Author Topic: LM-3S-G Chuff input not working  (Read 9950 times)


  • Fireman
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LM-3S-G Chuff input not working
« on: November 26, 2021, 10:08:22 AM »
The steam loco is set up on the HC-2 with the steam button (the one without smoke or lights) and the HEAVY STEAM ULT file. On the Advanced Sounds page the chuff is selected so that it gets its signal from the input wire when the input is closed. The purple wire gets its input from a reed switch activated with magnets. the other side of the reed switch is going to 5V. But I've bypassed the reed switch and just manually tap the wire ends for testing. I've verified 5V.

The steam sound is turned on and the speed increased and it starts chuffing but the input wire is disconnected from 5V, so no chuff sound should be heard. But the chuff runs anyway. Anyone know if something I've  not selected or is hooked up wrong? Thanks, Rob


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Re: LM-3S-G Chuff input not working
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2021, 08:10:19 AM »
I'm doing my first steam engine now, so I have not verified this yet, but isn't there a "generic" chuff sound to be heard all of the time?  I thought all the purple wire did was make the chuff sound at the appropriate time to align with the speed and revolutions?



  • Fireman
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  • Posts: 30
Re: LM-3S-G Chuff input not working
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2022, 06:36:08 AM »
you can get a chuff sound into the loco that will use voltage to trigger the sound. It works pretty well, in fact there's a writeup on how to adjust the sound on this forum, you'll have to do a search for it.

BTW: I got the chuff working once I hooked up a reed switch and some micromagnets to an axle on the 4449's tender, which is where the LMS3-G is located. The purple wire goes to one side of the switch, the other gets 5V. For the loco on the HC2, there's a setting on the page after the button selection that let's you decide when to trigger the input. Very easy and the sound is awesome.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 06:39:01 AM by zr1rob »