Author Topic: RPUG Privacy Policy  (Read 26999 times)

William Brillinger

  • Dispatcher (Admin)
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  • Posts: 1350
    • Precision Design Co.
RPUG Privacy Policy
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:30:49 AM »
RailPro User Group forums Privacy Policy

1. The RailPro User Group forums (herein called RPUG) is split into public and registered user only areas.

2. Any person browsing the RPUG forums can visit and read the public areas of the RPUG forums.

This does not require registering as a user of the RPUG forums. Persons just viewing any public areas can not post messages or view registered user only parts of registered users profile.

3. Access to registered user only areas requires registering as a user of the RPUG forums.

4. Registering to become a user of the RPUG forums requires you to provide some information that could identify you personally for your user account, and additionally for your forum profile. This information includes:
- Your email address.
- Any other information that you voluntarily provide knowing that it could identify you.

5. Some information provided in the forum profile are public viewable and some is viewable only by registered users and some only by administrators. This is detailed below.

6. The owner, administrator, or any other person in control of or has access to a registered users information that could identify them, including email address, IP address or other information that has been voluntarily provided and is not made available as part of the public part of a users account or profile will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose those details to any third party without the express consent of the user unless required to do so by law for law enforcement purposes.

7. What public users and non logged in registered users can see in public areas of the forum:

Any public part of your profile that you voluntarily provide any details for, including:
- Your RPUG display name.
- Your Age.
- Your Gender.
- Your location.
- The Avatar you use for your profile.
- Your personal text.
- Any personal website link.
- Your post signature.

Any statistic that the forum software provides by default, including:
- The date you registered on the RPUG website.
- The last time you logged into the forum.
- If you have changed the timezone in your profile, the local time where you are.
- The cumulative number of posts you have made to the website.
- Your title according to the number of posts you have made.
- Your title according to forum permissions.
- Whether you are logged into the forum or not.

Anything you have posted to a publicly viewable board, including:
- What you have posted to RPUG as written text.
- Any hyperlinked images or links you have posted.

8. What logged in registered users can see:

Anything a public viewer can see, in addition to:

Registered user only parts of your profile, including:
- Your ICQ number.
- Your AOL Instant Messenger nickname.
- Your MSN messenger email address.
- Your Yahoo! Instant Messenger nickname

Anything you have posted to a registered users only board, including:
- Everything that that applies to a publicly viewable board.
- Any attachments you have posted

9. In addition, logged in registered users can also:
- If you have allowed this function in your profile settings, send a personal message to your RPUG account.
- If you have enabled this function in your profile settings, send you an email using the RPUG email facility.

10. What administrators can see:

Everything viewable to a public viewer, a logged in registered user, and additionally:
- Your email address
- Your account username
- The IP address of your connection when you post a message to the forum.

RPUG forums email facility.

The RPUG forums provides an email facility, which if allowed by a registered user in their profile allows other registered users to send them an email. When using the email facility:

11. The sending user can not see the receiving users email address.

12. The receiving user will be able to see the sending users email address in their email client.

13. If the receiving user chooses to reply directly to the sending user from their email client the original sending user will be able to see the original receiving users email address in their email client.

13. This privacy policy does not apply to any emails between registered users.

Forum attachments

The forum allows registered users to provide attachments to their messages. These attachments are only accessible to logged in registered users.

14. Unless explicitly provided for by the attachment author in either the message text or attachment itself any rights in the attachment remain with the attachment author.

15. By providing an attachment to a message in the forum, you are acknowledging that you are giving any registered user the right to use the information provided in the attachment.

Questions about the RPUG Privacy Policy may be directed to the RPUG Administrator by email at
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.