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Prime mover sound files

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Other than the start, that sounds more like a tractor than a GEVO.  :-\ :'(


--- Quote from: SD90 on July 19, 2016, 05:34:52 PM ---Other than the start, that sounds more like a tractor than a GEVO.  :-\ :'(

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure what you were expecting, but that is indeed what a GEVO sounds like.  The entire file was recorded from a prototype ES44, which was the lone locomotive on a relatively heavy train, with no wind.  The locomotive was taken through startup/shutdown, and all 8 notches with all transitions.  What you are listening to is a GEVO prime mover under load.  The beta is too loud on idle/notch 1 and the looping needs some work on that notch, but the others are good (though perhaps the lower notches could be cleaned up a bit).  Notch 4+ is where it really starts to get into the classic "sound" of a GEVO.  Notch 7 and 8 has the faint whine of the turbo that seems to come out on the upper notches of GE's.  They did a nice job of capturing the turbo "hanging" as it notches down from 8 to 7, and 7 to 6.  Hard to pick out in the video though.

I'll be the first to say that I feel Ring's GEVO sound to be superior to any other out there, including Loksound.


The only other one I've heard is LOK sound, I know Ring has the ability to improve their prime mover sounds, but right now, that is the only thing holding me back from going with RailPro as a control system. It seems like I either go with RailPro for extreme ease of use and amazing interface, but sacrifice sound, or go with a DCC system and deal with headaches from CV's and programming but have fantastic realistic sounds.
At least I don't have to decide yet, I'm still in the planning and construction stage.


Would ESU have their sounds copyrighted? Is there a way to save them as a Ring sound file?

I'm sure the Loksound files are copyrighted. The Ring prime movers aren't perfect, but they're not that bad either. Realistic sound files are important, but certainly not important enough to make me switch to DCC. 😫

It really isn't wise, or fair to be comparing current technology LokSound to current technology RailPro. I'll state it again as I have done many times, LokSound have been making sound decoders since 1999 and are up to their 4th major version of sound decoders. Ring has been making sound modules for about 5/6 years (the earliest reference I can find for RailPro is Oct 30 2011) so they are about 11 years behind.

I also think listening to a recording of a recording (which is what you are doing when you play Kevin's video) can be misleading to your ears. If you heard the sound directly with your own ears in person I think you'd have a different experience.

I haven't read the EULA for LokSound sound files but since they own the format then yes they would be under copyright. No, there is no way to use the sound files.

I have to agree with Al's sentiments, Even though Rings sound is not on the same page as those who've been doing it the longest, it's not a reason for me to go back to DCC.

- Tim


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