Author Topic: New Horn  (Read 23683 times)


  • Fireman
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New Horn
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:00:28 PM »
New Horn out.  New ULT file of K5HL-R2


  • Conductor
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Re: New Horn
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2020, 12:43:23 AM »
Good news. But, has anyone succeeded, generally, in getting any sound files to play reasonably close to the original in an HO loco? I have only used iPhone speakers, so maybe that's a limitation. Also, shouldn't the hobby be at a point where we can manipulate playback in the loco beyond simple volume the way we can enhance and edit photos on our phones?


  • Conductor
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Re: New Horn
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2020, 01:18:00 PM »
To clarify, is this a different file than the previous ULT K5HL-R2?  There has been a ULT file of this horn for some time (a year maybe?).  However if the file was updated with a new source sound then that is something that we would need to know.

Yes, I have succeeded in getting sound files to play well in HO.  Your limitation will always be the speaker.  Some are better than others.  I personally have not liked the iphone speakers.  I've had much better success with Scale Sound Systems speakers.  My most realistic installs have used self-contained speaker systems from TB speakers, but they are very difficult to fit (think removing significant portions of weight) and aren't terribly loud.  However they cannot be rivaled in depth of sound for an HO application.

Equalizer's and such would only do you so much good.  The speaker is always the limiting factor.  Listen to the Railpro files on a computer with good speakers or a good headphones (samples are on Ring's website).  You'll see that the sound files are not the problem.  They are recorded directly from the prototype and the files have the full range of sound.  The speakers we typically use in HO just can't play the full range. 
