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iphone4s speakers [recovered topic]

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originally posted on: October 24, 2015, 07:27:47 PM by hirailer
Need some opinions about this speaker, are they worth considering?


Original Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 08:09:56 PM by nodcc4me
I have iPhone speakers installed in two locos. Their advantage is iin their size and price. IMO the sound quality and volume is inferior to standard speakers. I have removed the arms to place them in tight spots, and sealed the opening, but if there was more room I would install Soundtraxx speakers.


Original Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 11:27:02 PM  by KPack
I haven't tried the 4s speaker, but did order some 5s speakers.  I was rather underwhelmed.  To me they sounded about the same as a Railmaster Hobbies DS-1436....which is one of the weakest speakers I have ever used.  The 5s speaker was very "tinny" and lacked any sort of bass.  The sound was loud, but substandard.

I've been using the so-called "sugar cube" speakers on my last few models: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/2403%20260%2000071/423-1200-ND/4376274.  Cheap and they sound good when multiple are used.  I build my own inclosures from styrene (easy) and use either 2 or 4 speakers per model.  To my ears I hear more depth of sound in these speakers than with anything else of similar size.  I'm sure the best sound would come from the 28mmx28mm hi bass enclosed speakers, but there's no way I can fit those in any of my projects.


Original Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 06:40:04 AM by William Brillinger
The iPhone 4 s loudspeaker is one of the best speakers Apple has made. The earpiece speakers and the iPhone 5 speakers are far inferior.

If your iPhone speaker does not look like this one, you've got the wrong speaker.

This photo shows the only parts that can be trimmed form this little monster. There are no arms to deal with.

Original Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 07:25:30 AM by LW93Rcode
I've used the 4S speaker like pictured.  I thought it sounded much better than the 1436 in my case.  The slim size is very nice if you're installing them in narrow EMD locos.  At about a dollar a piece I think it has good value.  The high bass speaker definitely has more depth but you have to get real creative to stuff one into a Geep or the like.  I haven't gotten the chance to get any sugar cube speakers yet, on my wish list!  If price is a factor tho I'd have to put the 4S high on the list for best quality with a low price.   I will say this, I did wire two 4S speakers in series once and it sounded virtually the same as one installed.



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