Author Topic: A really great find but?  (Read 8363 times)


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A really great find but?
« on: December 14, 2019, 08:25:05 PM »
I have been lucky over the years to have found some interesting deals.  The one currently but not a done deal involves a big lot of N scale trains. A widow wants to get rid of this large inventory and will take any good offer that sounds good to her. I know most widows never know how much money their husbands spent like the dozen or so Kato engines which are not cheap plus the 20 or so other brands. I really have considered running N scale since I still have a large amount of track and switches left over from a previous deal.  Now if RailPro was going to come up with a module that would fit into a N scale engine? I would extremely excited. N scale Diesels are not RP friendly but maybe some steam engines would be as a module could fit in the tender?  I'll look at the possibility of using a boxcar or maybe a flatcar but since I have neither on hand, I'll borrow one from our club? Sure having phun with model trains. Cheers ### TOF in Yuma AZ


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  • Glenn M.
Re: A really great find but?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2020, 12:17:51 PM »
Did it end up working out? What did you find out?
Glenn M.

Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps.


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Re: A really great find but?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2020, 12:13:07 AM »
Gee.  I just found your reply, oops I should have read my posting again.  Well the deal could have been made but I just didn't care to get into engines that needed RailPro and nothing available in N scale YET.. I did find another fellow that might have been interested but I don't know if a deal was made?  Our club has sorta abandoned the club house for the duration of this nasty virus. Most of us are old fardts and know the risks so we have hunkered down for now. Since I am retired military, I use MCAS Yuma facilities quite frequently to do my shopping but that has come to a halt as I use WalMart with ordering online and wait to go pick up my order later. Have to go with the flow ------  Cheers #### Darryl in Yuma