Author Topic: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S  (Read 37669 times)


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Re: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2018, 09:52:16 AM »
I was ALMOST convinced to keep my stuff and continue to try and contribute to improving the product.  But I know people like Tim Ring who want to keep everything close to the vest and who refuse help from anyone, regardless of how much it may be needed or the sincerity of the offer.  While I was still a member of the HO Scale Model Railroading group on FaceBook, one of the primary 'complaints' about RailPro was that it is proprietary and a relatively closed system, I can now agree with this assessment.  I'm not interested in contributing when my contribution is unwanted by the owner of the product.  It is really disturbing that Tim Ring doesn't even acknowledge this user's group.  That statement that he refuses any offer of help speaks volumes.

He should adopt a few methodologies from the open source community.  Otherwise, the product WILL go the way of so many great ideas that came before that were kept under wraps for whatever business reasons.

Thanks for the information.


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Re: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2018, 10:53:02 AM »
Before we get into a complete bashing scenario here, let's think about a few things.

I would agree with many of the points presented, as I am one of the folks who have offered to help Tim Ring market his business on more than one occasion. Ring Engineering is a very small operation. I have a feeling it is being run from a residence, as the Google map shows a strip mall that has no signage on the storefronts indicating a presence of RE. Perhaps it is because of the small size that Tim takes the time and effort to be extremely helpful to his customers. He has never ignored an email or phone call, and we have exchanged many. He has gone out of his way to help with unique problems over the years and that is certainly to his credit. The product itself is a revelation in model railroading and puts DCC to shame in many ways.

There are download issues and there have been glitches in the products along the way, but many of them have been handled. He is constantly working to update the products at no charge to customers, while adding new capabilities to the RP system. Of late, it would seem that the thrust has been on designing and bringing to market LM modules for G and O scale. I'm sure that has taken up the bulk of his time.

Perhaps the aforementioned problems will be addressed at some point, but for now, I wouldn't trade RP for anything else on the market. Having done business with many companies, I have never been more impressed with the customer service as I have with Ring. Just my two cents.

Run your train, not your brain. Get RailPro. It's a no-brainer.


  • Fireman
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Re: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2018, 11:06:19 AM »
I'm not bashing, just presenting reality.  Eventually if he is successful the support calls will overwhelm him and he'll have to hire staff to handle the volume.  It's a delicate balance but if he isn't embracing his early adopter community, that is a huge mistake, in my humble opinion.  I was willing to put the effort into it but if it is unwelcome, I will move on.

This community could be a great deal of help to him if only he would open himself to accepting it.  Too bad he is so closed about this.

William Brillinger

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Re: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2018, 11:34:38 AM »
I was willing to put the effort into it but if it is unwelcome, I will move on.
This community could be a great deal of help to him if only he would open himself to accepting it.  Too bad he is so closed about this.

Before you decide that Ring is not willing to accept your effort, talk to Him on the phone and decide for yourself. Don't let the conclusions of people here dissuade you from making your own contact and thus making your own decision. Who knows, your input might be the voice that brings a sea-change at Ring Engineering in this area.

I have noticed several significant changes in approach from Ring Engineering in the last month or two and perhaps your voice will add some momentum. I believe we all, including Tim Ring, want to see this product continue to improve.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 11:37:49 AM by William Brillinger »
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Cannot load sound files from HC-2b to LM-3S
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2018, 11:58:07 AM »
... I wouldn't trade RP for anything else on the market.


I prefer to think of our comments as constructive criticism. An attempt to make a great product even better.

There is no question about Tim Ring's responsiveness. It is superb. I merely question whether superb responsiveness is the best front-line solution. Seems like a terribly labor intensive way to go about it. As a consumer the last thing I want to do is call customer support. It means I have encountered a problem I cannot solve for myself with the product support materials. It also means I am experiencing some level of frustration. Neither is good. I can understand it for odd situations far out in left field. I cannot understand it when all I want to know is an output pin spec or the possible reasons why my RP product won't connect. Mr. Giffin's experience and reaction is case in point that great after-purchase customer support is no guarantee of a satisfying user experience. That has to start when one first opens the box.

LK&O Railroad website

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro