Before we get into a complete bashing scenario here, let's think about a few things.
I would agree with many of the points presented, as I am one of the folks who have offered to help Tim Ring market his business on more than one occasion. Ring Engineering is a very small operation. I have a feeling it is being run from a residence, as the Google map shows a strip mall that has no signage on the storefronts indicating a presence of RE. Perhaps it is because of the small size that Tim takes the time and effort to be extremely helpful to his customers. He has never ignored an email or phone call, and we have exchanged many. He has gone out of his way to help with unique problems over the years and that is certainly to his credit. The product itself is a revelation in model railroading and puts DCC to shame in many ways.
There are download issues and there have been glitches in the products along the way, but many of them have been handled. He is constantly working to update the products at no charge to customers, while adding new capabilities to the RP system. Of late, it would seem that the thrust has been on designing and bringing to market LM modules for G and O scale. I'm sure that has taken up the bulk of his time.
Perhaps the aforementioned problems will be addressed at some point, but for now, I wouldn't trade RP for anything else on the market. Having done business with many companies, I have never been more impressed with the customer service as I have with Ring. Just my two cents.