Author Topic: Need for transient voltage-suppressing diodes?  (Read 17436 times)


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Need for transient voltage-suppressing diodes?
« on: November 27, 2022, 10:15:10 AM »
there is an article in the April 22 edition of MRH about the use of transient voltage-suppressing diodes across DCC motor leads to protect them from failure due to short circuits.

The author installed SMBJ16CA-13-F across the motor output of a DCC decoder. 

Is there anything inherent in the RP module vs a DCC module that would make this unnecessary?

if they would be beneficial, I would use the 18V version rather than the 16V version the author used on his 13V-powered track.  (ebay) quantity of 100 from china incl shipping is just under $8.00.




  • Signalman (Global Mod)
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Re: Need for transient voltage-suppressing diodes?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2022, 06:32:24 AM »
I think the only way we'll know the answer to this is if Ring provides it,  While I've had the cover off on LM-2S's and LM-3S's (the label adhesive did hold up against the weather here once!) I doubt I could identify a TVS diode just by looking at it. It would be a good answer to know though, RP modules are expensive and anything that one can do to protect them is a good idea.

- Tim