Author Topic: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?  (Read 14482 times)


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Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« on: October 08, 2018, 11:20:41 PM »
I'm considering the switch to Railpro.  I have three Athearn BB locos and was wondering if there are videos on how install a railpro module in the  BB athearns?  Any videos on how to install a nine pin plug in an athearn blue box?


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    • Somerset Junction, 1980
Re: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2018, 03:26:41 AM »
This video does a decent job. Only major difference is that you plug in a Railpro chip instead of the DCC decoder. Lol. In the video they use a digitrax socket that has new motor clips. You can just soldier wires from a standard socket rather than paying more fore the special on.

Chris Bellows
Somerset Junction, 1980


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Re: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 04:44:47 PM »
Thanks for the link Emd!  :-)  Very well done video!

I found another video from the same author that uses a digitrax DHWH  (9 pin to bare wires wire harness) and a DH123D decoder.  See: 
  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!  I think I will install a digitrax DHWH harness and a digitrax DHDP dummy plug in each loco.  This will operate the locomotives in DC and have things ready for a full fleet conversion to Rail Pro at Christmas.  Still undecided about adding sound, I have a lot to learn...


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    • Somerset Junction, 1980
Re: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 07:45:52 PM »

My suggestion is go for sound.  The added cost is minimal, Bill sells the non-sound LM3 for $46, and the LM3S for $73.  His prices are as good as you will find.  So that equates to about 50% more, but you have sound.  Speakers aren't expensive, iPhone speakers you can get for $1 to $1.50 each, so you aren't breaking the bank there.  But ultimately, its a preference.

Chris Bellows
Somerset Junction, 1980


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Re: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 08:43:14 PM »
I agree, the added cost for sound is ~50% but definitely doable with my small fleet of locos!  I also have two P2K's (SW9 and GP30) that I'm researching how to convert.  NCE has a drop in decoder for both but I course want railpro...   :)

BTW, quick question, where do I find the fine detail wire stripper?  Mine goes down to 22 gauge, is that small enough?  Thanks.


  • Conductor
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    • Somerset Junction, 1980
Re: Any video on how to install railpro in athearn blue box?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2018, 10:48:52 AM »
The protos you will need to hardwire like the athearn. Many proto models actually use an athearn clone motor, so the wiring is the same. Be aware that you will need to add resistors to the light bulbs, they are only good for a couple volts.

The wire stripper I use is only good to 22 gage. However to strip decoder wire I actually use the wire cutter portion, I can get away with this because the wire stripper has a spring in the action so I can precisely control the pressure. A light touch does the trick.

Chris Bellows
Somerset Junction, 1980