Title: Re: Glenn’s Intro
Post by: Alan on March 07, 2020, 07:13:15 PM
The RailPro speed knob is in percents, from 0% to 100% (i think) but the DCC is in either 28 or 128 speed steps... how does it determine what speeds will be each speed step? (If that question needs to go else where I can ask it again there)
(Like that Cecil?  :) )

RP is 0.1% increments = 1000 speed steps. It is a percentage of the respective loco's top speed as set in the Advanced Loco Setup.

DCC uses 128 speed steps because 128 is a magic number that works well with digital registers ie. hardware is the reason for 128. RP modules are microprocessors in and of themselves and are software driven so command format is not constrained to the physical digital architecture. This fact is what really sets RP apart from DCC. RP is true microprocessor communicating with microprocessor - configurable software on both ends.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on March 08, 2020, 09:42:53 PM
Welcome Glenn and Semper Fi from a former Army 67U!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: darryl.trains on March 08, 2020, 11:07:51 PM
In the essence of short cuts, TOF = the old fardt.  In the military I was either a 93E or 93F depending on the job and location.  Let's see, NCOIC, team commander and just plain fill in as needed. What a military life !!  And the ride was something else.   Now in Arid-Zona... Oh yes !! Very retired...   Not Arid-Zona right now.  SHOWERS.  !!!!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: GMM6809 on March 10, 2020, 02:18:57 PM
RP is 0.1% increments = 1000 speed steps. It is a percentage of the respective loco's top speed as set in the Advanced Loco Setup.

DCC uses 128 speed steps because 128 is a magic number that works well with digital registers ie. hardware is the reason for 128. RP modules are microprocessors in and of themselves and are software driven so command format is not constrained to the physical digital architecture. This fact is what really sets RP apart from DCC. RP is true microprocessor communicating with microprocessor - configurable software on both ends.
So the “top speed” is the load test when you first connect the Loco Module? That being said, I think i will as my question in another thread as to not derail this forum topic.

Welcome Glenn and Semper Fi from a former Army 67U!
Thank you and thank you for your service as well.

In the essence of short cuts, TOF = the old fardt.  In the military I was either a 93E or 93F depending on the job and location.  Let's see, NCOIC, team commander and just plain fill in as needed. What a military life !!  And the ride was something else.   Now in Arid-Zona... Oh yes !! Very retired...
Oh! Alright then!  ;D The more you know! Nice to meet you lol
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Stephen K on March 14, 2020, 09:43:29 PM
Hello everyone.
A genuine Rail Pro newbie here.  Had my first HO layout as a kid in the 60's.  Grew away from it as I grew up but never forgot it.  About 10 years ago I built a layout with hopes of getting my son interested.  That didn't happen but I kept at it anyway.  Two years ago I packed it all up as my wife of almost 39 years and I moved to a new home.  All the train stuff is still in boxes in the basement.  Been working since the move to get a train room ready.  Finally almost ready to start bench work.  Made the decision some time ago that this would be a step up to DCC, not another DC layout.  But what system?  Did quite a lot of searching the net and stumbled into Ring Engineering's Rail Pro.  Fell in love with it immediately.  Did more reading to vet it out best I could and remained convinced this would be my next system.  Having never done DCC I really had very little idea what it would take to convert my old DC locos but feared it would be a significant challenge.  So a few weeks ago I bought a couple modern locos.  One "DCC Ready" and one with "DCC and Sound" already on board thinking this would be a better place to start.  I tore into my new locos to see what the insides were all about and decided this wouldn't be such a big deal after all.  Last week I ordered my new Rail Pro system.  Hope it arrives soon.  My only question right now is about wiring speakers.  I'll post that question in a different forum category.  Looking forward to getting this system going but it'll be a wile before I have track laid.  Maybe I can piece together a small test track on my workbench just to see it work.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on March 15, 2020, 09:17:54 AM
Welcome, Stephen. I also had boxes of locomotives and cars I started collecting in the 70's. About eight years ago I decided to build a small HO layout in the basement. After much research I decided to go with RailPro. It was fun unpacking everything, and RP was definitely a good choice.

You should definitely set up a test track and pick up a CI-1 USB interface while you are waiting. I have a small test track right in front of my computer where I can test everything I work on while sitting down, without even needing a controller.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Brian W. on April 15, 2020, 09:19:38 AM
Hi everyone, I'm a new RailPro user as well. My wife and I have been collecting G scale running stock and engines for about 20 + years. She used to ride the NP between Billings and the Twin Cities while attending college here. So our power is mostly NP. At our old house we had an oval running on our deck in back. Since we've moved we now have a figure 8 in the back yard around a small pond with expansion planned for this spring.
After looking at DCC for a couple years I stumbled across KPac's videos and connected with Don Sweet for more info. I was sold on RailPro for the ease of installation & control. I just installed on a Burlington F3A&B and am very impressed with the results.
Great forum with lots of good support!

Brian W.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on April 15, 2020, 10:30:25 AM
Welcome to the fold Brian. Kevins videos snags another user  ;)

Having a wife that shares the hobby with you sounds like an awesome blessing.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on April 15, 2020, 11:33:01 AM
Welcome Brian!  Glad you could make it.  When you get a chance post some pictures and videos of your G-scale installs.  We'd all be very interested in seeing them.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on April 15, 2020, 11:58:55 AM
Welcome, Brian. Don’t hesitate to ask questions on the forum if you run to a roadblock. There are several amazing fellows on the forum who can help you on any Railpro or model railroading question you have. Unfortunately, I am not one of them, having returned to the hobby after a 30 year hiatus.
I hope you enjoy your Railpro system.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Smoke on April 21, 2020, 06:26:57 PM
Hello everyone! I've been on various forums over the years, but am getting back into the hobby after working with real trains for awhile.

I have done allot of reading on RailPro and will most likely be purchasing a system when I build my switching layout in the coming years. I've used DCC in the past at club layouts, but never cared for all the CV's and knowing all the tricks of how to make it all work well. RailPro seems like the way to go, but I am also interested in the Proto Throttle, so that does count as a negative currently.

A question I do have on RailPro, if you are running on DCC with the RailPro modules does the RP load sharing still work, or does DCC take over the "speed table"?

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KPack on April 21, 2020, 06:40:41 PM
Hey Andrew,

Good to see you again.  I'm glad to see you back and hope to see some progress on that switching layout.  In answer to your question, Railpro doesn't care where it gets its power from.  DC, DCC, Railpro (filtered DC) power, battery, etc....it's all the same to Railpro.  Railpro uses the power from DCC without regard to the DCC signal.  All Railpro functions will work as normal.

On a side note, Railpro does have backwards compatibility with DCC, should you want it.  It practice you will likely never use the function, but it's there.  If desired you can turn on DCC mode on the locomotive modules, then control the Railpro-locomotives with a DCC controller and run them with your other DCC-equipped locomotives.  It goes without saying that you lose all Railpro functionality when running in DCC mode.  No load-sharing, no two-way communication, etc.  But it works.  I'll post a video on it soon.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on April 25, 2020, 12:48:20 AM
Discussion on RailPro with ProtoThrottle has been split off into it's own topic: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1006.msg7762.html (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1006.msg7762.html)

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Smoke on May 09, 2020, 10:48:51 AM
I wanted to post again to say that I am officially a RailPro user after receiving the basics to get started for my Birthday (CI-1, LM-3S, and a PBM-2)! Now I have to decide which locomotive will be the first to get RailPro!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on May 09, 2020, 11:51:46 AM
I wanted to post again to say that I am officially a RailPro user after receiving the basics to get started for my Birthday (CI-1, LM-3S, and a PBM-2)! Now I have to decide which locomotive will be the first to get RailPro!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Greg on May 15, 2020, 10:35:35 AM
Hi, My name is Greg and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I've been using HO since the late 1960's and I'm looking to convert my four DC locomotives and other accessories to DCC / Rail Pro. I'm impressed with Rail Pro's ease of use. I'm hoping to find some users and a stockist in Australia. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss with your members.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on May 15, 2020, 11:24:51 AM
Welcome Greg. I used to live there. I'm out in the country now. Besides me I don't think there are any other (active) RailPro users in Aus, certainly if there is they don't make it known here anyway.

There are no stockists of RailPro in Australia, it's not a licensed device in the radio spectrum here so it can not legally be sold here by a distributor/retailer but in a general sense it can be imported privately, with the same caveat I made on another thread here:

The radio spectrum licensing authority (ACMA) could confiscate it if it was found to be causing bad interference, which I can honestly say that I'd never expect to happen in a million years as RP is designed to be compliant here (Rings words)

Most here get their RailPro stuff through our forum host at pdc.ca (http://pdc.ca); Bill is awesome in this regard for RailPro stuff. There is also an ex RP user up in Queensland that has his RailPro gear available second hand. I don't recall what he has available but you can use the forum to send him a personal message or just email him to see what he's got and how much: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,997.msg7729.html#msg7729 (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,997.msg7729.html#msg7729).

