Author Topic: Railpro/DCC video  (Read 17294 times)


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Railpro/DCC video
« on: April 30, 2020, 01:07:26 PM »
I just posted a video giving a brief overview of Railpro's "DCC mode".  I think most people don't have a clue that this even exists.  It's a pretty cool feature and shows how capable Railpro is, though I doubt it will be used much.  After controlling with Railpro it's kind of hard to want to be limited to DCC.  Anyways, here it is:

On that note, I'm thinking it would be a good idea to make a video (or series of videos) talking about common questions related to Railpro.  What questions have you come across, or what would you like to see discussed?  I'm open to anything. 



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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2020, 01:30:12 PM »
Nicely done, Kevin. Although I can see occasions where you pointed out that this feature would be helpful, I doubt I would ever use it, but that's just me. If RP hadn't come along my trains would still be in boxes on a shelf.  ;)

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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 06:57:05 PM »
Great video Kevin! I knew about the DCC feature, but not that it was fully compatible. Why you would want it after RP, I have no idea, but still good to have.
Ian Lisakowski
Modelling CP Rail & VIA in the early 80's


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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 10:00:23 PM »
Excellent video. I've run my RP locos in consist with my DCC engines, I would be interested in more info about speed-matching via RP. I've never done any speed-matching at all in DCC.


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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 11:11:57 PM »
Another nice video Kevin.

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head that I'd like to see. I agree, after controlling with Railpro it's kind of hard to want to be limited to DCC; I had my NCE Powercab out the other day to do some sound testing of some speakers I bought (Loksound equipped loco, currently) and I just got frustrated when functions were not working as they should.

ON28, what DCC system and how many in a consist? Unless it got fixed in a LM update which I don't think it did there is still a problem with consisting with NCE (so not fully compatible with all DCC systems just yet).

- Tim


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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2020, 09:57:19 AM »
Although I haven't tried it, it's a great feature. In my case, most of my DCC engines are gathering dust. I have even switched bodies on some engines so I can run old favorites with RailPro. ( over 90% of my engines are Stewart F units with Kato drives. 1990s vintage ) 
I know, I need help.     :)



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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2020, 11:40:50 AM »
Another nice video Kevin.

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head that I'd like to see. I agree, after controlling with Railpro it's kind of hard to want to be limited to DCC; I had my NCE Powercab out the other day to do some sound testing of some speakers I bought (Loksound equipped loco, currently) and I just got frustrated when functions were not working as they should.

ON28, what DCC system and how many in a consist? Unless it got fixed in a LM update which I don't think it did there is still a problem with consisting with NCE (so not fully compatible with all DCC systems just yet).

- Tim

NCE. I was unaware there was an issue. I'll start with adding 1 RP loco to one or more NCE locos. What's the best way to tweak settings?


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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2020, 12:14:40 PM »
NCE. I was unaware there was an issue. I'll start with adding 1 RP loco to one or more NCE locos. What's the best way to tweak settings?

Interesting! This is the issue that was happening:,540.0.html.

Now, LM's have a later firmware version now since the bug report was filed but the issue was identified as being with the NCE system only putting out 28 speed steps in consist mode when RP's DCC implementation required 128 speed steps, so, when I tested a consist made up of 2 RP loco's with my Powercab back in the day nothing happened. Zip, nil, ziltch response what-so-ever. This also happened to MRL Trains who reported it first.

I have to say though I never tested it again after that (my NCE equipment remains the same as back then so I didn't think there was any point too) but I'd be interested to know are you using a Pro-Cab or PowerCab and the firmware version of it.

I don't know the best way to tweek any settings, I've not used my Powercab since 2017 and never got to use it running RP loco's.

- Tim


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Re: Railpro/DCC video
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2020, 09:27:00 PM »
Tested an up to date LM3-S loco with my NCE radio Procab toggled to 128 steps, it ran fine. When I tried to MU it with a standard DCC loco, thee DCC loco ran but I got only lights and sound but no movement from the RP loco. I also could not MU with a LM2 loco. I couldn't MU two RP locos with the Procab, either. Hmmm...