Author Topic: Wiring LM-4S-G  (Read 4147 times)


  • Fireman
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Wiring LM-4S-G
« on: December 26, 2024, 11:38:07 AM »
Is it possible to wire a USA F3 AB to one LM-4S-G? I run my trains on an overhead indoor track at slow speeds so the motors don’t have a lot of load on them and they usually pull 6-8 cars. Thank you for any help
If it is possible where would I find a wiring diagram?


  • Conductor
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Re: Wiring LM-4S-G
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2024, 07:43:30 PM »
So the USAT diesels have a high stall current...

Stall current happens briefly when starting from a stop besides under heavy load (locked rotor)

So, you might have to adjust some settings, or put a 1 ohm power resistor in series with each motor.

There's several ways to wire a decoder to a USA loco... you can do the quick and dirty method, and power the entire main board from the motor output on the decoder, takes longer to open the loco and can be done with no soldering... clearly you give up constant lighting.

Or you can rewire the loco's lights, and it is a pain, several voltages inside, and best to convert to all leds...

Lots of tips and techniques on my site: contact me


  • Fireman
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  • Posts: 4
Re: Wiring LM-4S-G
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2024, 06:15:16 PM »
Thanks Greg for your reply, I do strip all the wiring from the locomotives and rewire everything and install led lighting. I did read somewhere there was a way to wire an A and B to one module but never saved the information. If you have any diagram on how this could be done I would appreciate it.
Thank you