Author Topic: First install and impressions  (Read 19109 times)


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First install and impressions
« on: November 22, 2015, 04:52:58 AM »
Well, the procrastination came to an end last Friday, I've owned RailPro since January but I finally got the first 2 modules installed into something useful (but not what I had actually wanted to get them installed in all this time). Nothing like the potential opportunity to try it on a layout, which I did (but only as a 5 minute test unfortunately), to light a fire under one's self.

So from that test and the install I've learned a few things:

RailPro is everything it's cracked up to be, and other than the hardwire install setting everything up was a piece of cake.

Hardwiring today's models can be a real pita, and I really hate joining decoder wire end on end.

The next version of the handheld controller needs to be powered from the USB when it's plugged into the computer. Most, if not all computers and hubs have at least one high power USB port. The battery life just isn't good enough for the speed of Ring's "downloads".

The next version of the hand held controller certainly needs to be able to be used while it's charging; any current day personal electronic devices of the complexity of the HC-2 can already do so.

The software needs a complete rewrite and update to the latest FTDI drivers (seriously who is still using Windows 2000?).

All in all though I'm happy and impressed as much as I thought I'd be back when I purchased it. Now I have to get more 9 pin to bare end harnesses, more modules ...and a layout to run on.

- Tim

William Brillinger

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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 07:05:18 AM »
The next version of the handheld controller needs to be powered from the USB when it's plugged into the computer. Most, if not all computers and hubs have at least one high power USB port. The battery life just isn't good enough for the speed of Ring's "downloads".

The next version of the hand held controller certainly needs to be able to be used while it's charging; any current day personal electronic devices of the complexity of the HC-2 can already do so.

I completely agree that the device needs to be able to be charged while in use.

You may however be running into the "charge indicator ran down before actually discharging issue" when you are downloading to the HC. Your charge indicator may be out of sync with the battery. 

See these threads for info on re-syncing it:
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2015, 08:10:06 AM »
Hi Bill,

I actually did that whole discharge and charge cycle a month or two ago. Maybe I need to do it again however the indicator bar wasn't the

I made sure the HC-2 was charged, then I proceeded to download a couple of files (prime mover), which of course took ages and ages, and the
battery kept on going down. I then uploaded the files to an LM-2S and deleted old files from the LM-2S (more time!). I then downloaded another file and went to upload that to the next LM-2S and bang, the message across the screen of the HC-2 - "Battery too low".
There was some use between the downloads and uploads but nothing drastic, changing some buttons etc.

The software that worked out to display this message is probably tied to or the same as that runs the indicator bar so it might have relation to the indicator bar problem. I had two or three bars left when it gave me the message.

Still, performance wise, three downloads, two uploads and I think three deletions and the batteries are basically dead. Not real great hence my saying these things need to be designed not to use the batteries when another power source is plugged in, that being either the charger or the USB connection (if possible, I think it would need a high power port).

- Tim

William Brillinger

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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2015, 08:44:20 AM »
Still, performance wise, three downloads, two uploads and I think three deletions and the batteries are basically dead. Not real great hence my saying these things need to be designed not to use the batteries when another power source is plugged in, that being either the charger or the USB connection (if possible, I think it would need a high power port).

Yup. I hear you. The length of time required to download sounds can certainly be frustrating.

I think if the HC could be used while the power cord was plugged in, that would be sufficient VS taking power via USB.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2015, 09:18:39 AM »
Since the battery display is not linear, it will quickly drop from 3/4 to 1/4. At that point there is still plenty of power to run trains, but you will get a low battery warning if you try to download or copy a file to a module. Copying and downloading files absolutely drains the battery much faster than running trains.

I agree that USB charging capability should be implemented if possible. The charger output is 6v and 1.0a. Maybe that is more than a USB port can handle.

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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2015, 07:57:29 AM »

I wasn't advocating that the handheld controller should be able to be charged from the USB so my apologies if I didn't make that clear. In theory it might be possible from a USB 3 port (USB 1 and 2 probably not). With reference to the output of the batteries below I don't know why the charger is 6v and not 5v but I'm no genius when it comes to charging physics.

But powering from the USB so you don't use the batteries while downloading etc, the three batteries in the controller only put out 3.6v so USB can provide the voltage, the only thing we don't know is the current draw but I suspect it shouldn't be near the 500mA that even a USB 1 or 2 port can provide.  I really don't want to go out on a limb here but I'm guessing it just wasn't  important enough to design the circuitry in.

- Tim


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Re: First install and impressions
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2015, 11:53:21 AM »
Not a problem Tim. I would be happy just to be able to plug the charger in while downloading, as Bill mentioned.

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