Read up on forum, lots of good information here. Just be aware (addressing your DCC / RailPro comment) that RailPro is not DCC. While you can control RailPro locomotive modules from the version 2 modules with a DCC controller (to different levels of success depending on the DCC system) you can not control a DCC locomotive with a RailPro controller.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on May 15, 2020, 11:31:17 AM
Welcome, Greg. This is the place to get answers for all your Railpro “difficulties” such, in my case, electronics. I, too, was out of the hobby for years and didn’t keep up with that part of the hobby. Fortunately, we have electronic whizs on the site, Alan and Tim. These guys can solve about any problem you can work into! Tim is from Australia, also, and is called called “the other Tim” by the guys and gals due to the inventor of the Railpro system also being named Tim. I can’t remember his usef name at the moment. Just post problems on the site and someone will help solve it.
 We prefer the Railpro system due to its ease to learn and use. I am a rank beginner so I have few answers for anyone.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ronp on May 19, 2020, 09:51:54 AM
Morning all,

My name is Ron and I live in Redding, Ca.  I’m a 4 decade G scaler with an outdoor layout.  My past engine control has been DC, DCC, and Revo Battery.  My first RailPro units have arrived and I’m in the middle of my first install. The battery, receiver module, and motors for a USAT GP-38 are placed, wired, and tested, all working very well. . I’m not an electrical tech guy so I’m just working my way thru the install. The things that drew my attention to RailPro are the screen brightness, all in one receiver, MU control, and the great feel of the throttle knob.  I have some questions but I will save them for another thread.  I’m looking forward to RailPro operation.  Thanx for the add.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on May 19, 2020, 12:22:10 PM
Welcome Ron,

Looks like you'll be in good company with a couple of other large scalers doing the same thing. Hopefully you can help each other out if one of you gets stuck working out how to do a part of an install.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ronp on May 19, 2020, 02:05:35 PM

Thanx for the hello.  I realize that the large scale guys on this forum are few, but some of the info crosses over.  Anyway, glad to be aboard.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Randy on May 24, 2020, 01:30:09 AM
Greetings all! My name is Randy and I am building a 1:20.3 outdoor/indoor layout. I mostly am modeling RGS and have laid about 250 ft of code 215 and code 172 track and with llagas creek ties and turnouts and several scratch built stub turnouts in 215 and 172.
I have installed RailPro in a Bachmann Spectrum 2-6-0 tender,  a Bachmann Forney (along with a modified Bachmann chuff circuit board for synchronized chuff) , and I have scratch built a loco similar to the RGS #4 Goose for my wife which I installed a Railpro system in.  I have gathered sounds for making a gas engine sound file for the goose, that revs up and shifts gears as speed increases. I Joined this forum because I cannot seem to find any information on creating a prime mover sound file like the Railpro diesel files that auto notch up when speed increases. I have made files that start, idle and shut down, and manually rev up and shift gears using individual buttons on the HC,  but would like to create a sound file that does this all automatically.
I also have several Airwire and Phoenix systems installed in several Bachmann c-19's, and had a Phoenix P-8 installed in the Bachmann 2-6-0 along with the RailPro, so that the chuffs would be synchronized. (That was a VERY tight fit which eventually resulted in shorting out the railpro, so I installed another modified bachmann chuff circuitboard and removed the P-8 for more space).
Hope to work with you all in making our hobby more fun!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on May 24, 2020, 09:03:54 AM
Welcome Randy. We've got a few large scalers here now so you've got some good company for your large scale projects.

As to the sound file, no you can't yet make a engine sound file that auto notches (shifts) like Ring puts out, a major failing after all these years IMO but if they are all your own recordings you can send them to Ring and he can (perhaps, eventually) make them into a downloadable auto notching engine sound file. It is highly likely he'd put that file up for everyone to download so you'd need to say no to that if you wanted to keep it private (in which case I'd suspect it not to be done given the work involved).

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Randy on May 25, 2020, 12:30:58 AM
Thanks for the reply Tim!
Alas, I suspected as much about keeping the Auto Notching a secret. Spent a LOT of time searching and researching and experimenting. In my many years, I have seen many great products lose their opportunity trying to keep the inner workings a secret too long. Still hoping for some action on the purple wire. That is really the only reason that I have purchased Airwire systems: the synchronized chuffs.
Well I think I will browse this site more and see what I can learn or help with.
Best wishes!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: sandy.hadsell on July 07, 2020, 12:42:35 PM
Hi everyone,
My name is Sandy Hadsell (Named after Koufax), from northeast Ohio, and I am new to Railpro. I have been modeling in HO on and off since I was ten. I am currently building a medium sized layout in the basement of our new home. All of my previous layouts were wired for DC and after reviewing several DCC options, I chose Railpro because of the Wireless Feature and Touchscreen simplicity shown in the videos. I am also interested in safe and easy battery powered installs. I am currently modeling the Green Bay and Western in the Wisconsin Rapids and Plover areas. Electronics and wiring are not my strong suit, so I will be watching the videos and reading the posts from the User Group on installation tips and other advice. Thank You for establishing this user group to help us all enjoy the hobby more.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KiloWhiskey on July 08, 2020, 06:43:58 PM
Welcome Sandy
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Mike3326 on July 14, 2020, 11:53:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I’m fairly new to G scale modeling. I model 1970’s era (and newer) freight after my father who retired from SP. I have a 220’ loop in Los Angeles, but plan on creating something much larger in 2022 (when I retire and move to Washington). I attended the NGRC in Portland and was overwhelmed by DCC and the wiring involved. I’ve been running an NCE system from the start, but find it very frustrating to use when creating consists on my layout; Not to mention the pain in the butt and costs involved in converting locos to DCC.  I’m not super confident about installing decoders on my own, so I got a couple of SD70’s with Railpro from RLD hobbies this month. Robby sold me on the Railpro system (which I never heard of). The functionality and crisp clean sound is amazing. I’m a true fan now. My goal is to learn how to install Railpro in all of my locos and enjoy my time running trains and less time trying to figure out why they’re not functioning or programming CV’s.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KiloWhiskey on July 15, 2020, 12:35:21 AM
Very cool.... welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ironacres on July 30, 2020, 10:10:33 PM
Hello Phil here.  I am retired, spent a great deal of my life in the dredging industry as an operator and later 20 plus years in the shop doing repairs, fabrication, welding.  Not counting my time in the Army in the 1970s, and an electrical / excavating contractor in the family business, 1980s.  Had a mix of other jobs in my early years.  Now enjoying my retiree time devoted to model railroading, G scale, and other hobbies. Hope to learn a few things here.  Thanks. 73.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on July 31, 2020, 09:03:38 AM
73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: tigerpawz on August 08, 2020, 08:21:03 AM
Hello Everyone - My name is Cameron and I recently transitioned my garden railroad from DC to battery with RailPro as my C&C. I grew up modeling N and HO specifically Canadian RRs but since moving to Texas have moved into G and 1920-40s steam Colorado & Southern. Have a 200' L garden layout focused mostly on running trains in loops while enjoying the backyard. Looking forward to learning more about what my new RP system can do and contributing where I can. Cheers!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on August 08, 2020, 07:02:34 PM
Welcome, tigerpawz, you have joined a group that includes very knowledgeable members in about every aspect if model railroading and especially Railpro. Any questions you may have regarding Railpro can be answered here. Just post your problem here and you will get an answer in a day or two.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Filip on August 12, 2020, 08:33:18 AM
Bonjour Everyone, Nice to find this RPUG Forum. I live in France - Centre but original from Flanders in Belgium. My name is Filip and I'm almost retired .. but still young at heart ( The reason I play with trains...)
An 'armchair' modeler for to long coming from a childhood Märklin 3 rail system to the DCC 2 rail and in the build of my second layout "The AnneliesVille RR" since 2018. Running on NCE Power Cab for the moment but tired of the wires and CV programming. Now is the time for a change and Railpro is my choice after examining the 'Systems' around and seeing YouTube vids from Kpack and others. I love all aspects of this fine hobby but electronics are not my piece of cake, although handling the soldering iron is not a problem.
So, I like to step in and find 'the' answers to my questions here.
Since 'English' is not my mother tong please excuse me for the language 'mistakes'.
I have a blog on MRH with photo updates: https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/36273

Looking forward to meet you I send you my 'Happy model railroading greetings'
Cordialement, Filip
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on August 12, 2020, 10:08:27 AM
Welcome Filip,

I don't think you've much to worry about English not being your mother tongue, your coming across absolutely fine.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on August 12, 2020, 11:04:25 AM
Bonjour, Filip, and welcome to our group. It is composed of experts and newbies and answers are readily available to all questions, even to my dumbest ones. 
Don’t worry about language difficulties, we would have the same if this were a Belgian site. Enjoy your Railpro and run your trains!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Filip on August 13, 2020, 06:53:26 AM
Bonjour Tim and Cecil,
Thanks for your warm welcome. I feel home already !
Greetings, Filip
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on August 13, 2020, 11:38:08 AM
We have had a number of new members recently and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you here!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MKTKaty on August 13, 2020, 02:30:58 PM
Hello RPUG; Thanks for allowing me to join the group, I'm not just brand new to RP but to RR modeling also. I'm retired and started modeling outdoor G Scale MKT (KATY) and RIO Southern Lines. Our layout is fairly small just 200ft. of track with 4 switches, a couple tunnels and a trestle. For now I have USA SD70MAC UP KATY 1988 Heritage Loco and Bachman Big Hauler 4-6-0 Anniversary Steam Loco and various rolling stock. Lots to learn!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on August 13, 2020, 02:52:43 PM
Welcome, Leon. To us inside railroaders, 200’ sounds like a lot of track. We wouldn’t mind seeing some pictures.  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MKTKaty on August 13, 2020, 06:33:16 PM
Well, tried to send some pics but wasn't successful. haven't figured out my way around the page yet.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on August 13, 2020, 07:29:35 PM
Use this

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Bob Van Deusen on August 25, 2020, 06:02:51 PM
Hello My is Bob Van Deusen  I'm from Adams, Massachusetts in Berkshire County which is in the western part of the state. I am a G scale modeler in particular battery garden railroading. Have been modeling train since I was a young boy. I'm now sixty years old and still play with trains!!!! 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: nodcc4me on August 25, 2020, 06:57:59 PM
Welcome, Bob. Glad you’re enjoying the hobby. I’m just north of Albany, not too far from you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ON28 on August 25, 2020, 07:28:20 PM
Hello My is Bob Van Deusen  I'm from Adams, Massachusetts in Berkshire County which is in the western part of the state. I am a G scale modeler in particular battery garden railroading. Have been modeling train since I was a young boy. I'm now sixty years old and still play with trains!!!!

