I numbered wrong I guess. This was the quote form P 14, About 2/3rds down the page.
"Sure, it's possible, but building one's own Decoder is not the stated goal of Scott's project.
Equally, while it is indeed possible to "DIY DCC decoder for $5",
we're yet to see any such decoder which has even a modicum of the Motor + Lighting + Sound capabilities of the commercial offerings,
not to mention in a form-factor HO and N scale switchers require,
(the commonly-held form-factor benchmark,
and current "can't jump over it" stumble for a number of otherwise DCC-threatening control options).
or broadly enough to achieve "basic compatibility" with the range of DCC Command Stations available...
...and even if a "$5 decoder" _did_ manage to address all of the above,
it would _still_ have to work within the comms limits which is the DCC protocol...
(Check how close RingEng's bi-directional comms comes to realising the features/behaviour you desire,
then consider why Ring couldn't achieve it "via DCC", and developed their own protocol?)"
I have'nt found the other one though,,,
Joel B