Author Topic: PIKO turnout  (Read 9574 times)

Cal Trask

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PIKO turnout
« on: August 22, 2019, 08:00:39 PM »
Will an AM-1 control a PIKO electric drive for a turnout?   I know it works on LGB drives.


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Re: PIKO turnout
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2019, 10:36:31 AM »
A link would have been good in this instance...

I presume you are talking about Piko 35271 ( If so the AM-1 should be able to control it directly, the Piko instruction sheet states the coil is 0-24v DC (48VA) which unless I have my nomenclature wrong and that doesn't mean 0 to 24v DC, seems to be within the specs of the AM-1. You'll need to be mindful of the the coil resistance (as it's not stated in Piko's instruction sheet) as per the AM-1 user manual.

If I am wrong in my thinking and you do need the full 24v to operate the coil you could use the AM-1 to control a 24v Capacitor Discharge Unit which would definitely operate the coil, some here have done similar using the AM-1 to control a board that operates the coils on a switch machine.

- Tim


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Re: PIKO turnout
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2019, 10:31:11 PM »
I used an AM-1 to operate a small relay. I connected a set of normally open contacts on the relay to the push button terminals on an NCE Snap-It twin coil switch controller. Works great.
I have also used the headlight output of an LM-1 to do the same thing.
I run RailPro and NCE Power Pro on my layout. Using the NCE Snap-It and the AM-1/relay setup, I can control switches with RailPro and DCC. 