Welcome! There's a major model railroad exhibit being developed in North Adams.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: NoahT on September 10, 2020, 11:19:43 PM
Hey all! Thanks for allowing me to join the group. Noah Toomey, living outside Seattle. I've been collecting G scale (mix of scales) since 1985. I've got ~200 LF of track in our yard, running a mix of LGB, USA Trains and Bachmann. My 9 year old son is getting into the hobby as well with his first LGB Stainz Set. Lots of fun.

Until now, I've only ever run rail power., with a traditional/old school controller. Doing a lot of research, I've jumped into the RailPro world : ) I'm just installing into a bachmann Climax and USA Trains 44 ton switcher to start. Hopefully soon I'll be trying to wire into an LGB Forney.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on September 11, 2020, 06:17:07 AM
Welcome Noah,

We're getting quite a few large scalers on here now which is good. You've got a good hobby to share with your son, fingers crossed his interest lasts a lifetime.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MKTKaty on September 16, 2020, 01:33:55 PM
Hello RPUG! Thanks for letting me join the group. Leon McGee, living in Mt. Vernon IL. I'm not only new to this group but to modeling as well. I'm running G Scale MKT and Rio Grand garden railroad lines. My USA SD 70 is set up on RailPro LM-3S-G and hoping to add LM 3S-G module to my Bachmann Annie 4-6-0 ASAP. Anyone have any pointers on installing the module in Bachmann?

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on September 18, 2020, 02:43:59 AM
Welcome Leon.

You might get a response (we have quite a few large scalers here now) if you ask your question in the RailPro Discussion and Help (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/board,1.0.html) Thread, which is the primary thread to get help (this one is basically to say "hello, this is what I do" so I imagine not everyone reads it).

- Tim

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: EmeryJ on September 28, 2020, 02:09:22 PM
Hello ya'll,
I am Emery from the Mansfield, Tx area.  My railroad is in the beginning stages and have a RP kit with many modules still in boxes for almost a year now.  Progress is happening, but still awhile before the electronics will be installed.
Thank you for allowing me to join this fine group.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on September 29, 2020, 07:43:11 AM
Hello, Emery. I am also from the Mansfield area but Mansfield, Ohio, and I am also in the early stages of layout construction. Like you, I had my RP equipment about a year before installing it. I took advantage of that time by reading every posting on the site and tried to remember where I found it.
 Welcome to the group and don’t be shy about asking questions, there is a great depth of knowledge available be simply asking a question and it is free information.
Title: Hello from northern Cincinnati!
Post by: Espeelark on September 30, 2020, 05:40:06 PM
Hello! I'm located in West Chester, OH - which is a northern suburb of Cincinnati. Digitrax's DCC system is the strong contender here n this area but have always been intrigued by RailPro. The deal was cinched for me when I operated on a layout in the Indianapolis area.
I finally started construction of my multi-deck SP Lordsburg District HO scale layout earlier this year, and am getting close to when I'll have the first of my track laid. I'm going to need to run something on that track so will be purchasing the RaiPro starter kit and at least one loco module soon.

Also, I have been retired now for just over one-year so have the time needed.

If you are interested in my layout, I've been blogging it over at the MRH site. You can find that here:
https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/38537 (https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/38537)

Looking forward to taking advantage of all of the tribal wisdom resident here on the pages of RPUG!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: CPRail on September 30, 2020, 07:50:36 PM
Welcome Espeelark!

Long live the Espee. While I'm currently modelling CP Rail & VIA in my hometown, my heart will always beat red & scarlet.

I still have a small portion of my SP fleet from my SP modelling 20 years ago (has it been that long?), and recently 6 new SP locos and a caboose have found their way onto my layout. It's amazing how they weasel their way in...

In fact, there are the 4 SP GP40X's on the workbench in process of getting RailPro installed.

I've been running RailPro since 2015. I tried NCE back in the day, and found the whole DCC thing frustrating, so went back to Dinosaur Control. You'll LOVE RailPro!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MichaelK on October 04, 2020, 05:50:29 PM
Hello RailPro users!

My train life started in the late 50’s. When I was about four years old, my Mom and Dad bought some Lionel HO trains and ran them on Atlas snap track/switches/controllers, set up on a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, supported by sawhorses. They ran the trains a lot more than I did. As I got older, I collected quite a bit of Athearn (blue box) and AHM/Riverossi engines and rolling stock. With the help of my Dad, in the late 60’s we built an open grid layout with homasote and Tru-Scale roadbed with nickel silver rail. Then we dismantled it and moved in 1972 and put everything in boxes, where it remains to this day. Fast forward to Christmas 1987, when I received a G-scale LGB starter set from my wife. I expanded that set into the early '90s, but after a couple more moves, I put everything into storage.  I got the bug again about four years ago and started collecting more G-scale trains again in anticipation of building a new layout. I'm partial to USA Trains and Aristocraft 1/29 G-Scale engines and cars. Last year, I began converting my engines to battery power with the Airwire system. After completing two engines with Airwire, I discovered RailPro and was hooked. I’ve already converted one GP9 with the HC-2-SUN controller, an LM-3S module, a 14.8V battery pack, and I won’t look back!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Rgolding on October 10, 2020, 04:23:57 PM
Hi Folks,

My name is Ric Golding, I am a retired USCG Chief Boatswain Mate, but ran a marina for 25 years after that.  I have operated 1:20.3 largescale trains with batteries and radio control since 1998.  Just put in to service 2 Box Cabs, built by a friend and another friend installed RailPro in them for me.  Like the way they operate and want to learn more.

Smooth Sailing,
Ric Golding
Kaskaskia Valley Railways
Carlyle, Illinois

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on October 11, 2020, 07:11:54 AM
Welcome Chief, glad you are here. You will be happy you went Railpro once you learn how easy it is to operate your trains. There may be a few snag in learning how to set it up but this group includes many knowledgeable members who are eager to share their knowledge, so don’t hesitate to ask.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: mcbunton on October 11, 2020, 09:09:33 PM
My name is Martin Bunton, Lamar, MO, (35 miles from Joplin for those that remember the tornado there) and we have a place at the Lake of the Ozarks (someone mentioned a marina in their intro).

I grew up 1/2 mile from the Missouri Pacific line, and now live 7 miles south of that farm but still 1/2 mile from the RR that is now the Missouri Northern Arkansas.  Just sold the grain elevator I owned 20 miles west that was on the BN.  I have sold grain handling and storage for 50 years as well, including a 90 ft diameter 450,000 bushel bin and 20,000bph leg with Compuweigh tower on that MNA line about 80 miles north.  So if anyone has  desire to model grain structures I might be able to help?

When we built our current home 20 years ago we built a lawn pond that I always intended to run a G scale around and collected some track etc.  Finally sold off the major part of the business (my wife said she married me for better or worse 48 yrs ago, but not for lunch)  and have some extra time, got some track laid and wanted to use battery power and avoid track connection problems.  Found Rail Pro and Don Sweet thru the power of Google and viola, this afternoon I just ran my new to me Astrocraft Union Pacific A&B unit with Rail Pro.  Super simple to get started with Don's great directions.  Now to peruse this forum and learn all that is available. 

Thanks for approving me!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on October 12, 2020, 02:31:01 AM
Welcome, Martin. I am somewhat familiar with your locale, having lived in West Central Arkansas until two years ago. Been in the Joplin area many times and used to try to catch trout near Joplin. Glad you weren’t injured in that tornado, those are vicious devils. Railpro is much more intuitive than DCC and it is obvious you are enjoying it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MichaelK on October 12, 2020, 01:41:07 PM
Welcome, MichaelK!

Thanks. Nice to be here! :P
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Jeff on October 31, 2020, 11:19:10 AM

My name is Jeff Martin I am a retired computer engineer from the great state of Texas. I was introduced to Railpro on a YouTube video (can't remember which) and was sold after watching the consist features. I am in the building process of my layout so my RP is sitting in a box, hopefully I'll have enough done to runs some trains by Christmas.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on October 31, 2020, 01:54:58 PM
Welcome, Jeff, I lived in Irving, TX about 20 years ago. Nice place and enjoyed it, was recalled to a company for whom I had worked.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: JRad on November 22, 2020, 09:34:02 AM
Good Morning,  my name is Jon and I model in Fn3, primarily steam outline.

