Author Topic: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.  (Read 17380 times)


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Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« on: December 31, 2017, 10:29:01 AM »
I am confused about how to set up the speed table.  I have data for the speed at different dial settings (e.g 36% gives me 20 MPH).

When I look at the table, I see that the Y axis is labeled as pct(%). The X axis is unlabeled, but goes from 0 to 100 in steps of 5 units.  I assumed that these values are MPH.

So I select 20 MPH, then hit the Edit Value button.  The next screen gives me a slider showing the current percentage setting, along with instructions that say "Turn Knob to Adjust".  I assume that I should turn the knob to 36%.  However the top of that screen says "Speed Table 20%", indicating that perhaps I should be entering an MPH value for a setting of 20%. Should the message at the top of the screen say "Speed Table 20 MPH?"

Perhaps part of my confusion is that I have never used DCC.  I went straight to RailPro from DC.

Please clarify for me.


  • Conductor
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2017, 03:52:30 PM »
From the Railpro DCC Users Manual:

"The RailPro speed table is from 0 to 100% in 5%
increments for a total of 21 values. For speed 5% you should set the locomotive for 5 scale MPH and
10% for 10 scale MPH and so on."

It sounds like you need to adjust the slider for each value to have the locomotive traveling at the speed that corresponds to each value (5%=5mph, 10%=10mph).  From that it seems like it would better read "Speed Table 20 mph" at the top of the adjustment screen.

Try it out and report what you find!



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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2017, 07:20:20 PM »
Thanks for the response.

"It sounds like you need to adjust the slider for each value to have the locomotive traveling at the speed that corresponds to each value (5%=5mph, 10%=10mph)"

One problem with this approach is that I have set my maximum speed for this loco to 90% which corresponds to about 50 MPH.  I have no use for higher speeds, and I get a finer level of control by doing this. (One of my other locos is set to a maximum of 60%.)

This means that I can not set the sliders above that are above 50 MPH.  Even if I reset the maximum speed to 100%, it will probably only be equivalent to about 60 MPH.  I'm not sure if the upper range sliders would be ignored, or whether the incorrect settings there would somehow affect the loco's performance.

I will probably email Ring Engineering on this issue on Tuesday.


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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2017, 07:24:12 PM »
Just set the remainder of the sliders to the value of the 50 mpb one.... Basically just flat like the rest of them. From what I understand that work.

Clarification from Ring would be great though.



  • Conductor
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2018, 10:20:48 AM »
The speed table only works in DCC mode?


  • Conductor
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2018, 04:59:54 PM »
Answered my own question. The speed chart works while in RailPro mode! Cool. Now to see if it works in the lead engine of a consist. Probably will as the other settings are relayed to the following engines.   :D


  • Conductor
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2018, 08:50:13 PM »
Pardon my long absence on this thread.  Between family issues and two other hobbies, I don’t get a lot of train time.  I spent the most of my recent train time trying to understand how the RailPro speed table could help with the chuff rate adjustment.  I think have finally figured it out.

I have set up the Speed Table for one of my locomotives.  Now the synchronization of the chuff sounds to the driver revolutions is MUCH BETTER.  However, it is still not perfect, especially in the slowest speeds.  This might be due in part to the fact that my loco is an older one with a lot of inertia.  (It does have a new motor in it.)

I don’t have time right now to set up my other locomotives.  I have spelled out what I learned so far and how I set up the Speed Table in a PDF file that I posted in the RailPro Users Guides section.,634.0.html


  • Conductor
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2020, 04:30:02 PM »
First, I know this is a very old thread. If the mods think it should be moved I'm OK with that, but thought it fit here for continuity.

Thanks for the speed table document. I spent some time last night playing with this.  Before I comment / ask questions here is some background: I run Fn3 (large) scale narrow gauge. Mostly steam, some small early switcher diesels. Top speed on these locos is about 25MPH. I am in the early stages of converting to RailPro.

First, I noted that your document suggested that the Start and Top Speeds be set first so they would properly be represented on the speed table.  I noted in my testing, that the throttle setting for a slower speed, lets say 5MPH would require 10% throttle after the Start Speed had been set (4.5% in my case), but that same 5MPH would require about 15% without the Start Speed being set first. I understand that this is because RailPro re-assigns 0-100% of throttle to the difference between start and top speeds of actual speed controller.

With the above in mind, I suspected that entries in the speed table are relative to actual controller percentage, not the throttle percentage after Start and Top speeds are set.  I decided to make a note of the Start and Top speeds, but set them back to 0% and 100% before running my speed tests. I then reset the Start and Top speeds to their former settings before entering my test results into the table.

I'm sure with mainline locomotives the difference would be minimal, but the test results with my locomotives vary significantly at speeds below 20MPH. At 20MPH and above the difference was insignificant.  If you generally run your locomotives above 15MPH, my findings would make little difference.

Now, my problem.  Since my locomotive's top speed is 25MPH which is achieved at 90% throttle my table is a very steep curve.  In fact, it''s so steep that I can't enter the actual throttle percentage for 20 and 25MPH because the slider at those speeds won't go high enough!  So perhaps, the fact that the horizontal scale was not labeled in MPH might indicate that it does not have to be 0 to 100MPH.

Because the curve is so steep, the throttle becomes a bit touchy. Much more responsive than at the default curve, but I think I am forcing the loss of resolution.  My goal was to improve chuff sync, which I haven't tested enough to say if I have.

I'm wondering what would happen if instead of MPH, I interpreted the horizontal scale as percent of top speed?  That would allow a much shallower curve, but I don't know how this would effect the chuff sync.  Thoughts?

A note on speed testing.  Since I run point-to-point, with no circle, I opted to build a speedometer car from a cheap bike computer. When I was reading the Speed Table Guide it took me some time to realize you just kept running the loco around the circle and timed it each time it traversed the circuit. Leaving the loco running while popping into the speed table had me scratching my head. My loco would reach EOT and crash before I got back to the throttle page!


  • Fireman
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Re: Setting up Speed Table -- help needed.
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2021, 02:47:57 AM »
Thanks for this JRad, I’m new to railpro as well. Just got mine installed on Christmas Eve and too noticed the chuff rates were not syncing.

I’m running mostly 1:22.5 but still staying in the narrow gauge theme.

Will be watching this one closely.