Author Topic: Stuck in "Software Update" mode  (Read 69 times)


  • Fireman
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Stuck in "Software Update" mode
« on: January 22, 2025, 07:21:50 PM »
I made the mistake of not finding out that there is no software available from Ring for Macintosh before I started the Software Update mode in my HC-3. Now, I'm stuck in "Software Update" mode and cannot get out of it. Is there any way I can get out of this mode?

Thanks in advance for the due diligence.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 10:00:19 PM by Lackawanna810 »


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Re: Stuck in "Software Update" mode
« Reply #1 on: Today at 07:27:03 AM »
I don't have a HC-3 so I can't help very much on this one but what steps did you actually take? As far as I can remember the HC's should time out, show an error message and go back to the screen that had the button that you originally pressed. If that doesn't happen and it's still in the update mode then you can try the reset button, if the HC-3 has one, or you can let it run completely flat and then recharge it and see if it comes back normal or not.

While Ring still doesn't make his software available for Mac (or Linux for that matter, just to plug that one)  several have successfully run Rings software under Parallels, and possibly another method which can't remember right now.

- Tim


  • Fireman
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Re: Stuck in "Software Update" mode
« Reply #2 on: Today at 08:24:18 AM »
The HC-3 has neither a reset button nor a mechanical on/off switch. The home page is the only way I can access the power down mode.

I have had the HC connected to my hub to keep recharging the battery because the user manual says that if I let the battery run too low, it could be damaged.

The software has not timed out. It has remained on even after leaving it overnight.