I am currently exploring RailPro as a control system for my indoor/outdoor dead rail layout.  I currently use a 2.4Ghz radio control system that utilizes a 2-stick radio, 2.4Ghz R/C receiver, an ESC/Control board and a sound board. I've been happy with that system for years, but unfortunately the small manufacturer changed directions and no longer makes the ESC/Control board I use.

Enter RailPro.  I've been friends with a Northeast RailPro dealer for years and he is always talking up the product.  I've done lots of reading, but nothing is a substitute for first hand experience. Wanting to keep my exploratory investment low, I purchased one LM-3S-G and one CI- which are scheduled to arrive next week.

My plan is to audition the system on my indoor layout using my PC and the HC Simulator for control.  I am most curious about the sound. I am a dyed-in-the-wool Phoenix Sound fan and have many of their boards ranging from the 1997 Big Sound to the more recent PB-11 all driving large baffled speakers which sound great.  RailPro is up against some stiff competition with me  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Jkubala on November 24, 2020, 03:07:42 PM
My name is Joe, and I am just getting back into model railroading in retirement after 40+ years.  After looking at options, I decided to go with Railpro for my new layout, which is currently in the early stages of construction.  I have installed the LM-3S in two engines, and am satisfied so far.  Just received a new BLI 4-8-8-2 cab forward with Paragon 3.  I am sure there will be questions as I convert the engine and begin wiring the layout.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Mr. E on November 24, 2020, 10:30:01 PM
My name is Eli.  I never was interested in trains as a kid.  I never got a train set under the Christmas tree.  But, In the fall of 2017 I was at a local flea market (South Central PA) where I found and bought a box of old train cars. These were hand made with sprung trucks, cast couplers and fine wire details. I was amazed because these did not look like the cheap plastic Tyco trains I remembered from the late 70’s and 80’s. This got the researcher in me studying every detail of the hobby.

I decided to try my hand at modeling. So, I built a 10” x 10” x 10” diorama with two pieces of sectional track using all the information I learned.  I then made a 14” x 24” x 10” module, then anther similar one at 48” long. I am now working on a 4’ x 6’ potable layout.

I do have a dc controller but after watching kevin’s (KPack) Videos on YouTube, I decided to go with Railpro.  I almost went with NCE but I kept putting it off because I did not like how the trains would stall or work sporadically on dirty track with dcc. Since I am mainly making small portable shelf-type modular layouts, the Railpro with battery power works best for me.

I am looking forward to using the Railpro HC-2 controller and CI-1 I purchased and installing the LMS-3 chips in the trains I have.  I am hoping to learn more about this product line here on this user group.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on November 25, 2020, 12:14:46 AM
We've had a few new members lately so welcome Jon, Joe and Eli and I'm pretty sure some others who haven't introduced themselves. ...and also MichealK whom we seem to have missed a month and a bit ago.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Mr. E on November 25, 2020, 10:57:57 AM
Thanks Tim!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: trainman605 on November 29, 2020, 09:44:44 AM
I don't think I introduced myself and I'm been around for a month or two. Older guy living in Ft. Worth, Texas. I have been into G scale for 30 years (collecting mainly LGB American engines and rolling stock, I have never built a layout in G Scale, but have a layout in HOn3 modeling the D&RGW NG. I have started with selling some of my LGB on eBay and purchasing newer stuff, that is thinning my G gauge to build a more manageable railroad and use all that I now have, in other words clean out the closet to have a more manageable railroad. I need to say here I'm not a collector, I'm a modeler and I re-build, re-due all my engines and rolling stock to give it that detailed and re-painted to my own railroad, the Ft. Worth & South-Western, an intercity railroad that serves local Ft. Worth and the Stockyards back in the early 40's. I haven't decided if my layout will be outside, or inside, but being a modeler and liking my stuff detailed I'm pretty sure it will be inside. I've spend too much time on re-dues to have them subject to dealing with the elements outside. Like I said, I'm a modeler first and a runner second.
I guess the reason that I'm on this forum is to gain information on RailPro, I will say here I only looked at two systems, AirWire and RailPro, after much input on both I decided to go with RailPro. I have purchased my first RailPro stuff from Don at RCS of New England and it is in the process of being shipped to me as we speak, (11-29-2020). I purchased the complete system and one module for one engine, I'm planning on doing installs on three engines at this time, but will start with one and learn the process then add more installs in time. That's about it for now. 

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Mr. E on November 30, 2020, 06:05:22 AM
Welcome Trainman605!  I am new to Railpro as well and my stuff just arrived two days ago.  I am preparing to install into one engine and learn the process.  I ordered sugar cube speakers from Litchfield Station.  However the post office has my package at the local hub and they keep changing my delivery date.  It is frustrating.  Now I have to wait until the weekend to start.  Best of luck with your G scale install!  I think we both made the right choice with Railpro.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on December 03, 2020, 06:13:42 AM
Hello ya'll,
I am Emery from the Mansfield, Tx area.  My railroad is in the beginning stages and have a RP kit with many modules still in boxes for almost a year now.  Progress is happening, but still awhile before the electronics will be installed.
Thank you for allowing me to join this fine group.

Emery, welcome! I'm up the road in Keller. There's a small group of us (Keller, Colleyville, and Haslet) who use RP and have some experience with it. We'd be happy to add Mansfield to the list!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on December 03, 2020, 06:15:28 AM
I don't think I introduced myself and I'm been around for a month or two. Older guy living in Ft. Worth, Texas. I have been into G scale for 30 years (collecting mainly LGB American engines and rolling stock, I have never built a layout in G Scale, but have a layout in HOn3 modeling the D&RGW NG. I have started with selling some of my LGB on eBay and purchasing newer stuff, that is thinning my G gauge to build a more manageable railroad and use all that I now have, in other words clean out the closet to have a more manageable railroad. I need to say here I'm not a collector, I'm a modeler and I re-build, re-due all my engines and rolling stock to give it that detailed and re-painted to my own railroad, the Ft. Worth & South-Western, an intercity railroad that serves local Ft. Worth and the Stockyards back in the early 40's. I haven't decided if my layout will be outside, or inside, but being a modeler and liking my stuff detailed I'm pretty sure it will be inside. I've spend too much time on re-dues to have them subject to dealing with the elements outside. Like I said, I'm a modeler first and a runner second.
I guess the reason that I'm on this forum is to gain information on RailPro, I will say here I only looked at two systems, AirWire and RailPro, after much input on both I decided to go with RailPro. I have purchased my first RailPro stuff from Don at RCS of New England and it is in the process of being shipped to me as we speak, (11-29-2020). I purchased the complete system and one module for one engine, I'm planning on doing installs on three engines at this time, but will start with one and learn the process then add more installs in time. That's about it for now. 


Welcome from Keller! If you need any assistance don't hesitate to ask. I'm near the Alliance area.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: TwinStar on December 03, 2020, 06:17:49 AM
We have a RailPro users map and if you'd like to be added reply and I'll make sure it happens.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Highball-HeavyMountain on January 05, 2021, 03:28:44 AM

My name is Brian - I just started in g scale a few weeks ago and picked up RP battery power from Don Sweet of RCSofNE. I live in Southern California and performed the install myself for the RP unit and battery/charger kit.

Im an experienced N scaler, but because I have two small children, I think g scale garden railroading is a lot more immersive for them with all the sounds and smoke and I’m less stressed about them breaking everything they touch. G scale seems so durable compared to n scale!

Also loving dead rail and radio control. It was quite a bit of research to figure out what I needed to do, but I’m really glad to have found rail pro. I wish DCC were this easy. It’s hard to go back to n scale now.

I’m running a bachmann annie, LGB mogul and bunch of DRGW LGB and bachmann stuff. Hoping to get into 1:20.3, but parts start to get delicate which is not a good combo with toddlers.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Short Circuit on January 05, 2021, 05:12:48 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is Mark and I am in Southern Ontario, Canada.

I have always loved trains and recently am in the process of building an indoor G scale layout. While all the trackwork is basically finished and I do run trains, I got tired of only being able to control one train at a time.
After researching DCC systems and deciding on the system that would suit me best, I stumbled upon KPack's Railpro videos and after more research I decided that Railpro is the system for me.
I found a dealer in my neck of the woods so everything is ordered except a power supply(that's another topic I will research here in the correct forum) and will hopefully be in by the end of the week.
Looking forward to switching my locos to Railpro and thank you for accepting me into this forum !!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on January 14, 2021, 08:27:26 PM
Welcome Brian, Mark and Joel W.

