Author Topic: Is it possible to load info (loco's, sounds, etc) from HC Simulator to new HC-3?  (Read 3558 times)


  • Brakeman
  • *
  • Posts: 2
Hello - RailPro newbee here...

I have a number of sounds/picture/locomotives set up with the HC Simulator - and indeed was able to run locomotives in the dinning room one evening.

Just Took the plunge and purchased an HC-3-SUN. My search for info on 'cloning' config info from the HC Simulator application to a physical HC did not yield any info.

Might someone be able to point me in the right direction - or simply confirm that the feature does not exist?

Thank you in advance!

William Brillinger

  • Dispatcher (Admin)
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  • Posts: 1352
    • Precision Design Co.
An LM configured on the HC Sim will have all of it's settings transferred and arranged the same way when you "find" that LM on a physical HC.

In the past sometimes users need to copy the photos from the RailPro assistant to the HC so they show up properly in the interface, but otherwise everything will be there for you already.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


  • Brakeman
  • *
  • Posts: 2

Many thanks.

I suspected that the solution might involve updating custom loco pictures. I went ahead and downloaded them to the HC-3 using RailPro Assistant.
Will pull out a loco and go through the 'discovery' process with the HC-3; hopefully this will do the trick!
