RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

Prime mover sound files

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Hi Group,

I'm one of the two guys that Bill Brillinger seduced over to RailPro and have just started my installations. In fact, I've even convinced my Old Man to join the fold!

As I model CP Rail in the early 80's, ALCO/MLWs are an important part of the Motive Power equation.

I see that back in November 2015, Bruce Rogers mentioned that he was working on 244 & 251 prime mover sound files. I'm just wondering what the status may be on those files, especially with my fleet of M636s soon to arrive from Bowser (supposedly due 2016)!

Also, is there a 567 Turbo sound file? I have a GP35 that's just begging to be converted next!

Ian Lisakowski

Hi Ian,

I also await Bowsers M636's; though I have a lot of mods to do to them that will start adding up. oh well... I also have some C630's and C636's that need that ALCo engine.

Bruce hasn't made a post since that discussion back in November 2015 so we don't know what the status is unfortunately. We can only hope he did submit the sounds, gave permission for them to be available for everyone and RE just hasn't gotten around to them yet.

Your out of luck with with a turbo 567 as well.

- Tim


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