I received another email tonight from the seller.
"I talked with the distributor/importer this morning:
I haven’t received any MP1s since late October
I am out of stock except for a few engineering samples , as is the US distributor
I do not know exactly when MRCS will receive more... It seems likely the MP1s will arrive within 60 days
There is a data sheet out for a newly announced MTB 'MP5' Switch Motor:
The MP5 has a DPDT auxiliary contact and two power outputs for indicator LEDs, adjustable 3mm to 12mm throw, and a plug-in screw-terminal connector.
It may or may not eventually replace the MP1; currently they are both in production.
The US Suggested List Price and the MRCS price point for the MP5 have yet to be determined, but it will be higher than the MP-1. "
That is the extent of my contact so I surely will not wait up to maybe 60 days to get anymore from that source. I'll order them from Europe if I decide to buy more. Sure is a shame for a very nice product not being available on this side of the pond.
Back to my fiddling with some Miller Engineering electronic signs/billboards. They are most interesting and other than the maker, available by the train load so to speak, on eBay...
Toot toot, TOF