Author Topic: Programming hiccups??  (Read 38648 times)


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Re: Programming hiccups??
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2015, 10:17:54 PM »
Originally posted by jacob.damron on the RailPro Users Yahoo! Group on Sep 13, 2015

Don't forget that a UT-4 is essentially useless for anything other than making a train go forward and blowing the horn. It cannot consist locomotives, break consists, change any values, or even turn the layout power on or off for that matter. It is a slave throttle and cannot be considered without also accounting for the cost of a DT40X. Also, don't forget that Digitrax isn't naturally wireless. One must buy either a UR91 or UR92 for another $100-150 and either purchase or upgrade existing throttles to wireless.

Former Free-mo DCC Chief


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Re: Programming hiccups??
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2015, 10:18:06 PM »
Originally posted by Shawn Hogan on the RailPro Users Yahoo! Group on Sep 13, 2015

Very interesting shift in the focus of the thread! I think that's some of my frustration as well is looking at the whole control system simply from a cost analysis without having taken into account differences in technology.

If we're to compare DCC to say smart phones, then it is overpriced. Worse yet if you're comparing to computers then it is a control system way overpriced for what you get and the ease with which you may update and change features.

In looking over the Rail Pro system, I'm not bothered by the fact that there isn't a "basic" throttle. Of course, with my layout plans at present I won't have more than 3 operators- just don't have more physical space than that. I like the idea that I could pick up any throttle and do everything with it. And no separate programming track!!