Bring back an old topic for an update.
I remember Bill saying somewhere (might have been in an email to beta testers) that he has changed to adding KA's to LM-3S's without a bridge rectifier so that there isn't a drop in voltage to the module. Apparently the drop in voltage was causing the loco to not play nice with others. Bill can you confirm?
I have a KA4 and a bridge rectifier installed in two different locomotives and did some testing over the past few days to see if I had the same issues. I did not. The KA'd locos MU'd just fine with any others and there was no perceptible difference in behavior. The KA'd loco was not slow on starting and always ran perfectly with any other loco (this includes a lashup of 5 very different locomotives). It did fine as either a leader or a follower.
The only thing I can think of that would cause such a difference between my experience and Bill's experience is that on both of my locomotives were "fresh" installs. Meaning, both modules had all data erased (previously used), new programs and sounds loaded, and the Full Load Motor Current was redone. Bill, did you redo the Full Motor Load Current when you installed a bridge rectifier and KA? I think that may have made the difference for me. I assume the FMLC is different for a locomotive that is seeing less voltage (12.9 on the readout).