Joel W, I've moved your post from Introduce yourself to the RailPro Discussion & Help board (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1133.0.html (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1133.0.html)) so people can answer your questions as it's own thread.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: t4hrtrh on February 07, 2021, 09:56:42 AM
Greetings to all, My name is Tom I live in Sunny FL. I decided a year ago to convert to RP having had Airwire for 20 years. I am into Large Scale. A friend of mine from CT had RP and showed it to me. I was impressed enough to want to explore the product. I asked him where he purchased it. He told me Don Sweet. Funny thing I know Don having meet him at various train shows. I called Don and talked to him  for about 2 hours picking his brain about the system. I then went to Ring's web site and read all the manuals and watched a few videos on youtube. After all that I decided to buy the product and convert one of my GP38's that was waiting to be converted to Airwire. I figured if it isn't up to my standards I would rip it all out and sell it on eBay. Well long story short you would have to rip that controller out of my hand over my dead body.
I have since converted 12 Diesels, changed over my switch control to use the AM-1's. I am now starting the steam and the Hudson is
on the clock. All the bench work was completed. I had a few bumps in the road and Tim and I talked them over and got the issues fixed.
Customer support is great. Tim even made a hardware design change to the G scale version to better accommodate overheating issues I was having.


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: JRad on February 07, 2021, 02:57:38 PM
Hi Tom. My story is similar; I had an older R/C system that was too limiting and new boards were no longer available. I looked closely at AirWire and RailPro. After using AirWire at a friend's layout I decided that the controller was not for me. Don Sweet had been trying to convince me to try RailPro for years, so I did a small step into RailPro with one module and the PC interface. Another friend loaned me an HC-2 to play with. Within a month I was sold and have converted 5 of my Fn3 locos plus added RP to a caboose for sound and light effects!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Shadowbruf on February 12, 2021, 01:34:15 PM
My name is Mike. I am somewhat of a newbie, so please take my questions with a grain of salt. I've worked in the pharmaceutical discovery-manufacturing industry as chemist / chemical engineer / mgr for > 30+ yrs. I retired in 2010, moved to far northern WI, and took up woodturning as a hobby. 

My history with model trains started in the late 1950's with American Flyer on an L-shaped layout (2 -4x8's) that my dad built. I set up track and wiring over ~18 months. We built elevated sections out of scrap wood that my dad salvaged from cutting window shades (circular rods and flat pieces). We ran 4 separate engines. Eventually, I packed these up and took these with me as I grew and moved. I set them up for my young son, on the basement floor several times.

In 1987, I took the next step into HO (DC only). My system grew, culminating in a U-shaped layout (~4-4x8's)(3-separate tracks, no scenery) that my son and I enjoyed. The unit had ~ 6 turnouts and 1 - wye reversing loop. Wiring was done using Atlas switches, snap relays, selectors, and controllers.  Eventually, I packed everything up after another move and decided to sell everything (Too much life and work).

My current state-of-affairs:  In Sept 2020, I got the itch to get back into HO, trying to learn as much about DCC and various manufacturers, before making the DCC plunge. After reading multiple books, magazines, and viewing multiple websites and videos on DCC, I decided to start assembling my thoughts on a rough layout using AnyRail, designing a track plan and laying out wiring for a bus to deliver power to the track(s), ~ 6-8 turnouts, associated dwarf signals, and a layout control panel.

Around early Jan 2021 I pleasantly discovered MRH. During my readings, I stumbled across the RailPro system from Ring Engineering. In early Feb 2021, I stumbled across RPUG. After reading all of the Ring Engineering documentation / installation manuals on the various components and reviewing posts on RPUG,  I came to the following conclusions (opinions), which I hope are reasonably correct.

1)   DCC is a very tried and true system, supported by most manufacturers, and standardized (NMRA) within the industry.

2)   RailPro seems to be a less complex approach that supplies electrical equipment /components integrating an easy to understand graphical user interface / software system.
a)   RailPro is a small company and although the system is growing, it still would benefit from wider usage / acceptance.
b)   Costs seem to be comparable.
c)   RailPro and perhaps newer systems/software under development, may point to the next generation of control which makes it easier (knowledge wise) for the consumer to get into the hobby and setup a system more complex than a circle.

3)   My opinion today is that although DCC is dated, but it works. It still requires a pretty good knowledge investment to become proficient. This current nexus of the 2 systems (RailPro and DCC) sort of reminds of my experiences assembling lab data recording and control devices in our chemistry lab around 1985-1994 using PLC controllers. Not impossible, but it required a good knowledge base and skill set. Acceptance and use by non-skilled people was problematic. Around 1995-1996, we began to assemble PC based data recorders with plug-in cards, which had an easy to use Windows interface to configure setups of inputs, recording, and data file output. Pretty much we had to get out the way as our people flocked to use these devices.

I have read the Ring Engineering manuals. I know my learning curve would go up exponentially if I could just "play" with some stuff and wires, but I have yet to commit to take the RailPro plunge.  FYI - I am at least 100 miles away from any RailPro hobbyshop. I would greatly benefit from any videos, from real world users, who may videos on the following topics: My apologies in advance if these areas have been addressed somewhere visually, I just have not found them.

1)   PWR-56 Model Railroad Power Supply - actual installation, bus layout, wiring, programming and usage of 2-3 power supplies.

2)   AM-1 RailPro Accessory Module - Actual installation, wiring, programming and usage of ~6-8 turnouts (2-AM-1's) incorporating Tortoise switch machines, local dwarf led signals, and feedback to a central led lighted board.

3)   AR-1 Auto Reverse Module - Actual installation, wiring, programming of a wye.

Thanking the RPUG in advance for welcoming me and for any information you can provide.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: atsfguy on February 12, 2021, 02:29:08 PM
Hello, Mike.
 Welcome to the group and you will find the answers to your questions within this group. We have many talented people who share their knowledge freely and there is no such thing as a stupid question. Lord knows I have asked my share of those but someone always come forth with a solution to my problems.
 I have been in the group about two years but only bought my equipment a year or so ago. The site host has a hobby shop i. Both the US and Canada and Bill Brillinger offers very good pricing on his goods. His website is pdc.ca. Give his site a look.
 I am in north central Ohio and I can relate to no Railpro dealers  close by, so ?i order mine from our host.
 Railpro is fairly simple but can present a few problems along the way.
 To answer the three questions you asked, the PWR-56 is simply two wires, two wires ( the buss) out. Even I could wire this with no problems
 The AR-1 reverse module is the same, two in, two out.
  I have no experience with the AM-1.
  There are several electronics hobbyists on the site who will join in, Alan and Tim.
  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: faithie999 on February 12, 2021, 05:12:27 PM
mike--from a fellow retired Pharma industry chemical engineer (in Indiana), I would wholeheartedly endorse the RailPro system over DCC.  I have used both and RailPro is more straightforward and intuitive.  there is lots of chatter on the other forums dissing RailPro, but mostly because they don't understand it and they have a large investment in DCC.

I would suggest you make post asking for advice and helpful tips in getting started in the "RailPro Discussion and Help" section.  it's my sense that more people frequent that area of the site.  there are very knowledgeable folks here that are all willing to help.

as for acquiring RailPro equipment, my advice is to patronize this site's sponsor, Bill Brillinger, who runs a shop in Canada.  his website is pdc.ca.  he supplies the full line of RailPro gear, at probably the best prices you'll find, plus free shipping.

a specific recommendation I'd make, that Alan (one of the gurus here) made to me--use DPDT switches to control your Tortoise machines rather than an AM-1.  it's a lot easier to throw a switch than using the HC-2 (leave the screen for your loco, go to the AM-1 screen, scroll to the turnout you want to throw, then back to your loco screen).  you could always take the hybrid approach if you have a turnout or two that is remote--use an AM-1 for a couple of turnouts and toggle switches for the rest. 

another recommendation Alan made was to use a MeanWell 15v 10a power supply instead of a PWR-56. you give up the radio repeater function (not sure if that's an issue unless you have a very large layout), and you save some dough.  i bought this one:


it has two sets of 15v outputs which was convenient since I started with 2 power districts.  Alan further advised to use the Ring circuit breakers, CB-1. they trip instantaneously, and self-reset a few seconds after the fault is cleared.

Wiring:  I had lots of spare 12ga Romex cable, so I stripped out the black and white conductors and used that for my track bus wiring.  for the 12v supply for the tortoises, I used 14ga Romex cable, conductors stripped out.  that is overkill but it was convenient to run under the table alongside the 12ga.

Alan has a fantastic website.  he has documented his layout construction, with lots of pictures.  it's worth some time to read through all his info.  lkorailroad.com

good luck!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Alan on February 12, 2021, 06:22:25 PM
Jeez Ken, I feel like I owe you twenty bucks.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Shadowbruf on February 13, 2021, 07:44:27 AM
Cecil / Ken  - thx for your insights and thoughts.

I am not surprised by recommendation to use separate DPDT switches for turnouts. Somehow I felt switching screens while running trains might be cumbersome.

2-wire dc track wiring comment cleared yp a lot !
Thoughts on alternative power were excellent. I checked out Bill's website - clearly has some excellent pricing. Alan's website was like finding a 500# free fudge sundae -   surprisingly delicious and it will take while to get thru.

I'll condense my questions for any video to an alternate space.

Thank you - mike
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on February 14, 2021, 07:43:32 PM
mcbunton, your question (and it's replies) on turnout control was moved to it's own topic here: https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1161.0.html (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1161.0.html).

