Author Topic: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles  (Read 108110 times)


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2021, 10:25:06 AM »
Looking at this wish list, although there are some good ideas, if TR sees it he will probably jump off a cliff.  ;D

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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2021, 11:44:03 AM »
Please add chuff syncro input. Doesn't seem there are many tea kettle modelers here but having the chuff all set up nice just it have it sound like dogs barfing at higher or lower speeds is not fun.  Thanks

The LM-3S-G now has chuff sync input.  It will hopefully soon be added to the LM-3S.


How do you setup the chuff input?


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2021, 02:43:31 PM »
I think some of the suggestions in here are useful while I think others may be long shots.  As for my suggestions which overlap with many here would be:
  • Lanyard connection
  • Changing batteries.  Either allowing owners to replace or changing to lithium
  • E-Stop


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2021, 03:05:06 PM »

Great work guys, all these suggestions are excellent.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of them implemented at some point...   

1) dedicated engine operating screen
2) improving the consisting/linking functions
3) override but to bypass warning messages
4) load function control
5) E-stop
6) replaceable battery!
7) quicker upload/programming of the controller.... 

And thanks to Bill for the email blast that got my attention!




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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2021, 04:03:20 PM »
This has been an informative thread, with participation from many that we don't hear from often.  Good to see so many users getting together.



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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2021, 04:38:04 PM »
Many good Ideas here (mine below).

1.   Eyelet for a lanyard
2.   flip the consist with a tap of a button
3.   Dedicated E-stop button Via Software and hardware
4.   Uncluttered ops mode (no setup stuff)
5.   Change to lithium replaceable battery(s).

Lee, I might be a good Idea for you to review all the posts and provide ring with a list of most wanted in order of the posters popularity since as one poster noted, Tim might explode seeing ALL of these "wishes' that in many cases are long overdue.

At one point, ring had an advanced product but like all things, you must change to go forward and not backward.

GG Huber


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2021, 06:08:00 PM »
Please add chuff syncro input. Doesn't seem there are many tea kettle modelers here but having the chuff all set up nice just it have it sound like dogs barfing at higher or lower speeds is not fun.  Thanks

The LM-3S-G now has chuff sync input.  It will hopefully soon be added to the LM-3S.


How do you setup the chuff input?

I own 2 RailPro throttles and 3 LM-3s.  Since then, I have purchased 6 Phoenix P-8 soundcards and Airwire receivers and 4 Airwire throttles SIMPLY because of the lack of a syncronized chuff in the RailPro's.
Syncronized chuffs can be just as important to "Tea-kettlers" as having the correct diesel sound for their EMD or ALCO such-and-such!

Shame it you are taking so long to finish the LM-3's chuff wire set-up, as I really like the Rail Pro and would have saved a lot of installation time and some money too.
Been enjoying my Airwire/Phoenix equipped steam locos for a couple of years now. Sorry, can't wait for you while my life is ticking away.

That said, how about an RGS Galloping Goose sound???
How about releasing your secret engine rev-up/down sound building method so everyone can add to the selection of gas engine/diesel sounds, thereby improving the enjoyment of the entire hobby, and I will record and make my own Goose sounds.

In my many years, I have seen several proprietary systems get left by the wayside for taking too long to give the customers what they want.


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2021, 06:14:45 PM »
Please add chuff syncro input. Doesn't seem there are many tea kettle modelers here but having the chuff all set up nice just it have it sound like dogs barfing at higher or lower speeds is not fun.  Thanks

The LM-3S-G now has chuff sync input.  It will hopefully soon be added to the LM-3S.


That's a question for Ring Engineering.  I don't have a LM-3S-G, and the ability to do chuff sync was just added in the most recent update.  The LM-3S-G manual is not updated yet with the info on it.  LM-3S will follow soon.


How do you setup the chuff input?

Lee Nicholas

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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2021, 07:47:03 PM »
Thanks for all your input. There have been numerous reviews and replies with many great ideas. The intent of my post was not to radically change the HC. It may be a little large and doesn’t have all the right buttons or a lanyard hook, but it does a fantastic job. Tim has created a phenomenal product and I for one am proud to be a part of the RailPro family, but we all know it needs some upgrading. As the user group our ideas can only help make it better.

We need to approach Tim with a reasonable request for upgrades, so he doesn’t jump of the cliff. I talk with him frequently and know he’s plenty busy and pretty much works to a priority list and hopefully our list below will get added.
I have read through all the input several times and submit the following as what I will present to Tim and hope you all concur.

1)   Dedicated engine operating screen. Number one complaint.
Take all the things that are not needed for operation off this screen and maybe give us another row of buttons. Ditch the loco picture and only show the Loco name/number and have as many programmable buttons as possible on the screen. 4 rows? This could be an optional mode set in the HC options, call it "operations mode" vs "default mode"
2)   Improving the consisting/linking functions. Way to difficult to add or subtract engines to a consist i.e., to add helpers in route all engines are unlinked then all have to be linked. Ability to control headlights on linked locos.  Adding or removing a loco should be easy without rebuilding a consist. and a swap ends option would be nice.
3)   Override button to bypass warning messages.
4)   Load function. Use knob to set speed and the brake to ramp up or down.
Display a notch indicator on the screen showing what notch the engine is in, in both manual and automatic mode.


William Brillinger

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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2021, 08:41:34 PM »
Lee, I concur.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2021, 10:48:37 PM »
Any "operations" mode screen that does not have a way to identify the forward direction of the loco * must * be optional, not a replacement.

Designing your own screen and theme wouldn't actually be that hard for TR to do.

- Tim

Lee Nicholas

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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2021, 07:08:49 AM »

Any "operations" mode screen that does not have a way to identify the forward direction of the loco * must * be optional, not a replacement.

Not sure I understand your comment


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2021, 09:08:59 AM »
The "operations mode" control screen as suggested doesn't have a loco picture, so how do you tell which way is forwards and which way is backwards for the loco? Pretty easy with steam and modern stuff with the safety cab style but go back further in time and it's not so easy, the short hood could be forwards or the long hood could be forwards, and then you come to the doubled ended stuff like we have here. This is why an operations mode screen can not be a replacement for the current loco control screen, it must be an option.

A better way perhaps than just a pure option in the settings is that you can switch to the operations screen when you want to from the current control screen, and back again too.

- Tim


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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2021, 09:49:11 AM »
I'm a digitrax user but have been thinking about switching to Railpro.  One thing that has kept me from pulling the trigger is no reversing button.  I'm worried that constantly having to look at the screen to find the reverse button would get annoying.  I would suggest making the speed encoder pushable to reverse direction like digitrax does.



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Re: Improvements to the Hand Held Throttles
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2021, 09:51:50 AM »
The direction button was moved to the upper left of the screen, so it's easily located without looking.  The edges of the screen provide reference.  I hardly look at my controller ever.
