As a follow-up comment...
Ken, you are beginning to experience the reason why I use multiple power supplies and corresponding buses. One for trains (org/wht), one for accessories (grn/wht), one for solid state electronics (blu/wht). For a variety of reasons there are certain low voltage norms in the world that manufacturers have coalesced around. 1.5v, 3v, 5v, 6v, 9v, 12v. Missing from that list is 15v. Much like your Tortoise adventure, with 12v being overwhelming dominant, running the whole layout on the 15v train supply will necessitate a lot of 'voltage adjustments' as your layout grows in complexity. Consider what happens should you need to operate a 12v device at much more amperage than a lowly Tortoise. The resistor you will need can be correctly called a toaster!
Providing a separate 12v buss makes life so much simpler.