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Gibs on February 26, 2021, 06:17:57 AM
G'Day All
I  live in WA ( no not that one, the other one, Western Australia!  lol).
My life experiences are a many facet affair from time in the armed forces in both the UK and Australia to running my own small computer tech service to working at the mines up north of WA.
I built my original layout way back in the day when DC was all there was, which didn't impress the other half as it was all in the lounge room. Several houses later with no layouts and kids all grown up (except for 1 new little girl), I decided it was time to get back into trains. So I'm currently doing a Loft Conversion to my home so I can finally run all the loco's and rolling stock I have been slowly amassing through the years. I'm modeling the railways here in WA, from the South West narrow gauge to the West to East standard gauge as well as the big iron railways up north. The track power and computer control is DCC but individual train operation will be RailPro.
On that front I have my first RailPro items on the way, 1 HC-2b and a LM-3S from Bill around a month ago, still waiting, postie says its left the US.
The reason I chose RailPro is two fold, one - because doing the DPU style lash ups we have here on our iron ore trains is right up RailPro's alley, And second and maybe the most important reason, my 3 year old little girl can play trains with here Dad as easy as falling off a Loco. :D
We are using both HO Scale (with a dabble in OO) and G Scale (G is my daughters - She likes her Piko Christmas Train).
Cya Down the Line.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on February 26, 2021, 10:28:38 PM
Welcome Gibs,

I've a few loco's for doing the Pilbara stuff as well, some C636's (which all require mods to make accurate unfortunately) C628 and an Athearn FMG SD90 which is big! If someone made the correct C44-9w I'd have those as well.

In the current climate it'll probably take longer to get your parcel from Bill than usual. Best I had was 8 days I think but that was way back when USPS and Aus Post actually worked reasonably well, and I'm also on the same side of the country that the international mail comes in on. You can add a week for Aus Post to just get your parcel from Syd to Perth, and then extra time from there to you depending on where in WA you are.

You'll need a way to charge the HC-2b. Either an AU to US adapter plug (like those travel adapters you see shops at airports selling etc) to use the included charger , or get another USB charger of the required voltage and current capability.  I forget what the specs are off hand, 5v 1A I think. Personally I just use my PC or powered USB hub for charging the HC-2b. Despite what Ring says it works fine if you have the correct cable and USB ports.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Gibs on February 27, 2021, 02:55:51 AM
G'Day Tim.
Yeah I live around 45minutes south of Perth, just in the country side not the metro, so I already have had an interesting time with the postie or courier's, all due to this covid bollocks. Plus for some reason every time I order anything from the US, the item always seems to want to take a grand tour of all 52 states there of. :D

ATM my Iron Ore roster is 5 x BHP GE AC6000, 2 x BHP SD40-2, 1 x BHP SD70ACe, 4 x FMG SD90MAC-H2, 2 x FMG SD9043MAC, 1 x FMG SD70Ace, 1 x Rio Tinto ES44ACi, 1 x Pilbara Rail C44-9W.
However that's not even close to what I plan to end up with. Personally though, I just can't get my head around the older CM40-8M and all its reiterations, so I wont be adding them to the fleet.

Charging wont be an issue for the HC, I will either convert the plug on the power pack (most likely action) or use one of my other power pack USB chargers if I can find a spare one just laying around (unlikely due to wife and daughter using them all the time.  lol)

Cya Down the Line.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Ray Montgomery on May 29, 2021, 11:41:46 AM
Hello my name is Ray Montgomery, I'm new here and I just bought my first Railpro system. Spending memorial day weekend installing it in the layout and getting the first engine up and running. I model in On30 primarily, my layout is set in 1920s southeastern United States. I live in Columbus Georgia.

I'll take any beginner words of wisdom you may have to share.

Thanks Ray
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Brillinger on May 29, 2021, 01:50:35 PM
Welcome here Ray and the rest of the new members!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ON28 on May 29, 2021, 04:56:42 PM
Hello my name is Ray Montgomery, I'm new here and I just bought my first Railpro system. Spending memorial day weekend installing it in the layout and getting the first engine up and running. I model in On30 primarily, my layout is set in 1920s southeastern United States. I live in Columbus Georgia.

I'll take any beginner words of wisdom you may have to share.

Thanks Ray

Welcome! I was in Columbus years ago when there was still street running in front of my hotel.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Gibs on May 30, 2021, 01:04:54 AM
Welcome Ray
Enjoy your install, never rush, just have fun. 😊
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: rick on September 26, 2021, 01:08:50 PM
Hi.  I'm Rick.  I am switching from Zimo DCC to RailPro.  I run G-scale outdoors and like the simplicity of RailPro.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on September 26, 2021, 09:15:03 PM
Welcome Rick,

We have several large scalers here so hopefully you'll be right at home.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Ozarktraveler on October 26, 2021, 02:46:38 PM

Ozarktraveler here. Working on a pseudo-prototypical model of Seligman MO. In years gone by it was a little junction in Southwest MO. Era is loosely transition steam to diesel,  but not strict about it. Mainly model Frisco and whatever came down the Ft Smith Sub.

Came to learn more about Railpro, I have installed two LMs and will be installing a 3rd this week sometime.

I've found forums to be fun, and educational when populated with like minded folks.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: bcochran75 on October 26, 2021, 03:09:19 PM
Hi Folks,

My name is Bob.  I am currently working in G scale. I have done a number of Battery, R/C installations to my G scale Bachmann, LGB and other engines.  I've used mostly AirWire/Phoenix Sound combinations. It seems that Phoenix Sound products are nowhere to be found now.  A dealer I bought from told me to check out RailPro and in doing so I found this site.

I also have done a number of HO DCC installations and have a HO DCC layout in my grarage.

The interesting thing I find about G scale Battery power installing is that much of the knowledge you need, you have to gain by doing your own research.  That stops many people in my garden railroad club from using battery power.

Fortunately I am no stranger to research.

With that in mind, the main thing that upsets me is the attitude by some modelers of "figure it out for yourself before you ask." I am willing to share what I know and if we all were like that there would be more of us in the hobby. At least share where you found what you know instead ridiculing a newbie as I have seen some "experts" do on other sites.  We were all newbies once.

So here I am
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on October 26, 2021, 11:18:02 PM
Welcome Bob,

We have quite a few large scalers here now so you should be in good company. Note that posting activity isn't the highest here compared to other forums but ask away, even us small scalers will try to answer a large scale question if we can.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MikeC on February 21, 2022, 07:11:21 AM
Hi All:
I'm Mike in Central Florida.  Working with G Gauge, outdoors. I'm making all my trains battery power, and chose to use the railpro system.  So far have successfully converted a few engines to RailPro and battery, with many more to go. Found it to be fairly straight forward.  As a side note, almost all my stuff is old, so not prewired for DCC.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MHoppe on March 04, 2022, 04:32:11 PM
Hi, my name is Mitch Hoppe from the SF Bay Area and have been planning our layout and collecting G scale rolling stock for many years. Having recently retired, it is finally time to build my dream layout. Really looking forward to turning dirt in the next month or so.

I now have the ultimate decision of which way to go with powering and controlling the trains. RailPro looks very appealing to me. Primarily because we have a clean slate to work with. Right now everything is track powered engines with no DCC decoders or control systems.

This is a great hobby with some very knowledgeable and experienced folks. It will be great to share my journey and hear what others have to say along the way.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: JRad on March 04, 2022, 07:22:12 PM
Hi Mitch.  I recently converted my fleet of Fn3 Scale (same track as G) to Railpro.  I could be happier with the steam sound implementations, but overall I'm very happy. I'm able to do things with my indoor/outdoor RR that I previously only dreamed of. I considered DCC early on, via track power, but was convinced by those with bad experiences to not go that way. I went with a couple of the older systems before I tried RailPro. I have guest operated with a number of the current R/C systems out there like Airwire and Revo, but didn't care for the controller on either.  Am convinced, that for me, RP is a perfect fit.

Are you considering battery power?  Works very well with RP.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: MHoppe on March 04, 2022, 09:58:59 PM
Hi JRad,

Thank you for the reply and success you have had with RP. Based on everything I have read so far. The decision to go with RP would be very justified. I really like the technology they are using. Especially considering the fact I will need to convert all my locos over anyway. It appears converting them to DCC in my case does not make much sense.

Battery power is a real option for me. Have a fair bit of Code 332 brass track that I have collected over the years. Can use it all without much worry of trying to power it going battery.

Despite the fact that I have been studying this hobby awhile. I am still a newb but eager to learn.
Title: New guy
Post by: Bonecrusher on March 11, 2022, 07:58:49 PM
Hi my name's David from San Diego Ca. I'm into G scale garden modelling. I am in the process of acquiring land rites and laying track in approved areas. I have been trolling thru this site and have decided I'd like to install this system. I am not that knowledgeable on electrical, but can follow directions. I found a very useful 5 part video from the fishguy on youtube that seems like it could keep me out of some trouble.
I have been looking to see if there was a vid or instructions on how to install railpro into an older Aristocraft F-1 A/B unit. To date I have not found any. Has anyone done that type of install? I believe I may have to brush up on my soldering.
Also, do i need 2 modules for this hookup? It will be fully battery control. Getting to old to be going around cleaning track.
Any help is appreciated.

