Author Topic: Atlas Master GP38  (Read 96641 times)


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Atlas Master GP38
« on: February 02, 2022, 03:41:29 PM »
The BAR got the second-ever delivery of GP38s from EMD in 1967, trading in its E7s on the order. The 84 shown here was delivered in solid blue but was later painted into the tri-color scheme. It was upgraded to a GP38-3 and renumbered to 365 in the BAR's final blue, gray and yellow before being sold to lessor Webb Asset Management.

New install, an LM-3S and Keep-Alive for this very nice Atlas loco. First I remotered as the original motor was a poor performer. Atlas sent me a new motor for nothing, to test out. I modified the original motor mounts and glued the new motor to them with Amazing Goop, so it's removable. I damaged the universals removing the flywheels so substituted 1 mm diameter food grade silicone tubing. I had to trim the rear overhanging portion of the front weight to clear the KA, not ideal since this loco isn't weighty to start with.

I made a .040 styrene tray for the components and CA'd a styrene support to the motor face while adding double-stick foam to the motor itself, to support the tray. As with my Front Range Geep, I added three strips of copper beading tape to the tray, one each for the motor pickups and one for the common circuit. Cuts down on the tangle of wires and saves space. The truck pickup wires and motor wires are threaded through holes in the tray, for neatness. I added YeloGlo LEDs from Miniatronics front and rear. I'll have to remove a portion of the rear weight when I fit a speaker.

Now, the loco showed some slight hesitation in testing. I discovered that one wheelset was out of square so replaced it. I also turned the max speed down to about 75%, which further helped. I should probably seal the light leaks around the numberboards, too. It needs a bell mounted on the long hood, horns moved, new MU stands, and the plow removed. Oops, and the broom to clear switches. Other than that, my biggest issue was handling the Kapton tape, if anyone has tips for that...

84tc copy.jpg

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« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 03:44:09 PM by ON28 »


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2022, 06:35:02 PM »
That looks like a very clean install there ON28!
I'd be interested in some close-up photos of your styrene support with copper beading tape and the wires attached to it. Sounds like something that I might avail myself of. I've always struggled somewhat getting the wires cut down to reasonable lengths to keep them manageable within the shell.
Also, do you know what "color" (degrees Kelvin) those YeloGlo LEDs are that you use for the headlights? I continue to try to find bright white ones that are a tad on the golden side. Some of the ones I've used have just a bit too much blue to them.
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2022, 02:12:49 PM »
Thank you! I post these so it might help someone else.

I can't speak to the temperature of the LEDs, but maybe contact Miniatronics? I tried painting LEDs yellow in the past to get a nice glow, but that's a bit hit or miss. Here's my .040 styrene platform with copper tape, and holes drilled for truck wires (outside) and motor wires (inside). Also the platform installed with support piece CA'd to front of motor. Narrow strip of foam tape is barely visible between styrene and motor. The black truck wire coming up through the styrene and soldered to the copper tape, and the red motor wire soldered to the copper tape, I tin all wires, use a dab of paste flux and a quick touch with the iron.

IMG_20220129_222759071 copy.jpg

IMG_20220129_222044169 copy 2.jpg

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IMG_20220202_214043259 copy.jpg
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 02:20:47 PM by ON28 »


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2022, 10:07:35 PM »
That's good stuff there IN28!
Thank you!
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 06:09:06 PM »
great work!  apologies if you mentioned this earlier, but what is the source for the copper tape?


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2022, 10:12:31 AM »
great work!  apologies if you mentioned this earlier, but what is the source for the copper tape?

It's Bead Landing Copper Tape, 0.3 in., think I got it at Michael's.


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2022, 05:11:13 PM »
thanks!  I'll try this on my next install.  I hate the tangle of wires that I need to stuff into the shell.


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2024, 06:31:25 PM »
ON28 - hope you don't mind if I leverage your existing "Atlas Master GP38" topic to show how I did mine. Since we both started with the same loco, I thought it would be easier for people to see how two people did a RailPro install on the same loco in the same thread/post as opposed to having to jump between two separate topics.

I leveraged ON28's great concept and fabricated a styrene platform with copper beading strips (got mine on Amazon) to minimize the wires.
On this install, I also utilized a Scale Sound Systems speaker - wow are those good!
ON28 also graciously clarified how he strucutured his styrene platform in a separate message to me.

Here's a photo of mine before the final tucking and (Kapton) taping of wires. I wanted to make it easier to see the styrene/copper beading strip platform.
RPForum 240130 02.jpg

I also had the weights milled down to make room  inside the shell.

I have another one of these to do and think I will change it up by placing the SSS speaker over the forward flywheel instead which I think will leave more room for the RP module and make the wiring easier/simpler.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 04:47:07 PM by Espeelark »
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2024, 02:19:59 PM »
Looking good! Those Scale Sound speakers with chassis-specific enclosures just drop in.


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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2024, 07:03:10 PM »
Thats awesome! I have the same one since 2008 or 9. I installed railro in it about 4 yrs ago. I was using it for yard work!



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Re: Atlas Master GP38
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2024, 08:22:03 PM »