RailPro > RailPro Specific Help & Discussion

HC-2b Rev. 1.04 Cannot Connect

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I just received my RailPro starter kit yesterday, and had no problems installing a couple of LM-3 modules in some old DC locomotives I inherited from my father-in-law.  My HC-2 detected them quickly and I was quickly able to set up a consist of an F7A and F7B.

However, I cannot get my HC-2 to connect to the RailPro server to download pictures for the locomotives.  I also tried creating my own picture, which RailPro Assistant recognized, however, no matter what I do I cannot get the HC-2 to connect.  I have tried turning on the HC-2 before and after connecting it to the USB port, but nothing changes.  The "USB X Not Connected" window on RailPro Assistant says it is connected no matter what I do, and the "RE=>Internet=>HC" says "ready", but when I press the button the HC "waiting for internet" for about 10 seconds and then says "cannot connect."  I can't even get it to load the picture on my computer.

When I set up the HC I put in my first and last name, my email address, and then a password.  I'm not sure what the password is for.  Am I supposed to set up an account on the RailPro server before downloading or does the HC do that?  If I have to set up an account, how do I do that?  I can't find anything on the Ring Engineering web site to set up an account.

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?



William Brillinger:
A recent email I got from Ring Engineering indicated that you no longer need to login to connect with the RPA software.

Are you using the latest version (v3.00) of the RailPro Assistant software?

What happens if you go to the setup page and remove the password?

Thank you for the response.  I am using RailPro Assistant 3.0.  Even re-downloaded the program and reinstalled this morning.  If I try to delete the password I get a message "Too few characters."

William Brillinger:
Hmm, looks like the transition to the new server has a hickup.

I've emailed Tim to ask for instructions.

I suggest you try calling Tim for support on this one.
This is a pretty serious issue.

William Brillinger:
Here is what I asked Tim:

--- Quote ---Where does one go to create a new account so they can log in with the RPA software?
--- End quote ---

Here is his reply:

--- Quote ---Hi Bill,

You no longer need to.  RailPro Assistant can do this automatically now.

You just load the RailPro Assistant then put in the information in the RailPro Assistant setup.  If it finds no previous account it creates a new one for you.


Ring Engineering Inc.
--- End quote ---


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