David Womack
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: KB02 on March 12, 2022, 05:36:37 AM
Hello David, and Welcome!
I'm not into G-Scale, but I can't imagine the wiring is that much more difficult than any other scale (actually, maybe easier since the wires are bigger and there's more room? ;D ).
As for the A/B unit, if you'll have two engines, you'll want a module for each.
Feel free to post any questions you have. This is a great group of people who will be willing to help you out!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Bonecrusher on March 12, 2022, 12:00:57 PM
Great, Thank you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: darryl.trains on March 15, 2022, 12:38:06 AM
Howdy.  At a train show/swap meet we attended about three years ago in San Diego, there were a few G gaugers  I chatted with them, they lived in SD area.. Have you gone to the join clubs at Balboa Park for there are many model railroaders hanging out downstairs in one of the big buildings.. Surely you should find help there. Have you been to Reeds Hobby as they might be of help?   Cheers TOF Yuma Arid-Zona
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: gregeusa on March 19, 2022, 05:13:30 PM
Greg here... mostly large scale and Z scale.

been around a while, have a website of scarce and "corrected" information, mostly large scale:
www.elmassian.com  (750 pages or so)

Just learning other options since many of my friends are buying railpro.

David, I'm in Carlsbad, and of course in the SDGRS, will be happy to give you a hand. I can learn some of the ins and outs of RailPro too.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on April 12, 2022, 09:54:49 AM

If your looking for your question which you included with your introduction, your post has been moved to this board where more eyes will see it:

https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1377.0.html (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/topic,1377.0.html)

Welcome to the group.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: akkloes on April 12, 2022, 01:02:50 PM
thanks...that was really just meant to be a "why I'm here".  I was going to post the question elsewhere, but hadn't started looking for the best forum.  I appreciate you moving it for me!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Keith ‘KD Rail’ Stratton on May 12, 2022, 01:11:37 PM
Hi fellow RailPro users.  I’m into G scale in a big way with about 36 locos (mostly diesels). Used to use Revolution & Phoenix but am in the process of changing my fleet over to RailPro.  Been in the hobby since 2007.  Currently building a large outdoor layout and will end up with 2000’+ of track before I’m done.  Deadrail fan all the way.  Currently I gut my locos of all OEM boards, then install RP.  The battery and truck hookups are a breeze.  What I find takes the bulk of my time is the lighting, especially when converting from incandescent to LED.  Time well spent though as the finished product is just plain awesome!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: gregeusa on May 13, 2022, 05:47:47 PM
Are you selling off your old boards and smoke units?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Bonecrusher on May 23, 2022, 02:03:13 PM
Hello my name is David. Some people call me Bonecrusher, but David is fine too. I'm new to the forum and railpro. I model in G-scale and love doing it with battery power. I have an aristo F-1 A/B unit i want to update with railpro. My question at this moment is, can you use 1 module to control both units? Of course the battery will need to be a little larger.
I'm intending on using the LS- 4 module with a cooling fan. The A/B unit will run together mostly. I'd also like to run smoke, but I'm told it sucks power from the battery pretty quickly.
Any help will be appreciated.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Bonecrusher on May 23, 2022, 02:12:26 PM
My old age. Sorry about the repost of same question.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Pete on June 15, 2022, 02:10:03 PM
Hi Pete L.
 I live in Arizona and have 1 USA trains loco with RailPro, now looking for information and ideas on installing on an AristoCraft Dash 9.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: FarmBoy on August 10, 2022, 11:17:09 AM
I’m Pat from Kansas.  I’m retired, sold house in the city, and now living on an 80 acre farm.  Twenty acres hay and 60 acres trees/rock formations, waterfalls and large pond. Was planning to model N scale but downsizing as we build a new house. Woke up and realized I had actually up sized my area to build a G scale layout outside!

Bought my first locomotive yesterday.  It is a Burlington Route Gp 7/9 G scale by USA Trains.  Plan to run dead rail since pretty rough country to use rail power.  Have decided to go with RailPro based on a lot of reading and positive reviews by owners.  I want to model Chicago, Burlington & Quincy through Burlington Route, Burlington Northern, and into BNSF.  My Grandfather was a certified CB&Q Operator between Lincoln and Omaha Nebraska 1917-1937.  He watched steam locomotives phasing out and the introduction of diesel with the Burlington Route Prairie Zephyr that ran from Lincoln to Omaha to St Joe to Kansas City and back daily starting in 1934.  That must have been a real sight to see that streamliner screaming through Ashland NE at 70-90 mph after watching steam all his life!

Track layout plan to date is an elongated folded figure eight about 46’ by 12’ with turnouts for industries common to this part of the country (grain, cement, gas, and oil).  Also multiple passenger stops along the route.  I would like to add a large loop going out into the “wilderness” that surrounds my house for outback stops. I want a switch yard for operations.  This will be a mult-step approach over time.  Trying to determine if raised rail is the way to go.  I’m 67 and the knees and back aren’t what they used to be.

Anyway, I have lots of questions regarding converting my new locomotive over to battery and then RailPro. Also, no sound in the locomotive right now so need to add a speaker.  Joining this forum seemed like a logical step in the learning/doing process.  Also other questions regarding track purchase but probably better asked on other forums like My Large Scale and G Scale Central.

Thanks for accepting me as a new member.  I look forward to our interactions together.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: snowdog on January 03, 2023, 05:30:34 AM
Bryan Good here. Air Force retiree, Buckeye chicken breeder and honeybee farmer. A year ago thought I'd fill my "quiet time" with model railroading. Alaska is what I chose since I picked up a GP40-2 with the new paint scheme some 13 months ago. It has been my goal to accurately run all 16 of their SD70MACs. My dive into dcc was guided by a fellow modeler who was an ESU fan. I quickly became point man for the club when it came speed matching which quickly ate up my time...then I saw a video demonstrating "load sharing" with RailPro.and was hooked. So, here I am.  ;D

The Alaska Railroad is my plan; condensed from Seward to Fairbanks. And it starts with one step, then another, and another...

Thank You for this platform,

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: bb1701e on January 06, 2023, 08:34:19 AM
Hi my name is Brian, I'm prior Navy (submarines) and prior Law Enforcement, I live in Florida and am building my first G scale garden layout. I recently acquired a slightly used RailPro starter system and am looking at their receivers now. Figured I'd best find a forum for all the common issues that I'm sure to bump into.  Just started scanning the forums and see lots of great information already!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: William Kovacs on February 01, 2023, 08:03:11 AM
Modeling my own road (BLG Railroad) in G scale. Have about 800 ft of stainless steel track and use battery power.  Have been using Airwire for years and decided to try RailPro.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Brentman on February 23, 2023, 11:21:37 PM
My name is Brent Hutchinson, and I'm an architect residing in MD.  I'm interested in creating a model railroad set in late 19-teens West Virginia.  I'm thinking of a historically-based "what-if" freelanced railroad based on the West Virginia Central and Pittsburgh and Western Maryland route between Thomas and Hendricks WV.  I'm envisioning heavy coal trains hauled by multiple Consolidations, Mallets, and Decapods up steep 3%+ Blackwater Canyon grades with plenty of curves and mountainous scenery.  Sidings serving local businesses, coke ovens, coal mines and tanneries.  A rail yard with a turntable and engine house to serve as the home base for the operation.  Pacific's and 4-4-0's and 4-6-0's providing some local freight, daily light passenger, and seasonal tourist service.  Logging operations with more steep creek-side grades with switchbacks and curving track operated by a couple of Shays, a Climax and maybe a Heisler to bring the virgin timber out of the woods to the saw mill.  Small towns, company housing, and logging camps.  Interesting locomotives, interesting industries, and interesting geography and history.  Lots of opportunities for creating a miniature world with a purpose.

I had a plywood express when I was a teenager, with brass flex track, cork road bed, and a diagonal reversing loop, so I have some experience with constructing and wiring a layout and cleaning track.  About 10-15 years ago I purchased 16 or so Bachmann Spectrum engines over a few months, to include the models mentioned above.  Some are DCC On-board, but I think most are not.  The intention was to start on a layout at that time, but then life got in the way.  I test drove a few of them on a Bachmann EZ track oval I put together for my son for Christmas one year when he was young.  Other than that, the engines have remained in their boxes.

I've been thinking about beginning to construct a layout, and started doing some online research over the past month or so to see what's out there now - how things have changed...  I figured if I want to have multiple engines pulling coal trains, I would need to have a DCC system.  So, I thought the first place to start would be to determine which system I wanted to go with.  After researching options online including Digitrax and NCE, I wasn't too impressed with the throttles or the CV programming.  I discovered Dead Rail and am interested in that to reduce the amount of wiring needed and eliminate relying on clean track track to deliver the power - if it can be done without starting a fire.  I decided that I would purchase a Digitrax Zephyr just to get started with something, not spend a lot of money doing it, and see if I could get a DCC engine to run on that oval and experience the benefits of DCC; but when I went to my local hobby store to buy it, the store was closed (despite the hours listed on their website that indicated they should have been open).

