I acquired a rather nice painted and detailed Front Range GP-7 from a friend, who had also repowered for DC with a fine A-Line motor. To start, I isolated the motor with Kapton tape and secured it with double-sided carpet tape. I fashioned a component tray from .040 styrene, supported by more styrene carefully CA'd to the motor, and a narrow 3M foam mounting strip on the motor itself. I wanted to minimize wiring, so I applied strips of copper beaders tape along the sides of the tray, to which I soldered the truck pickup wires run through holes in the tray. The motor wires also run through holes near the center. I CA'd slices of printed circuit board to the ends of the tray, an idea from Lee Nicholas, to mount YeloGlo LED lights. I secured an LM-2 and TCS KA-3 with a bit of double-sided Scotch tape, and the necessary bridge rectifier per Bill Brillinger ahead of the LM, and ran my wires. Some Kapton tape held everything to the tray. The old girl draws 280mAh, testament to A-Line's motor, and is ready to work the mill job to East Millinocket.