Author Topic: ? about RailPro install  (Read 10077 times)


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? about RailPro install
« on: April 19, 2022, 03:13:30 PM »
I recently bought an Athearn Genesis GP9 PH2. It took a while to get the shell off, but I finally did. There is a circuit board on top, with the wires held on by clips. Is there any chance that I can plug in the LM into the harness (which fits by the way), or will I have to take it all out and run wires to everything? I have in the past taken out all the circuit boards, but this one is set up different than most, and I'm getting old and lazy.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you, Joe

William Brillinger

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Re: ? about RailPro install
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2022, 03:37:50 PM »
Yes, you can use the harness if the LM will fit under the hood. ;)

Just like these:,74.0.html
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.