That turned out to be a good thing, because afterwards I came across KPack and his videos on YouTube demonstrating this RailPro radio system and how easy it is to set up and operate.  The controller looks to be comfortably-sized with a digital screen that's easy to read and a real knob to control the train and make selections.  Programming CV's is not required.  I especially like the consisting features and the way the engines communicate real time to work together - without having to program anything other than specifying the engines in the consist.  It looks like my dream of having multiple 2-8-0's at the front of the train, a couple of mid-train helpers, and a Mallet pushing the hoppers from the rear may not only be possible, but easy to do.  Apparently, I can even try RailPro without having to purchase a handheld controller which will reduce the cost of getting started and allow me to experiment to see if it's right for me.  I haven't even mentioned all of the realistic operation and sound options that the system offers.  So here I am at the RPUG forum.

I've purchased thousands of acres of untouched valuable forest and coal lands for next to nothing; I ran for and was elected to the state legislature to ensure that I was granted a charter to build the road, mine the coal and cut the timber; I've talked my political cronies into investing in the venture, organized my corporation and issued stock; I've surveyed the first miles of the road from the Potomac River into the previously inaccessible heart of the Appalachian Mountains; I've hired the companies to build the bridge across the Potomac to make the connection with the B&O; I've purchased the materials and equipment and have hired the foremen and crews to start grading the road and laying the track; I've placed my orders and negotiated with the various engine building companies to manufacture 16 steam locomotives.  I am now ready to start building my railroad empire to exploit the natural resources of early 20-century West Virginia and become fabulously wealthy!  Errrrrr, what I mean to say is that I am now ready to bring the previously inaccessible communities of rural West Virginia into the 20th Century by providing transportation, industry, and jobs!
Where do I start?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: JRad on February 24, 2023, 10:00:34 AM
Hi Brent - Welcome to the RPUG!

What scale are you building in?  Deadrail becomes a lot easier in the larger scales.

You mentioned..

It looks like my dream of having multiple 2-8-0's at the front of the train, a couple of mid-train helpers, and a Mallet pushing the hoppers from the rear may not only be possible, but easy to do.

Yes this is definitely possible, but in the larger scales can offer some challenges. I run 1:20.3 scale or Fn3 on gauge 1 track both indoors and in the garden. Some folks refer to everything that runs on Gauge 1 as "G" scale.

In my scale I find range can be an issue with consisting.  If I try and run a long train with pushers on the rear, occasionally the head end can't communicate to the tail end which then causes a problem. I am talking about trains around 20 foot long in the real world.

In the smaller scales this is less of a problem, and if running exclusively indoors, use of repeaters can help to eliminate the problem. The PWR-56 power supply has a built-in repeater function.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Brentman on February 24, 2023, 04:46:33 PM
JRad - Thank you for your response.  All that and it looks like I failed to mention that the engines I purchased are in HO scale, and I plan on an indoor layout.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: JRad on February 25, 2023, 01:49:33 PM
Should work fine for you then. If it's a large layout you may need a repeater or two even if running dead rail.

So far, ring has failed to come out with a repeater only device. The PWR-56 isn't needed in a dead rail situation to power the system, but it is the only choice for a repeater.  Some dealers will sell you one without the external power supply which may not be needed if you have an alternate source to power it. In my case, that alternate source would be a battery.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Hammer on March 25, 2023, 08:28:27 PM
I have an  aristrocraft RS-3 and USAT GP7/9 for like 15yrs and finally getting to build my railroad... some patience there.  My name is John Hammer and I live in CT, but I'm from western new york. I am a Licensed Landscape Architect in a couple states and also a rail fan so this is a natural fit.  Built a couple of 400' layouts at my moms, she moved.... thus the second one.... but they were live rail run and I'm going dead rail, done with power in tracks. I operate HO track powered DCC at Silk City Model RR at Time Machine Hobby in Manchester CT now for 15yrs or so, it's one of if not the largest layouts in New England, I'm on the board.

Anyway, my grr will be a tinny 100' loop, I'm just trying to put trains in my gardens for ambiance, I do prototypical work orders at Silk City every 2 weeks for my realism fix LOL.

Really need help with the ring setup, specifically, haven't found good youtube videos on what all the wires from the LM-4 harness do.  I don't understand how you get the blue wire to turn on lights for example.

Just got all my parts to conver the RS3 and GP7/9 today from Robbie at RLD.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Jdiesel1319 on June 24, 2023, 06:32:51 PM
My name is Josh. I’ve had mor trains for years. Just got rail pro and growing my fleet of radio controlled locomotives. I’m here for more info about rail pro. Also to lean how to install it in scaletrains locos and make everything work, as well as other locos. Still learning the button set up as well, if anyone has any tips or tricks or videos on this that would be great! Thanks!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: G8B4Life on June 25, 2023, 08:26:40 AM
Welcome to the group Josh,

Normally I wouldn't answer questions directly in this thread but as there's no way to split your post in two and so we can move the question to it's own topic I will.

The User guides board (https://rpug.pdc.ca/index.php/board,10.0.html) has one guide on buttons but it's about what they mean and what they are for, not how to set them up.

You've already discovered KPacks videos. They are the best that I know of. If I recall correctly he did one about buttons and setting them up.

- Tim
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: FoamerGene on July 06, 2023, 06:00:33 PM
Hi all.  I'm almost jumping out of my skin in anticipation of what RailPro is going to do for me.  I've been dreaming about building my own layout for about 75 years and I'm finally doing it!  By job history, I'm a computer/electrical engineer, so when I saw the feedback logic built into AM-1b and HC-2 I got pretty excited.  Much of my work experience involved computer control of electric utility systems.  Needless to say, there is a lot of control and feedback in those systems and RailPro incorporates a lot of how I would do things.  Soon I'll be posting an idea/question on the thread labeled "TurnOut Feedback signals to AM-1b".  Hurray!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: hotrodf1 on September 09, 2023, 07:51:27 AM
Hey all,

Jeremy Moen here in SW Indiana. I'm a facilities engineer by trade.  Was into the hobby a long while ago in the early 90's and then went to college, got married, had kids, etc.  My oldest son has taken an interest in model railroading when we visited a really neat hotel museum (with a nice HO layout based on the town's history) in Dickson TN while on vacation.  Still had my old 4 x 12 layout from an Atlas book but then we've decided to expand it a little now too, something my former self would have been thrilled with!  I've found that I still like trains too, haha.

Anyway so was ready to go DCC and decided that railpro would be better for our use.  I've got the starter kit, and 3 loco modules so far.  Installed the first in a Walthers SD70Mac.  Haven't run it any further than a temp test track, but it moves at least.  So I'm on the way. 

Glad to have a resource like this site to help with any learning / concerns / issues along the way.  Cheers!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: BillG on September 29, 2023, 12:04:43 PM
Hi.  Name is  BillG  Looking for a place I can get information on o scale battery powered with railpro. I am not sure on how to navigate through this forum yet.
   So I do hope to find my way and seek out ways to do conversions . Hope I can participate with you all.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Palib01 on November 17, 2023, 10:55:45 AM
New member, residing in NE OH, Lake Co. Was a HO model RR'er as a teen, then off the the USMC and USN.  Finally settled, semi-retired and have a 32x14 basement room to get back to it.  PRR fan, and looking forward to using Rail Pro to run trains versus learning computer coding!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: turtlehopper81 on March 22, 2024, 05:33:56 PM
my name is Trent Comer, I'm a Station Technician for the City's two television stations. I have many hobbies such as rollercoasters, backyard pond, collecting slot machines and  arcade games and HO trains. I am building my first HO layout and will be using RailPro. Looking  forward meeting new train  friends.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Broken_Knuckle on April 19, 2024, 09:20:55 AM
Hello my name is Nick 
Been doing G scale since 1990, been doing revolution since it came out and installing Phoenix sound with it.  Now with Phoenix no longer in available did a lot of looking for replacement and here I am starting up with Rail Pro, bought 2 controllers and 4 modules to start out and join this site to learn more about it on here and issues that I might get into. Plus looking for other Rail Pro users in Wisconsin or near by and see what they have done      Thanks    Nick
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Jack Maney on June 22, 2024, 02:46:49 PM
Hi all! Jack Maney here, based in Wichita, Kansas for the time being. Started collecting HO scale trains by age 6 and have stuck with it ever since. For years, I've been wary of DCC due to the seemingly endless array of strange, seemingly unexplainable issues that seem to pop up at random and the requirement to speed-match locomotives in order to run them as a consist. When I found out Railpro did it automatically, I was intrigued. When I found out you can run Railpro alongside DCC instead of having to fully commit to the new system all at once, I was sold!

Recently, I've gotten into Free-Mo modular setups and Railpro has been amazing. While the other guys were scratching their heads and fumbling with loconet for hours, I was the only person able to run trains since the rails were powered. Hoping to build my knowledge and maybe share a little from time to time.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: mlmjh on November 02, 2024, 05:00:54 PM
Hi all Michael H in Conowingo MD
will be using railpro with modular groups
with different system MRC, NCE, Digitrax
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: Espeelark on November 27, 2024, 09:53:00 AM
Welcome aboard Michael H.!
Let us know how it goes when you use RailPro in those modular (DCC) groups. Always interesting to read about those situations.

Welcome aboard Jack M.!
I lived in Wichita '81 - '83 when I got out of school and took a job with Cessna. I moved to the Cincinnati area for another career and am now fully retired and enjoying that life immensely!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself...
Post by: ON28 on November 27, 2024, 05:07:16 PM
Welcome! I tried RP several years ago and never looked back!